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BA ally candiates.


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Been painting up some leftover tactial marines and there seems to be a ton of fun ally options. After a 2 month painting marathon i'm getting pretty tired of painting red. 


Never really liked the idea of allies when it came in 6th, but if i'm gonna paint something new i'd like the option of combining forces. Imperial Guard seem very strong, but i really dont like their color scheme. However Space Marines have a pretty diverse selection of chapter/units.  


Iron Hands - IWND for veichles and 6+ fnp. Main issue here is i'd rather have objetive secured Land Raiders, and can't really imagine playing slow Razorbacks, plus painting black units isnt to tempting, and reserved for DC.


Imperial Fist - Tank hunter Dev's seem really good for a small detachment and their only 150 points for a 5man squad (alot cheaper than BA LC's) I like the yellow color scheme so seems like a viable option. Already starting painting a 5man dev squad + 5man tactical.


White Scar - Biggest plus here is some really fun HQ bike options (hit and run chapter bonus), Captains/Chapter Masters decked out with 2+ 3++ and toughness 5 can perhaps be attached to some Sanguinary Guard or perhaps breathe some life into Assault Squads again?  With artificer, Stormshield, Bike, Orbital Bombardment and a good weapon they cost roughly 230 points. 2+3++ T5 4 wounds should be able to soak a fair bit of dmg. Hit and Run is a really fun playstyle, but Dante is just to weak with T4 and no Eternal Warrior. 


I painted up 5 sanguinary guard, but they never seem to fit in when building a list, maybe white scars could be a solution.


Ultra Marines - Alot of good one use tactics for rerolls in shooting and assault, but i dont like the blue color scheme.


Dark Angels - I don't have the DA codex, but i guess it would be similar to White Scar? I'd rather have Hit'n'Run then. But the models and color scheme: very cool.


Black Templars - This is an awesome chapter. The buff to challenges is pretty nice and i belive they get some rerolls on charge distance? Also like that they hate psykers.Biggest downside is i'd rather not paint more black units. 




Not gonna go to overboard with allies as the new Codex is hopefully around the corner, but would be interested to hear if anyone is currently running allies and how it has been working out? 











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Does it have to be a space marine chapter? If you want to paint something different I suggest a completely different set of models. I was thinking about adding a small unit/platoon of Imperial Guard as allies. I think the Cadian colors go really well with the red. 

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It will look like Christmas!

Actually, Dark Angels green wing would be very cool and fluffy ( 2nd Ed. ) a LA angels of death.

And would still look like Christmas!

My oldest surviving Warhammer text. Love that codex. And even back then, I didn't understand the point of Dark Angels laugh.png

If you're rolling with proper jumpy stabby Angels, Templars may be a good ally. Our Crusader Squads are neat, but I think more importantly you could benefit from the durability of one or two dedicated LRC transports, while the jumpy stabby Angels play rope-a-dope. New Codex or no, I don't think you will have a Troop/Transport choice quite like that. Or at least I hope you won't. We have to have some point to us left. tongue.png

I understand how you feel about painting black, though. Even cool things can get old eventually tongue.png

Wolves may be good if they continue to be anything like what they are now. I'm specifically referring to the Rulers-of-24"-dug-in-like-ticks-counter-unit-Gray-Hunter nonsense.

Ultramarines of course are the ubiquitous choice, if somewhat bland. Although blue may not be your favorite, the Ultras have a million successors to choose from, too.

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I would not go with Templars unless you use the LRC squad idea. Otherwise they're not exactly unique among Blood Angels. I have both armies..so.


I'd suggest Fists for the ranged firebase type idea or Scars for ASM support units. Granted I also like the idea of the three chapters fighting together like they did at the wall. (HH)

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