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Forge World Gal Vorbak

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I was thinking the same, although pricey!!! Very cool looking models - I may have to get a set at some stage when I eventually get round to painting up som CSM to face off against my DA in the display cabinet :)

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I want to use them in my 40k army. They are quite big and on terminator sized bases and I was wondering what everyone's thoughts for a good counts as are.



Their size and mutilated claws could represent a terminator.


Same again but a bit more special with the mutating weapons each round. Though of course I realize the competitiveness of the rules for mutilators is not great.



Nice and fast. Random mutations. But not much armour.


Possessed I feel wouldn't really fulfill their look and size.


Any other ideas?


Please ignore the other thread I just started. I'm a slow typer. And you beat me to it.

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Due to the terminator like size and base I think that the Gal Vorbak are an alternative to: Spawn, Mutilators, Obliterators and Terminators, but most surely not for Possessed (sadly). They are too big to act as a count as. I will eventually buy some but I plan to use them as Spawn or as Terminators, though the price tag is quite big for five models which you have to use as a count as... We will see. 

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I guess that makes sense. I'm just disappointed with how possessed work in the codex.


But most of all the gal vorbak look like they'll be much larger than regular possessed marines.


If only mutilators could come in a larger unit. A unit of five would be nice.

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So glad these are up on FW now, been waiting for this since I saw the teaser photos from the open day.


Like you guys have said though, they look very large so I had planned from the moment I saw them to run them as Spawn as I hear they are very good this edition but was put of by the models. Now these are out (and I already have Possessed) I can see them fitting in very nicely as Spawn or just an opportunity to really well paint some nice models.

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As a big time Possessed fan and old timey WB player it's not really suprising that I love these models. The detail and poses are amazing. Not to speak of their rules. 


*sigh* They really want me to start 30k do they? 

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Is there anything in the heresy series to date that explains what happens to the Gal Vorbak post-heresy? We know that significant numbers of heresy era characters have survived into the 41st millennium, especially within the Word Bearers (Erebus, Kor Phaeron etc), but what about these guys? I'm aware that we'd be retconning them into the background, but that seems to happen with each Horus heresy novel, codex release and imperial armour or heresy game update anyway.


Is this actually a potential method for finally giving us the legion lists that we've always wanted:

Release chaos codex? Check?

Select legion

Check heresy game for characterful unit/cool character/legion traits

Reinterpret said unit for 40k

Stick it in a supplement



That aside I think that spawn is a bit of an insult to the memory of the gal vorbak even if they are a bit better than mutilators...

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Well, the original Gal Vorbak only numbered forty. Something like ten were killed at Istvaan V(have to double check). After that, the survivors scattered throughout the Legions to create their own "warbands" as Argel Tal put it.


We also know that the Gal Vorbak were able to create a second generation of Gal Vorbak(specifically, we know Argel Tal was commissioned to create 2,000 just for Calth), but these were described as being "thinblooded" and are implied to not be on par with the original Gal Vorbak. Similar to how the Twelve Apostles chosen by Jesus had access to all of the gifts, but those they passed the gifts onto only had one or two.


And continuing with the Apostle analogy, it seems that the second generation are unable to create a third generation.


Basically, an original Gal Vorbak can create any infinite number of second generations, but the second generation are stuck.


Also coincidentally, there is a second type of Possessed amongst the Word Bearers called "the Unburdened". We first see them in the audiodrama/ebook Censure by Nick Kyme. From what we've seen in Unremembered Empire and Vulkan Lives, the Unburdened are an alternate form of possession created by Erebus. In both aforementioned novels, it is said that Erebus' inner circle is composed entirely of Unburdened.


In Censure, we see that this is accomplished by the Word Bearer painting himself in tattoos and then simply immersing himself in violence. This is observed when one of the aspirants fights an Ultramarine and a Guardsman and transforms in the middle of the battle.


It is also apparent that the Unburdened are remarkably weaker than the original Gal Vorbak as a fall was enough to kill the one in Censure.

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So that puts second gen gal vorbak and unburdened roughly on a par with current possessed then?




The serrated suns were sent into the fledgeling eye of terror right? They were the first ones in, guided by ingethel admittedly, there's no real reason why on their return to the eye the word Bearers wouldn't be able to make more?

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Possibly. Currently, the background(specifically Forgeworld) points to the original Gal Vorbak as being one time deal as they were a ploy by Chaos to rope in Lorgar.


Nothing explicit, just severe implication.

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