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What are our anti-Flyer options?

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So, my Mechanicum with Knight force met a Helldrake for the first time the other day, and luckily it showed up late in the game as it took off five of my Knight's hullpoints in one turn and set half my Thallax squads on fire.

So that has me thinking I need some anti-air.
So what are our anti-air options?

I could grab an Aegis defence line with it's quad-gun and sit a backfield objective camper unit with it (usually that's Unit 0, my Thallax with Photon Thruster squad).

I could take another unit as compulsory troops (if i Take a Magos with Macrotek i can take my Techpriest Auxilia as troops) and take the Icarian upgrade for a Thallax unit giving them skyfire.

What else are our anti-air options and what do people think of them?

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