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Looking for chains fit for a Templar

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Good day fellow hobbyists.

I'm about to start a Black Templar project and being a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to details I have decided that the stock chains that come on the weapon arms on the Templar upgrade sprue simply does not cut it.

They look way too smudged, blocky and unrealistic.
So I'm looking for miniature chain with a link size that's no longer than 2mm.
Also the links have to be more rectangular than oval in shape (Like chain A, B and D in the attached photo)
The companies that sell these things always measure in links per inch, which doesn't really help me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You could try having a look around in an arts and crafts store, they sometimes have stuff like that.

Or any kind of modeling shop. Model ships need anchor chains and the like. You should be able take a first hand look in places like those.

Some people use jewelers chain too (box chains actually look like the 'blocky and unrealistic' chains on the BT sprues tongue.png ).

Just thinking out loud..


An inch is 2.56cm so if you want a 2mm link you would need 12 to 13 links per inch...


The other option would be to visit a local craft/artist store and check out what they have.


I considered that, but then I have to take the areas where the links interlock into account which makes the whole thing a pain to figure out.

At least for me :)

Some model shops write out the link measurements which is what I'm looking for.

I've E-mailed a couple of online stores asking for measurements, and I'm browsing E-bay at the moment.


As for looking around in craft stores, I'm afraid I live in a town where we're a bit short on such places.

I've already checked out the local "hobby store" that carry supplies for jewellery making, but those chains are too big.


Thanks for chiming in!


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