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Hello from Canada


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Hey guys, just introducing myself.

Long time fan of 40k, decided to give B&C a go, so here we are.


Presently I am working on my beloved Iron Hands, though afterwards I may return to my first 40k army: Chaos Space Marines (if I ever choose which Chaos Legion to work on).


Hope to have a production blog of my army on this site, swap ideas and all. At present I am slowly building up my Marines Strike Force and have only barely started the painting process.

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A fellow Brother From the North! Welcome!

From my own experience, I've delved into other Armies but always found myself drawn back to Chaos. If you are struggling on a Legion try reading a novel on a few of them to see who they really are... but then you might end up in my shoes and starting off as Word Bears to turn 360 and play Night Lords lol!teehee.gif

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hehehe I'm in your shoes then brother, I read the novels and know my Chaos Space Marines, been playing the sods since 3rd edition :D and yeah its always a toss up. Eitherway, I'm happy doing Iron Hands for the time being, they're brutal for loyalists.

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No need to choose a legion. Make a warband comprised of warriors from several, it makes life easier and more varied. And you know what they say about variety (it feeds Slaanesh).


See now, every single friend of mine has told me this. I'm cursed with wanting a single Legion, le sigh :( If I ever do get back to Chaos Space Marines it would most likely be Word Bearers or World Eaters.


And thanks for the warm welcome guys

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