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Hi! Long time lurker, first time posting.


What brought me here is the amount of attention given to SoB which is one of my favorite armies. I also collect Tau, Kroot, random models for Gue'vessa, Sanguine Angels (Blood Angels Successor), Imperial Guard (Cadion and Steel Legion) as well as Lizardmen and Brettonian.


I also play a lot of Anima Tactics and starting Relic Knights as I am an approved member of the Ninja Division to perform demos for the games they promote.


I am more in to the aspect of modeling and painting than playing, but I do get a game in once in a while.


I started mini wargaming back in 1997, I think, around 2nd edition. Lost armies and replaced several times. Now the collection I have I started building back in 2008 when I owned my own game store, and when I had to close it down was the sadest day of my life, next to my wedding day =P


Anyways, look forward to talking with everyone and if you are interested morein what I play, check out the icon I got in my sig for My Army Lists.

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Hi! Long time lurker, first time posting.


What brought me here is the amount of attention given to SoB which is one of my favorite armies. I also collect Tau, Kroot, random models for Gue'vessa, Sanguine Angels (Blood Angels Successor), Imperial Guard (Cadion and Steel Legion) as well as Lizardmen and Brettonian.




Much better :)


Welcome aboard, tiny eater of tinier donuts.  Have a chainsword, and report to decontamination for any signs of Xeno Psycher Kitten witchery and deceit.


Yes, I am a little....odd.  You (might) get used to it. ;)


Show me your models, that I might shine upon you with my bottomless painting insight.


Did I mention I'm a bit odd?


Stupidity aside, welcome!

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! Please take a moment to go over the site rules, just to familiarise yourself and get to know the do's and dont's here, and don't be hesitant to ask any questions you may have. I'll gladly answer any queries that you might have. :)

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