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Repainting Stripped Model Help

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Greetings Brothers,


Have a couple of queries/questions about painting, specifically airbrushing some already assembled models that I have.


1. I have a built Leman Russ with sponsons and front gun in place and able to move. I think poly cement has been used as it won't come apart. The main question is, any tips of airbrushing and painting it to maintain the movement in the weapons?


2. I also have a built Valkyrie, which again I could only remove the cockpit section from the body and the canopies are loose, otherwise, it is glued together far too firmly. Any tips for airbrushing the cockpit interiors?


3. I have reprinted up a chimera, however, I forgot to paint the little las guns from the arrays, they are so small. Is there any tips for painting them without me rage quitting?


Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.


Brother Mitch

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I can paint to a reasonable level but not competition level. For me I would ..,


1 - use bluetac or similar to protect the bits you want to keep movable.


2 - spray black and then drybrush a lot of the detail with metallics. Or spray metallic and then wash. Use a proper brush to detail the tops of the bits you can see forget the rest as you can't access it or see it.


3 - Get a brush made out of hairs rather than an air gun for the little details on the chimera.


1. Blutac sounds good to get most of tank, but I also need to paint the moving parts, it's more to get to them?


2. That sounds like a plan, I knew it wouldn't be anything special paint wise but I wanted to at least attempt to put some colour into it.


3. I have loads of hair brushes, I seem to keep finding more. I should maybe clarify that I can take them out of the chimera, it's more how to hold such a small and fiddle piece to paint it.


Thanks for your reply it had given me some food for thought.


Brother Mitch

Ah ... With the moveable bits do the bulk painting first protecting the moveable bits with bluetac. Then paint by hand the moveable bits but with the thinnest coats possible, moving the parts after each layer had dried to avoid locking up the parts.


Once you've got the parts the right colour varnish them making sure you don't lock up the parts with over application of the varnish.


Main issue will be avoiding too thick a layer of paint. If it does get too think moving the parts around will show you where you'll either need to trim the bit rubbing or sand down the flat surface being rubbed.


Think the other issue is answered with ...


3 - try mounting them on toothpicks or drill bits drilled into a point that cannot be seen.


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