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Krom Dragongaze


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Hi guys,

After a three day painting marathon, I finally managed to complete GW's (yet) latest miniature.

He was fun to paint, especially his orange hair (which I wanted to paint ever since I saw the new boxed set in 2003) and the metal parts on his dagger's scabbard, which turned out exactly the way I wanted it to.

On the other hand, I'm not too happy with the armour's colour, since I wanted it to be baby blue... I for one can't seem to favor either grey or blue, so my intention was to try both colours. biggrin.png

So what's your opinion on my version of Krom?

Btw, by clicking on my image, you will be redirected to its CMON page. smile.png




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Lovely model with an equally impressive paint job. At a glance, the only thing I might nitpick about, is the pattern on the inside of the cloak. It seems like it could use some more definition (allthough it could just be the lighting that's muting the details).


If i might ask, what's your recipe for his skin?



Keep up the good work :)

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@tomsev: Thank you! msn-wink.gif

@JeffTibbets: Thanks a lot, hope I didn't hurt your jaw. biggrin.png

But honestly, such a freehand isn't very hard to do. a mix of 50/50 Chaos Black/Scorched Brown with a 00000 brush and all you've got to do is keep your hand steady. Which isn't hard to do either: just hold your breath for about 5 seconds and use that time to paint. Then breath out. Repeat. smile.png

@Cpt. Lacerus: Weirdo! biggrin.png

Just kidding. I didn't really like his head in the beginning and thought about replacing it with a helmeted head. But my girlfriend used her weekly veto and demanded that I use the original head.

However, I've still got a second Krom sprue. Maybe the next one will wear one, though. ^^

@Firepower: Thank you! It's not that odd. Aside from wargaming, live roleplaying is one of my favourite hobbies, that's why I think close combat weapons should have somewhat believable grips. I've never seen violet leather on a weapon grip, so I didn't want to paint it either. smile.png

@Half Goat: Thanks! msn-wink.gif

@Koriel: Thank you. Yes, you're definitely right about that. I think I was just too much of a coward to trace that line again, since the cloak turned out so well (at least in my personal opinion).

The skin was the hardest part of the miniature - I had to correct and redo parts of it time and time again.

So here we go with the basic idea:

Basecoat with 33/33/33 Dark Flesh/Tallarn Flesh/Hormagaunt Purple

Add 33 Tallarn Flesh, paint it everywhere but in the deepest wrinkles

Add 33 Dwarf Flesh, paint it around the higher features. Leave out the eyelids, though.

Add 33 Dwarf Flesh, set highlights (including the eyelids)

Add 33 Elf Flesh, set final highlights (bridge of the nose, brow, highest part of the cheeks).

Hope that helps! smile.png

Thanks again, everyone!

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@chaplainmikey: Thank you, brother! As mentioned before, I've had a lot of fun painting it. smile.png

@LordOrdGermany: Thanks a lot!

@Aquilanus: Thank you! Considering this shade of blue was more of an accident, I'm quite happy how many people like it this way smile.png

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This is really nice. I like the gold trim and details, you've really made the gold shine. (are those GW golds, by the way?) Really excellent work on the face, you've captured the detail perfectly.


What colours did you use for the orange hair, out of curiosity, and also the wolf pelt? The pelt looks like you used greys with brown washes/glazes, is that what you did?


Also I think keeping the original head was the right call, it's such a nice sculpt. That's hypocrisy, of course, though, because I'll never be able to decide what to do with mine ;)

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@A Kvlt Ghost: Thanks a alot smile.png

Yes, they're original GW colours from the old range - I'm kind of a lazy painter and almost allergic to getting used to new stuff like other manufacturer's stuff xD

The trick to making it shine is using a watered down wash of Leviathan Purple after highlighting Shining Gold with Burnished Gold; after the wash, a final highlight with 30/70 Mithril Silver and Burnished Gold is set.

I'm not entirely sure about either, to be honest, but I think I started the hair with a 50/50 mixture of Mournfang Brown/Blazing Orange, followed by pure Blazing Orange painted everywhere but in the recesses. Then I highlighted everything with 50/50 Blazing Orange/Iyanden Darksun, followed by another highlight with another 50% White Scar added.

The fur was basecoated with Mournfang Brown and washed with Badab Black, twice in the deeper folds. Then I drybrushed it using a 50/50 mix of Mournfang Brown/Rakarth Flesh, followed by a highlight of Rakarth Flesh. The most exalted areas were then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Rakarth Flesh/White Scar.

Oh, and if you can't decide, you may still give it to me. biggrin.png

@Marshal Sampson of Terra: Thank you, I'm really glad you like it. smile.png

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