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Locator beacons and allies & Descent of Angels question

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Need clarification:


In the current C:SM, locator beacons and teleport homers say they work with "friendly units".  Does this apply to allies from an allied detachment, or only the faction of the combined arms detachment?


Secondly, does DoA transfer to a unit when a character joins them?  Specifically, Lemartes has DoA, but the DC do not.  So, uh, if it doesn't transfer from Lemartes to the DC, what's the point of him having the rule, as he's not an IC and must be taken as part of the DC?  Furthermore, one can have Lemartes with his JP in DC without JPs, right?  He just can't use it...unless they all die and he survives, I guess.  Yes?



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Like many things, the transferability of DoA will depend upon the specifics of the text. As a general and preliminary thought, if the text of the rule makes specific reference to the model, like in a phrasing similar to "When this model deep strikes...." it's likely non-conferrable. If it makes a more general reference to the unit, perhaps with text like "When a unit with this rule deep strikes ..." it likely affects units when only part of the unit has the noted rule.


While its specific inclusion in Lemartes is very suggestive it's not conclusive.

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yes in the codex is says that if a blood angels unit equips a jump pack it gains DOA.  I don't have the dex in front of me atm so I cant put what page its on.


p. 23 (62, I mean), I see, under the Jump Pack listing that this is the case.  Never read its wargear entry, just the DoA rules.  Guess this means that a priest, captain, etc. with a pack will become DoA capable.


Any thoughts on the locator beacon?

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Well, for Teleport Homers and Locator Beacons, friendly units are units from the same Faction/Codex, and Battle Brother allies only. See the Allies section of the BRB. So, an allied detachment of Blood Angels should be able to use a CAD: Space Marines' beacons and homers, I believe.
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There was some uncertainty in 6th, but I believe in 7th they cleared it up by stating that everyone on your side, except BB are enemies that you cannot shoot, target, embark or join.

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