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The Lost and the Damned


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I know full well that there are a dozen or so people at least on this site who play some form of traitor guard or other non-marine, non-daemon chaos stuff. And yet over at the Lost and the Damned there are 2 people following the board. 

Come on guys, lets make it a board worth having. And any of you who don't play tL&tD still come and check it out because tL&tD is the coolest part of chaos by far

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Give it time. By far the majority on here are here for the power armour. And allying guard in took a hit with the new matrix.

So outside of small gaming groups of friends I imagine that people are shelving their allied guard..


I could be wrong. I have been before. .

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My go to ally is dark elder (boo hiss) for legacy reasons (2nd ed starter I think it was). However I do keep an eye on the lost and the damned forum, just haven't had much to contribute yet (also I tend not to follow forums as a whole).

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Got my traitor guard thread in there.


And don't you worry, a few of us have plans for a mini event for traitor guad (similarly to the Daemonic pact). That is to be coming soon and will hopefully get the interest up.


*Straps on cast iron chestplate and starts loading Heavy Stubber*

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I'm waiting for fw to update their renegades & heretics lists, hoping they coneolidate them into a single force. I don't want yo be locked into just khorne, just nurgle, or no gods at all across an entire army, which are the current choices. Also the list is terrible, and even if it wasn't, its so out of date that I don't trust any part of it I do like to stay usable when an update comes.

I'm not going to use the astra codex with the new allies matrix, and I'm not about to proxy my chaos marines as loyalists to make it work.

We got a latd sub forum at the worst possible time. In 3.5/4th we had the campaign list, in 5th we had vraks, in 6th we had guard as allis of convenience, but so far in 7th we have nothing. Until we see something new (fw r&h update, or bl dataslate for traitor variant am rules), there are no usable latd rules that aren't at least 2 editions out of date, and until there are I just don't see the point.

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We'll see, but a daemonic pact style event won't do anything for my own lack of interest, no matter how much I love latd as a concept. There are no usable rules, and I'm not about to paint models I can't reasonably use, even if I weren't burnt out on hobbying after ETL.
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We'll see, but a daemonic pact style event won't do anything for my own lack of interest, no matter how much I love latd as a concept. There are no usable rules, and I'm not about to paint models I can't reasonably use, even if I weren't burnt out on hobbying after ETL.

I agree at the moment lack of rules is a troublesome flaw for the sub forum.  But I do have a traitor guard army (I use the IG codex atm, wait for forge world), and might as well try to get more traffic to the sub forum. 

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Yp, I am with Mali on this, I am not giving the statisfaction to those smug loyalist bastards in my club by proxying an army with one of their loyalist books. I have so many ideas for a LatD army but I cannot see them realized before we get new rules and a plastic modular kit for cultists.
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Honestly, I don't even need the modular kit - honestly I'd probably opt to save cash buy picking up more DV kits off the second hand market even if such were available.  No, I just need up to date rules that I can ally with my chaos marines in the same army without having to deal with 'one eye open' or deployment restrictions.


That said, when and if such rules do appear, I'll be there.

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I've found the servant of decay to be a perfectly playable rule set. I have fun and do well in games at my local group and i've won a fair few semi competitive games. I think that the other two Vraks lists are underwhelming but in decay we have so many great little gems of units that opponents tend not to expect and aren't set up to counter.

however i do get the issues about 'will it be good when its updated' and the rules being scatted over a half dozen sources

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I've found the servant of decay to be a perfectly playable rule set. I have fun and do well in games at my local group and i've won a fair few semi competitive games. I think that the other two Vraks lists are underwhelming but in decay we have so many great little gems of units that opponents tend not to expect and aren't set up to counter.

however i do get the issues about 'will it be good when its updated' and the rules being scatted over a half dozen sources

If you wish to enhance the traitor sub forum, why not post your army there and battle reports.  It seem unfair/unrealistic to complain about something, that you can personally complete and help.  Action speaks louder then words. 

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oh i certainly plan to, but at the moment theres me and one other guy following the forum, i wasn't complaining, just hoping to get people to keep their eye on the forum so posts i make don't go unnoticed. 

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Honestly 'following' forums simply isn't something I do.  Much as with the 'like' button, it's an element of social mediafication that I just don't want to see on a discussion board.  At least the B&C doesn't try to peddle an app to me every time I visit like warseer, but still.


Anyway, just because people don't "follow", doesn't man that we don't see.  If there's no discussion going on, that's only because there's basically nothing to say.

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oh i certainly plan to, but at the moment theres me and one other guy following the forum, i wasn't complaining, just hoping to get people to keep their eye on the forum so posts i make don't go unnoticed.

The number of people following a forum is not indicative of the number of people who view a forum. Perhaps if the people viewing the forum found something worth seeing, then they might be more inclined to follow, or at least keep a regular posting status.
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I got some projects in the pipeline for my traitor guards, but first we got the new ally matrix which sort of took my inspiration away, and then the new ork codex made me spend most of my hobby time on my greenskins.

However when FW releases their new Chaos book I hope to pick up my traitor guards again. 

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My big gripe, and just shorthanding this from the topic about the board changes, was the lack of interest. This stemmed from GWs lack of interest and commitment. FW vraks and tyrant legion rules did not get updated in time (nor are they good), and GWs blundering allies rules make traitor guardsmen very unappealing. Even though we get Blood Pact from a white dwarf article, and we still have the older fw rules, they're nothing compared to the newer IG or for that matter simply being able to ally with Chaos Marines.


GW seems content to leave traitor guard as cultist mobs while Fw is busy with other lineups. Most notably, and Mal can exquisitely explain this sentiment, we should expect the updated rules to not be worth writing home about.

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Honestly, even if they weren't that great, I'd still be gung ho for starting a LatD army if the rules were simply up to date.  I just don't want the rug pulled out from under me.  I mean, right now the most exciting thing about the Renegades & Heretics list - since I play undivided and thus would not want to run the all-nurgle variant with it's ogryns and plague drones or the all-khorne list with its blood slaughterers - is the old style chaos icons which would potentially allow me to deep strike down an allied CSM terminator retinue without throwing it away on my lousy luck with scatter dice.  But since CSM icons don't work that way anymore, I don't expect R&H icons to do so post update when and if it ever happens, and it would frustrate me no end to start building that list and then have the one element that makes it work removed.


So... yeah.  I'm waiting for update.  And, yes, praying that the various R&H lists get combined together, because right now the choices are hardly-chaos-at-all, only-khorne, or only-nurgle, and those aren't exactly the most engaging options for a Black Legion player.

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There are three main issues with the current Renegades lists:

1. No Orders and their random Leadership stinks

2. Can't Squadron up Tanks, etc. (but less of an issue now with 7th and unlimited Detachments)

3. Doesn't have some cool AM units like Valkyries, etc.



The thing about the current three Renegades list is that they CAN BE ALLIED with Chaos Space Marines.


So you can have Chaos Space Marines, then add a cheap Plague Marine Champion, a cheap Vet Squad and then pile in 3 Leman Russes, or 3 Basilisks, or 3 Hellhounds, etc.


Or if you want better Cultists as a screen, you can have Chaos Space Marines, then add a cheap Plague Marine Champion, a cheap Vet Squad then 60 Vraks Renegades.


Or if going up against mobs - you can have Chaos Space Marines, then add a cheap Plague Marine Champion, a cheap Vet Squad and Chemical Mortars.

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Why not add cultists to the mix to allow CSM players greater freedom to enter?


A 10 man squad of cultists with flamer leader and heavy stubber nicely counts as a guard squad with flamer and heavy bolter, base sizes notwithstanding.

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I'm not sure if its too much to ask, but I'd love to see the new LatD book be very, very empty.  Literally just "play any units from codex AM" and add in the chaosy bits from vraks.  Perhaps at the cost of commissars, special characters, and relics in favor of new ones. More of a Chaos supplement than the fleshed out pseudo-codex that was vraks.  The AM book is just better than anything we could hope for chaos.


Also... I'd love for plague zombie to available to them.  And be able to explode.  Something like a meltabomb attack that also removes the model that used it. BRAAAIIIINNNNSSSS


Edite to be on topic: I'm adding my WIp thread to that forum in the next couple of weeks.  I almost have my basic HQ + 2 troops assembled and primed.

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There are tons of ways LatD could be done.  Full update of vracks, simple datasheet for AM with no more rules then "no special characters, battle buddies with chaos, CTA with armies of the imperium", anything in between really.  Or a full AM supplement.  Or an inquisition style separate BL rule set.  There are so many ways that latd could be done that it's kind of pointless to get hung up over it.  I personally don't really care what form it takes, but I'm not going to be collecting a 7e army with a 5e (or was vraks 4e?) army list, nor am I going to ally in traitor guard into my CSM army as CTA allies.

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