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Habitual lurker. First time poster!


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Hello, brothers!


I go by Scaler, and this is my first post!


I have been a habitual lurker.  I lurk.  Or skulk.  Whichever you prefer. =)


Since my introduction to the hobby many years ago I have been frequenting this place (Circa 2003) for cool ideas , inspiration, and most importantly the awesome work everyone does on here.


I also have army ADD.  I have only once, since 1999, managed to complete and field an entire army.  You might say I suffer from over-inspiration.  Instead I have accumulated something of a legion of various factions of Space Marines which have been painted and re-painted ad nauseum.


I have decided that enough is enough and I must come forward into the light and contribute to the discussion.  I intend to contribute by submitting what I can in the way of my (expensively acquired) knowledge of 40K fluff, articles, and photo's/WIPs.  Who knows, I might even inspire someone else along the way.


Respectfully submitted,


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Hail, Scaler, and welcome! Since you're a seasoned lurker, I'll spare you the spiel about checking the rules and feeling free to ask questions you may or may not have. Instead I merely encourage you to enjoy yourself here. I'm sure you'll find fellow Fraters that'll enjoy the same things you do. smile.png

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