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Look what made it to the top of BAO


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From Dakka, 


This is the chaos list that made a very good showing at the Bay Area Open in the US.




That said, as people are asking for lists, here's the list I played (best Chaos Space Marines, 15th overall): 

9x Thousand Sons, Force Sword Sorcerer w/ Melta Bombs 
9x Thousand Sons, Force Axe Sorcerer w/ Melta Bombs 
9x Chaos Terminators, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War, 9x Combi-Plasma, 3x Power Axe, 3x Powerfist, 3x Chainfist 
3x Obliterators, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War 
3x Obliterators, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War 

Crimson Slaughter Allies: 
Sorcerer, Force Staff, Mastery Level 3, Balestar of Mannon, Melta Bombs 
10x Cultists, Shotgun, Flamer, 8x Autoguns


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It's nice to see such a fluffy chaos marine list do well.


Sad that CSMs only topped out at 15th place, and I'm curious as well what role meta, comp, and the general list construction rules for this tournament may have played, but all in all, it's just nice to see chaos list built around such oft-maligned elements doing so well in spite of the haters (haters including myself, I'm more than willing to admit).

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Is this really the complete list, with no rhinos, or daemons? I really can't see how this does anything against anyone (besides maybe all-footslogging marines). Were there some special rules that favoured such a list? Can someone enlighten me, please?


//Edit: Maybe I simply fail to see how the list is supposed to work. Any explanation would be highly appreciated.

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It's nice to see such a fluffy chaos marine list do well.


Sad that CSMs only topped out at 15th place, and I'm curious as well what role meta, comp, and the general list construction rules for this tournament may have played, but all in all, it's just nice to see chaos list built around such oft-maligned elements doing so well in spite of the haters (haters including myself, I'm more than willing to admit).

Bao is a heavy comp event, if you have watched the frontline gaming vids on YouTube? That's the missions. Sorta a mix of simplified maelstrom and ordinary missions.

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Looks like someone said earlier. The infiltrated party poppers while thousand sons camp objectives mowing down the infantry. I must admit with only 9 warp charges I'm amazed he could get all his bolts/buffs off.


From what I have been reading though a huge element of destruction at the event were bikers roaming around, and dakka flyrants. With his divination rolls he probably mowed the flyrants down with those thousand sons for a free win. Some ignores cover on 4 biker squads they will fall. Drop pod marines fall. Necrons would fall to this too. Yeah it was probably the odd IG or Ork or eldar that gave ita headache?

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Yeah, mech marines and eldar with crons for good measure from what I heard. Not that I'm interested enough to go to dakka dakka to find out how he did so well.

I found it on Tyranid hive, We were all really interested by Incontrol and JY2s nid showings (which were really good to start with but then died at the top table)

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Is this really the complete list, with no rhinos, or daemons? I really can't see how this does anything against anyone (besides maybe all-footslogging marines). Were there some special rules that favoured such a list? Can someone enlighten me, please?


//Edit: Maybe I simply fail to see how the list is supposed to work. Any explanation would be highly appreciated.

What do you mean no daemons? The CS sorcerer was most likely brought to summon daemons left and right, and after a few horror units and tzeentch heralds, the warp charges would most likely go up a bit...

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Is this really the complete list, with no rhinos, or daemons? I really can't see how this does anything against anyone (besides maybe all-footslogging marines). Were there some special rules that favoured such a list? Can someone enlighten me, please?


//Edit: Maybe I simply fail to see how the list is supposed to work. Any explanation would be highly appreciated.

What do you mean no daemons? The CS sorcerer was most likely brought to summon daemons left and right, and after a few horror units and tzeentch heralds, the warp charges would most likely go up a bit...

The fact that he was able to do so implies he was good, very lucky, or had below moderate opponents. This isn't to diminish doing well, but I reserve total judgement until I know how the rest of this particular meta went.


I would settle for he did well, but this is a numbers game determined by throwing dice with games predetermined through list bilding before hand, secondly by skill and knowledge. Pure Tzeentch normally doesn't fair well, even with Ahriman being fed to hell. The CS Sorc could summon, but I don't recall seeing prophet, which meant he used div to buff a semi rubric gunline.

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The cool thing is I could see myself playing that list.


I wonder how they handled the infiltration stuff since my little Huron thread caused so much disagreement. I know how I'd play it but I wonder how he did.


Without knowing more info, all I can say is there is a lot to knowing how to play your own list even if some people would erroneously say there is no need to support multiple units properly... it's would seem this guy knew how to do just that by supporting such a modest list. I would love to hear more details though.

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Is this really the complete list, with no rhinos, or daemons? I really can't see how this does anything against anyone (besides maybe all-footslogging marines). Were there some special rules that favoured such a list? Can someone enlighten me, please?


//Edit: Maybe I simply fail to see how the list is supposed to work. Any explanation would be highly appreciated.

What do you mean no daemons? The CS sorcerer was most likely brought to summon daemons left and right, and after a few horror units and tzeentch heralds, the warp charges would most likely go up a bit...


I doubt thats what he was doing.


The sorc has the balestar, meaning div, its likely he was going for ignores cover and twinlink to really hammer the marines


I just wish I had a reason to take some Tzeentch Terminators in my list.....want to desecrate some space wolves....


Might end up using SW allies (SHOCK HORROR!!)

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Is this really the complete list, with no rhinos, or daemons? I really can't see how this does anything against anyone (besides maybe all-footslogging marines). Were there some special rules that favoured such a list? Can someone enlighten me, please?


//Edit: Maybe I simply fail to see how the list is supposed to work. Any explanation would be highly appreciated.

What do you mean no daemons? The CS sorcerer was most likely brought to summon daemons left and right, and after a few horror units and tzeentch heralds, the warp charges would most likely go up a bit...


I doubt thats what he was doing.


The sorc has the balestar, meaning div, its likely he was going for ignores cover and twinlink to really hammer the marines


I just wish I had a reason to take some Tzeentch Terminators in my list.....want to desecrate some space wolves....


Might end up using SW allies (SHOCK HORROR!!)


Yet again I mixed something up...my brain seems to be sleeping before my body is...


Damnation! I really need to not write replies when I am tired!!! :P

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15th place isn't that high. He could have reached it due to a ton of factors, amongst them luck in pairing, dice or oppenents which weren't that good. For example: Pairings were Swiss style. He lost his 1st game, getting 2 weaker oppenents in game 2 and 3. After having won these he continues to lose his 4th game by meeting again a stronger oppenent in his 4th game. Now he's back in the middle of the pack, giving him 2 relatively weak oppenents in his last 2 games. (This is the actual case, he went LWWLWW)


Basicly, I find this result not striking and especially not reason enough to reconsider the 'strenght' of a Tzeentch bases footslogging army, nor wondering about 'how' he pulled this off.


Kudos for the guy playing a Thousand Sons army though and also congrats to his nice performance with it.

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Do you know that his second and third opponents were 'weaker'?


I'd still love to know the playstyle. It's so foreign from what I play and at the very least I would consider 15th in a tough environment to be somewhat competitive.

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The cool thing is I could see myself playing that list.


I wonder how they handled the infiltration stuff since my little Huron thread caused so much disagreement. I know how I'd play it but I wonder how he did.


Without knowing more info, all I can say is there is a lot to knowing how to play your own list even if some people would erroneously say there is no need to support multiple units properly... it's would seem this guy knew how to do just that by supporting such a modest list. I would love to hear more details though.


They should have allowed the infiltrating characters to infiltrate the units.  The rulebook wording is very poor, but 7e's start of game definition doesn't allow anything else.  Table variation persists, because they didn't actually re-word any of the deployment rules to make sense with a pre-deployment start of game, but allowing characters to infiltrate units, and not just outflank them, is the best current interpretation.


I imagine they must have interpreted the rule that way at BAO, because I don't think the list under discussion could have done as well otherwise, regardless of comp, scenario, or meta.


Do you know that his second and third opponents were 'weaker'?

After losing his first game, swiss pairing would put him up against other opponents who lost theirs. Doesn't necessarily mean they were weaker, but even so.


I do agree with the comment that luck could have played a large factor. With a near army wide 4++, a lot streak of saving throws can carry you a long way. Of course, with such pricey models pointswise, a poor streak can see your army wiped out in a turn, so... yeah.

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Actually, playing this list I would Infiltrate the Obliterators and D3 permitting also the Terminators to act as a buffer zone between the Thousand Sons and the enemy transports. On Ahriman I would roll also on Daemonology (Sanctic) for the Gate of Infinity, in order to get into Rapid Fire range and offset the lack of mobility of the Thousand Sons. It is also very handy to get in range for the Witchfire spam increasing the lethality of Ahriman by manifold. If both the D3 Infiltrate and the Psychic Power dice are bonkers I would simply advance across the board, exchange fire for two turns in Rapid Fire range and slowly move back as the casualties begin to amount, leapfrogging forward and backward whilst pouring AP3 bolter fire every turn. In truth I think that the key to this list are good rolls on the Daemonology (Sanctic) discipline. 

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Daemons yes, Grey Knights are precluded from Malefic, but for the rest of us, all Daemonology is fair game. We are looking at an Ahriman with potentially two Vortex of Doom witchfires per turn,...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Improvements to this?


Minor tweakage, I'd go:



9x Thousand Sons, Force Sword Sorcerer w/ Melta Bombs

8x Thousand Sons, Force Axe Sorcerer w/ Melta Bombs

8x Chaos Terminators, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War, 8x Combi-Plasma, 5x Power Axe, 2x Chainfist, 1x powerfist

3x Obliterators, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War

3x Obliterators, Mark of Tzeentch, Veterans of the Long War


Herald of Tzeentch, ML3, Portaglyph

10 horrors



The next change would be to drop 1TS and a chainfist terminator and get 2 rhinos for the TS units.

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