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Anyone stop and think to use Cypher?


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I just got the dataslate and he has some... Interesting rules.


Straight off the bat I can see he has the shrouded special rule. So if he joins a unit he confers it onto them.


Immediately I envisioned a squad of 5 TL Lascannon + Missile Launcher Centurions in ruins. 2+ armour, 2+ cover, t5 and 2 wounds each. He has Eternal Warrior and can tank the occasional str10 shot you might fear.


Why is no one talking about this?


This would be an almost impossible to kill and deadly unit that would cover a huge portion of the field. You wouldn't care if a squad of plasma was dropped besides you with the nifty 2 up cover. There will probably be other uses for him as well.

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Personally? Because it just feels unfluffy to me. I once faced off against infiltrated Grav Centurions - Not very pleasant at all and it left a bad taste with both my opponent and me.


Indeed he is powerful, but I can't find any reason to fit him into my army. He's also not cheap and you'd need to make sure you have a good unit to infiltrate him with. Might I suggest him infiltrating Hammernators now that Shrike is unable to do so?

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Cypher is my absolute favourite character in the entire 40k universe, but he does take a bit of care to use properly.


Personally, I have got more out of him by running him in a drop pod with Sternguard. There isn't a whole lot that can take a round of shooting from them.


Cypher is powerful, but a 3+ save and no invulnerable means that he isn't the most durable guy out there. Take care with him and you'll do fine

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There's quite a few recent debates about Cypher so some of us are thinking about it ;) Just take to your gaming group about how to proceed with his Infiltrate rule as different groups have different ways of interpreting the rules.

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