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The Best Use of: Last Memory of the Yuranthos


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Hey folks,


I'm potentially looking at trying to create a new Black Legion army focusing around a fictional Sorcerer I am creating, and long story short, I want to see what the best delivery system is for Memory of Yuranthos.


Ideally I really want to do a Terminator Sorc that would be able to work directly with or without Abaddon. However I realize this might make his abilities diminish.


I have only tinkered with Yuranthos when the codex first came out in 6th, so what is the best way to use this power? Is it even worth it in 7th? Anyone have any experience using it?


What kind of Sorc load out would best work, and is there a good unit to put with such an HQ?



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hey there, in my experience, the last memory is best used on a daemon prince platform as it is usually the hardest to kill, and can avoid combat all game if it likes. Just move among enemy units firing it off on 2 or 3 warp charges.


If you have your heart set on a sorceror, go for a biker sorceror, either slaanesh or tnurgle in a unit of bikes to keep him safe. bear in mind thoug, once in close combat he won't be able to fire it off. oh, and always buy a spell familiar to protect you against poor casting rolls.


Cheers !

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