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Considering Death Guard.. Crimson Slaughter or no..?


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So, I'm still kind of wanting a chaos army, I'v wanted one for a long time because I have some Xenos armies and some Imperium of Man armies, But no chaos.. And, Looking at Chaos Marines, I kind of want a Death Guard army.. So, I was curious, What would fit Death Guard? Are they good? Would the Crimson Slaughter supplement work for Death Guard? (Was thinking the Fear causing ability on all models, Cus seemingly undead space marines are scary.. XD Plus the Daemon Heart, I think it is called, For the 2+ armour save and It Will Not Die on a lord seems fitting too..)

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If you use the Crimson Slaughter supplement... play Crimson Slaughter.


We're seen as being "more" competitive with some choices, a tough core but we're still not perhaps up to the general meta. I'm naturally biased and say that you should, if you fancy it - but commit wholly.

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