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Hello, Everyone!

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Greetings! I've recently gotten into 40k, and have been searching around for information about the game based on players' experiences. That's what led me here. I've seen a lot of good stuff on this forum, and I have my own stuff to contribute, so I figured "Why not join?" I'm an amateur guitarist, engineer, author, and artist, so hopefully I can do something for the 40k community. I look forward to posting more here, and interacting with you all.

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Hail, brother! Welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword. It sounds like you have a remarkable set of skills, but all the 40k community requires is your involvement and honesty. Anything else we will consider an awesome bonus. Two quick questions, if you feel like answering some: what brought you to 40k and what army will you play? 

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I believe it was Dawn of War: Dark Crusade that got me into the game. That's been several years ago, but I just recently managed to get into the hobby itself. I was reading the manual when I noticed the advertisement in the back for the tabletop game. As for what army I'll play, I'm currently working on an Undivided Chaos Space Marine army, perhaps based on a renegade part of the Iron Hands chapter. I have plans to collect all of the armies except for Adepta Sororitas.

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I have plans to collect all of the armies except for Adepta Sororitas.


An admirable goal, brother. Welcome, by the way. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or PM me - I'll be only too happy to help. Also, please do check out the rules of conduct here on B&C, as it might save you from an embarrassing faux pas later on. ;)

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