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help with resources

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I've been out the hobby for a little while but im very excited to start again. I've had a flash of inspiration and really am champing at the bit to get started.

I am controlling myself though and taking my time. Building up my paints, models, tools etc.


I need a little help pin pointing a few items.


My project is a tear away warband of extremist iron warriors. The leader of said warband a master of flesh craft (think dark eldar)


So I need a good source of twisted fleshy items as well as bionics.


I'm looking to fire a solid block cultlists/lost and damned in there.

id like a military organised look to these guys. gas masks, bare arms and small shoulder guards to tie them together.


can anyone point me to a good area of light tutorial?


I have a few good sources of war/daemon engines amongst which biohazard's great blood stalker pattern defiler.

I can't find to many to do with hellbrutes, converted contempor pattern dreds and if anyone has any good links to converted dreadknights that would be greatly appreciated.


I know this seems a little scattered and all over the place but any help given would be great. I hope to get some info on my warband if not a couple of models posted soon.

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Sould like a cool idea.  Your saying about a flesh-smith type theme.  There was a conversion many year ago in the White Dwarf which saw a Word Bearer Dark Apostle conversion....


Just found the image there, think I'd gotten it from the old version of the GW web site many year ago.  The staff memeber use this model in a battle report with Word Bearer vs Black Templars, which was followed by a game of Battlefleet Gothic, just when the 13th Black Crusade world wide event was about to start.




Just though this type of look would tie in & you could add some servo arm's?  I use the Titian Tech Priest from the Forge World range, but Bile model does have a good backpack or there always the standard Techmarine.


For bionics, I tend to use the Iron Hands upgread set which you can find over on the Games Workshop web site & also the bionic upgreard over on forge world




Also check out the Iron Hands, Heresy range on the the Forge World web site for more bionics.


Your saying about a Dreadnought type model, have you though of the Decimator model from Forge World?  Just thinking this may tie in with the theme of your army, you can always "count as" a Helbrute in your Chaos Marine force or use the rules for the Decimator, not quite sure which Forge World book you would find them in sadily.



For the Chaos Guards.  I find the Kroot shoulder pads to be pretty good & the weapons are always great to convert with the standard Guard Lasgun, give them that bit more beaten/make-shift look. 


Hope this help out a bit.




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Thanks alot for your help guys. I really appreciate it.


I was thinking in using a fair bit from the dark elder range. Think I can get good use out of the grotesque models and the pain engines.


Some of the orc sprues are a must for their crude looking bionics. A wee dolup of green stuff for the fleshy look and I might be able to pull off this 'flesh-metal' idea I have.


That is a nice model insane but I was thinking bigger. I do have an image in my head its just hard to get across. I'm going for more of a Frankensteins monster look rather than the dr himself.


And for the life of me forte I can't find that thread.

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The Talos kit is a must for tentacles and bio mech stuff. The Wytch kit can be useful too. Witch Elves, Ghouls, and anything slender or pointy.
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You should also check out the memeber Vladvar the Destroyer Iron Warriors army log in WIP.  He use a lot of Dark Eldar bits for the dark techpriest side of things for his own army.  Sadily I can't copy & paste links on this forum when I'm on my PC :(


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Thanks again for the replys guys. Kraut big thanks to you again pal. That dark mechanicus stuff hurt my face with its awesomeness.


Absolutely guted though cause I know whatever I come away with now will never be as good lol.


I will try and post some back ground posted soon. Try and let youse see what this is all about lol.


One last thing. On that amazing dark mechanicus page would anyone be able to hazzard a guess at what he used for his lords lower half.

That is pretty much exactly what I had pictured for my lords lower half :S

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