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Help me out, battle brothers! Rules ?


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Played 1500 vs orks today, and the one thing I DIDN'T want to happen happened. His mega nobz came head to head with my assault termies and Chaplin.

The question... Does the power klaw negate the terminator invulnerable save? I'm a 2 year noob, and the rulebook is rather vague... Where I'm looking anyways. Unfortunately, by the time the question was raised, all that was left was my Chaplin.

Speaking of Chaplin... When did they lose LoB??

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1 - No, Power Klaws do not ignore an invulnerable save. They are exactly the same as a Power Fist in every way.

2 - Litanies of Battle is now Zealot, which grants Fearless and Hatred. Hatred allows re-rolls to hit in the first round of any combat (regardless of who charged). This was changed in 6th edition, which first introduced Zealot as a new Universal Special Rule.


By Assault Terminators, do you mean Thunderhammer & Storm Shield or Pairs of Lightning Claws?

- The former should have battered the Nobz into oblivion via Instant Death wounds (Meganobz have no Invulnerable save and are only T4)

- The latter... well they would almost certainly have come up on the short end of the stick. Barring some really bad luck on the part of the Nobz.

I had 4 termies w lightening claws, 3 with thunderhammers/storm shields.


Meganobz.. The ork terminators... Am I using the right name? He was telling me they were dealing ap 2 damage.


We've played each other on and off for the equivalent of a year ( today was the first action the sons of Macragge have seen since September).

Yeah you definitely had a rules flub there, hopefully unintentional!


With 4 TH/SS termis there with hatred from the chappy you (statistically anyways) should have wrecked him with very little damage back barring hits to your LC terminators.   But even those would have had a 5++.


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