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What 40k codex to proxy Admech as?

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I love the forge world Admech models, but my local gaming group doesn't allow forge world rules. I don't want to get into a discussion on how to convince them to do so, but would like some help in choosing a legit 40k codex that can use most of the current models.


I was thinking maybe chaos, with the myrmidons counting as Obliterators/ motivators and the thralls as cultist, but then wouldn't know what to count the thrallax as.


I was thinking Tau could let me use most of the models (thrallax as crisis suits, thralls as fire warriors, and broadsides and riptide counting as the other robots. But, I cannot see a good fit for the sexy myrmidon models.


Has anyone had any thought, or success in this puzzle? This seems like the best community for pondering this,.

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The CSM codex will fit most of the stuff, but the Helbrute is the only thing that even comes close to the Thrallax, and you'll end up sacrificing something to get it, You have to give up either the bolt cannon for two power fists or one of the power fists for the bolt cannon. Personally, I would go with the bolt cannon and count it as a plasma cannon. The bolt cannon looks different enough to count as any of the optional weapons. You might be able to magnetize it so you can remove it if you want both power fists.


As expensive as the Thrall models are in regard to money, I would use them as Chaos Space Marines or Chosen. Seems exorbitant to spend 50 pounds for 50 points worth of models (cultists have a minimum squad size of 10). But that's just my opinion.


I actually had this same idea some time ago, and I was going to use parts from Anvil Industries to build the Chaos Marines. They would look different enough to be Adeptus Mechanicus, but still clearly be in power armor.

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I would say codex space marines: iron hand/ clan R. is a good start. There are plenty of count as options not to mention lots of tech marines. You could also ally in some guard for skitarii, or use scouts. Remember it's counting things as something else so you are really only limited by your imagination, or what would be most logical. Currently I am doing the same thing, using space marines clan R rules. As an example I am using centurions as count as ad mech praetorians.
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Really, any codex you pick can be counts as AdMech. Grey Knights nets you flexible techpriest squads (henchmen), heavy Praetorian squads (GKT, PAGK), Crawlers (Land Raiders), Aerodynes (Stormravens), Knights (Nemesis DreadKnights), etc.


Or Necrons, which nets you MEQ quality Skiterii, Grav craft, large automata, scrap bot swarms, and tons of "science" based character.


Or Chaos, which nets you access to the Dark Mechanicum.


Or Tau, which nets you giant robots, medium robots, stealth robots, drones, drones, and more drones!


Or Imperial Knights, which nets you ... Imperial Knights.


Hell, you can even run Daemons or Nids as a Biotech base AdMech menagerie army.



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I love the forge world Admech models, but my local gaming group doesn't allow forge world rules. I don't want to get into a discussion on how to convince them to do so, but would like some help in choosing a legit 40k codex that can use most of the current models.


That really sucks man :( your friends need to stop being negative nancies and actually play some Forge World. Its not that bad. Ad Mech isn't even the worst in HH, nevermind FW in general. 


OT: Grey Knights or Imperial Guard would be my votes for a count-as 'legal' army. 

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Thanks folks for your suggestions. I've been thinking about using chaos or Taut, due to a lot of possibilities for proxy-stuff. Also thought about Tyranids, using the tervigon as a sort of machine which scavenges dead body-parts to make undead cyborgs (termigaunts). I don't know. The tricky thing, is that all the models are very cool, but not all armies have units which can fill all those niches. First things first, I'll need to order some models from forge world and muck around with them later. Maybe if I have an army, I can see about folks letting me use it... but not until then.

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