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Arming SM Veteran Scout Sergeants with dual specialist wp.


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Hi there,


I'm playing BT and want to capitalise on the Chapter Tactics. I want to include a Scout (I mean Neophyte) CC squad on a LSStorm and was looking at my options.


I thought that perhaps a dual LC Scout Vet Sarge would be a tiny beast in CC (especially in a challenge with Chapter Tactics - re-rolling both to hit and to wound plus rending with 3 attacks base).



However, the way I read the rules, in order to buy two Melee weapons, you need to forgo both a Bolt Pistol as well as a CCW



Any scout is initially armed with a Boltgun and a Bolt Pistol. He can, however, swap the bolt gun for a CCW. Can he then swap again to get a second Lightning Claw?



Also, tactical wise, would I be better looking at a Vet Sarge armed with a combi-flamer and a singe LC on a Flamer LSStorm? 




Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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However, the way I read the rules, in order to buy two Melee weapons, you need to forgo both a Bolt Pistol as well as a CCW.


Any scout is initially armed with a Boltgun and a Bolt Pistol. He can, however, swap the bolt gun for a CCW. Can he then swap again to get a second Lightning Claw?

Correct. Keep in mind, 40 points is a lot to put on a Marine in Carapace Armour, even if he'd be a surprise Challenge monster.


Also, tactical wise, would I be better looking at a Vet Sarge armed with a combi-flamer and a singe LC on a Flamer LSStorm?

If you absolutely must have a Flamer in a Scout squad. However, this will only work once, and you will be missing out on an Attack that you may be desperately needing with a small, and otherwise unskilled, Assault group. Keep that in mind.
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