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Help me make a fluffy unbound list


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I'm starting to play in games that allow Unbound FOC Lists.

But instead of going the competitive route - I'd like to do something non-competitive but very fluffy and recognizably fluffy, yet something I could not otherwise have done with a BattleForged FOC and BF allies.

About 1850 points, I can probably field any combination of units from Chaos Marines, Chaos Daemons, Renegade Guard and Heretical Inquisitors. I also don't mind losing horribly tongue.png

Any thoughts? Thanks for the opinions.

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Thousand Sons, Tzeentch Daemons, and renegade guard/cultists plus heretical inquisitors (or maybe they think everything is going just as planned) could possibly dominate the psychic phase (fluffy and somewhat competitive) with guard fire and body support. I would definitely go for some daemoned up hellhound variants if you go the Tzeentch route.


Nurgle would go well with ogryns, devil dogs and leman russes.


Slaanesh would probably do well with any theme taken to the extreme (for some reason I am partial to some rough riders and sentinels doing a flanking action against an anvil of noisemarines.


Khorne, just take the heavy hitters and run them at the enemy!

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A Warpsmith in a Land Raider that leads an army of Daemon Engines. Defilers, Maulerfiends,Forgefiends, Helbrutes, Heldrakes, Decimators, Blood Slaughterer's and Soul Grinders. I would like to play something like this if it weren't so damn expensive and gimmicky.


Slaanesh Sorceror Coven with lots of Noise Marines. Multiple Sorcs (2-3) with Symphony of Pain are really fun to play.

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