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Question About Unbound


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With 'Unbound' Armies, could I potentially have an army where I had a Tactical Squad with Salamanders chapter tactics, assault squads with the Raven Guard chapter tactics, etc. All led by Blood Angels Sanguinary Priests? (For example)

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That is pretty much the point of unbound.  You can take whatever you like.  However, each unit should be identifiable in some way when it comes to the varied chapter tactics / codex they are chosen from, IMO.  Otherwise it can get confusing for your opponent.


Page 117 of the BWB outlines how Unbound is supposed to work.

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Yes in theory, no in practice. Ask Gentlemanloser what he thinks about it - basically all chapter tactics must be the same as your warlord, if your warlord doesn't have chapter tactics then you can't field anything with the chapter tactics rule.


RAI is yes, RAW is no. (unless it's been FAQd that I've missed?)

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Provided the Warlord is not from Codex: Space Marines, there won't be any issues. Models not in a Formation or from the same codex/army list as the Warlord are not in Detachments.


If the Warlord is from C:SM, that's when it gets funky. The book the Warlord is purchased from is the Primary Book, and ALL models from the same book are considered part of the same Detachment. One is also not allowed to mix Tactics in a Detachment, which means that all Unbound armies with a C:SM Warlord can only use one Tactic.


Angels and Puppies aren't included in this since they are from a different codex.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If your Unbound Warlord isn't from Faction: Space Marines, you're in a grey area that isn't covered by the rules.


To choose a Chapter Tactic, you select it "when choosing a Space Marine detachment".  And "All models benefit from the appropriate Chapter Tactics for their
detachment’s Chapter".


In an Unbound army with a Warlord not from Faction: Space Marines means *all* your Space Marines do not belong to a detachment.


If they don't belong to a detachment, by RAW they cannot select a Chapter Tactic.


By RAW, in an Unbound army lead by a non Space Marine Warlord, you would not even be able to include Faction: Space Marine character with 'specific' Chapter Tactics;




Certain units and special characters have specific Chapter Tactics and can only be taken in detachments of the specified Chapter


And as a Codex rule, it would override *any* BRB Unbound rule allowing you bring "whatever minis you want".


GW need to update the Chapter Tactics rules in the Space Marine Codex.


To my knowledge, they currently haven't.

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