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An Introductory Post


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Not the most inspiring of titles I know, but it's about the only thing I could think of that didn't sound horrendously cheesy.

Anyway, on to the details. A fair few years back I was an active member of the old Tau Online forums. I went by Commissar_Will back there. It was a lovely place, excellent community... that is, until Skylight bought it and promptly turned it into a deserted minefield of spambots and bad code, at which point pretty much every single active member promptly abandoned ship, myself included. It was a bit crap to say the least and I ended up drifting away from Warhammer at about the same time, having no nearby independent FLGS or gaming club and therefore nobody to share my hobby with.

A few years down the line and I've returned to the hobby... just in time to have yet another edition of 40k drop on me all of about two weeks after I bought the rulebook for 6th, bloody typical. rolleyes.gif That aside, I'm starting to build up my Imperial Guard army and I was drawn here when a search for tank conversion ideas led me to the work of Brother Argos. A good look through this and other similar forums followed, but in the end I decided that the B&C community would probably be the best way to go to fill the 40k-forum-shaped hole left when Tau Online went to wrack and ruin.

So, that's how I've ended up here. Not much more to say for the meantime really, save that I look forward to getting to know you all and getting more involved in the B&C community!

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Well, I can't say I've ever visited the old Tau Online forum, but I hope that the B&C will satisfy your needs and surpass your expectations (and without wanting to sound too pretentious, I'm sure it will ;)).


Anyway, have a look around, don't hesitate to join in and if you have any questions, you can always ask them here and/or contact a Moderator.


Enjoy! :D

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Hail and welcome, brother! I hope you enjoy your new refuge. Feel free to poke around, my little corner of the forums - Liber Astartes - has recently been moved back to the basement area at the bottom of the main page. If you fancy participating there then you'd be more than welcome. ;)

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