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Helbrute and Warband fluff question.

Trevak Dal

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Going by the line in the helbrute dataslate, how many Helbrutes do stereotypical Warbands have?


it mentions something about "during massive operations, numerous warbands pool their resources and teleport their helbrutes directly into battle", so does that mean that-generally (a word not fit for CSMs as a faction as ADB and others have waxed lyrical numerous times about) most warbands have 0-1?

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As many as they have dreadnoughts. There is no way to define a stereotypical number to associate with an equally drab and bland word of Warband.


So no, not everyone has one. In fact the Chas Dread/brute commonality of being crazed never fits when you have logically sane Commanders.


So just assume everyone has none or a few per number, as Helbrutes are more en masse than loyalist dreads.

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I think the Warbands that have better access to Warpsmith Conclaves and that have less concern for their personnel (with regards to the maddening effects of Helbrute internment) could have lots of Helbrutes.


Per the Codex " ....Helbrutes are spat from the daemonforges in great numbers....".

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Between 0 and dozens.


A renegade outfit like Gessart's former Avenging Sons (from Gav Thorpe's short stories), only a few dozen strong, is unlikely to have any. But an Iron Warriors Grand Company could have battalions of them for seizing breaches, as seen in Dead Sky Black Sun. Yet both would be 'warbands' as GW defines them.

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I think probably now the answer would be 'significantly more', whereas in previous editions they were styled as being slightly rarer. I like the idea of them being more expendable.


I'm under the same impression. While the old Chaos Dreads were corrupted Loyalists the Helbrutes seem cruder made and more numerous.


I believe making new Dreadnoughts is a lost technology for the Imperium though I'm not sure. Maybe they are just really complicated and resource taxing. Helbrutes shells however are cranked out by Daemonforges in bigger numbers and stuffed with undesirables.

Also wasn't there a mention of a Daemonworld full of raging Helbrutes in the Dataslate?


So theoretically a Warband with a good relationship to a Dark Forgeworld could have a dozen or more though 1-3 are probaly more realistic.



I'd love to have the Sonic Dread/Brute back btw. Forgeworld has a gorgeous model but there are no rules for it :(

Would a twin linked Blastmaster and a Doom Siren really be gamebreaking on a Helbrute? I doubt it. Gonna be expensive as hell pts wise anyway. 

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I presume that we speak of 2-5 Helbrutes per 100 marines. Generally speaking. They seem to be a quite expendable asset for the chaos warbands, though I am of the idea that their price is still steep be it in souls, slaves or materiel. Also it is not practical for a warband to have a lot fo them for I think that maintaining a Helbrute and his advanced weapon systems and technoarcana can be a daunting task, blessing of the Gods or no.
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I believe making new Dreadnoughts is a lost technology for the Imperium though I'm not sure.


It's not. But like many Imperial techs, it's not common amongst Chapters. The Sons of Medusa are definitively stated as having the ability to produce new Dreadnought Chassis in FW Badab 2. So I'd be surprised if at least the 1st Founding Chapters didn't also have the ability. Plus top tier Forge Worlds can almost certainly make new ones too.

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I presume that we speak of 2-5 Helbrutes per 100 marines. Generally speaking. They seem to be a quite expendable asset for the chaos warbands, though I am of the idea that their price is still steep be it in souls, slaves or materiel. Also it is not practical for a warband to have a lot fo them for I think that maintaining a Helbrute and his advanced weapon systems and technoarcana can be a daunting task, blessing of the Gods or no.


Indeed, apart from the chassis is probably not as expendable as the meat inside. 


Hellbrutes are unlike loyalist dreads as they have to be caught and restrained after the battle, which can cost lives.  A warband can have as many as it can: A) Handle B.) get its hands on.

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