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Tank templates?

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Hey all, is there such a thing out there are templates/line drawings for helping to design color schemes for tanks?


I am going to build my first tanks, and I really want to have my color schemes decided before I start gluing.


Any help is appreciated!


That's a great idea... Ever mess around with GIMP or PhotoShop (if you're rich)? I think tank schemes can be pretty challenging. 


If my memory serves, I do believe you messed around with a rhino at one point but it was never painted, huh? I just remember a big plasticard lightning bolt. 

Jeff, I have 2 that are mostly painted. I bought them assembled off of ebay... I want to build my own Land Raider from the sprue, but I am having a dickens of a time figuring out if the paint scheme in my head will work without assembling more of it than I want to without pre-painting.

Jeff, I want to do a big lighting bolt (like the chapter symbol, not a realistic looking one) diagonally across the panels housing the treads. I can't figure out how much the sponsons will get in the way. Please see my incredible artwork below, lol...



Sort of depends if you want a sponson in the back or not... I've mockep up a couple (really rough) using a template I found here.

If you have a sponson in back, I think you can still fit one and make it short, like this:


Or if you put the sponson up front like your quick sketch (wasn't sure if that was intentional or just the first pic you found) you can do a more dramatic one like this:


You may notice the bolts look slightly different. I'm not sure if you always go for the same angle, but in the extended one (the bottom pic) it looked goofy to have the short zags (as opposed to zigs, natch) facing the other way. It looks fine on the short ones, though. Anyway, as proof of concept I think they both look pretty---STRIKING! Eh?

Hey all, is there such a thing out there are templates/line drawings for helping to design color schemes for tanks?

There are line drawings in the Imperial Armour books. I'm guessing you don’t own those, though, else you probably wouldn’t have asked if there are any drawings smile.png PDFs can be found online, though it’s up to you to decide if doing so is legal for you, and if not, whether you think you might get intro trouble if you download them.

Yeah, I definitely want the sponson in front. Call me crazy, having doors that open in front of guns doesn't seem like the most practical thing in the world...


You are a stud, by the way- that drawing is an awesome start! I was thinking of having the colors "banded" diagonally across the tank- what do you think of this?



Oh, I think I get it. You mean you want the back purple, then a bolt separating the gray part with the yellow inset, huh? So that bolt really needs to touch the bottom. Right? Let me see about mocking that up. I think it just might look goofy...

EDIT: Is this what you meant?

ANOTHER EDIT: Is it just me or could this make for some pretty awesome disruption camo? I mean, I think that would look insane on this but if you ever do a boat... ;)


Jeff, that looks amazing! That is exactly what I want- I even like the extra "zig" you put in the lightning at the bottom!


May the machine spirits bless you, my friend!


Thanks, man. I personally think the purple version MAY look better when you consider how much gray will be in the main body of the tank. Like your rhinos. Did you end up keeping them mostly gray through the middle? Anyway, these Raiders are fat, and that's a whole lot of gray if you keep that pattern going, so it might be nice to get the purple and yellow sides going on. Are you just concerned it's a bit too much purple, basically? 

Yes, and looking for the Land Raiders to be a bit more distinctive. I'll see how it goes- nice thing is it is easy to paint purple over gray if I change my mind- appreciate the feedback, though.


That's a legit point. :D Anyway, post up some pics as you go. Are you doing the bolt in card or just painting it on? Don't you dare use my pic as a guide, though. I was just doing it fast so the proportions aren't right. The middle-most zig is too narrow, and the top a bit as well. The bottom one looks okay. Anyway, I'm sure you'll get that bit sorted, seeing as how you've done a bunch of them already. 

Don't you dare use my pic as a guide, though. I was just doing it fast so the proportions aren't right. The middle-most zig is too narrow, and the top a bit as well. The bottom one looks okay.


Ugh, I can already picture myself obsessing over it... At some point, if I can get the proportions decent, and matching on both sides, it will have to be "good enough".


I will be doing paint only so I can ignore doors and bumpy bits.


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