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Recent game pictures!


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I may have this in the wrong board, but since I am not posting a battle report and just posting pictures of my games I thought I'd put it here.

Please feel free to move this thread if I'm wrong Admins! biggrin.png

The two forces set up against each other. The Objectives literally mirrored each other on the far left of the battle field, my 10 man Chaos Marines guarding their objective, my opponent's chaplain and tactical squad guarded his.
My Obliterators look on as they blow up two of the three approaching Ravenwing bikes on the left flank.
On the right flank my Possessed along with my Chaos Sorcerer take out the other three ravenwing bikers with little trouble (especially since they had the invisibility power).
My Daemon Prince took tot he skies and vector strikes the Scouts sitting above the buildings in the centre of the table.
The Daemon Prince is brought down from the skies by a lucky plasma shot, he goes on to take a wound due tot he fall, but then goes on to wipe out the squad that brought him down. The Librarian and his squad then confront him and manage to kill the daemon prince, not before he manages to murder most of the squad.
The Possessed then came running in from the flank in order to finish the squad off. The Librarian and the Sorcerer kill each other at the same time in a duel.
Techincally I "won" however the scenario we played (Emperor's Will) made it so that we had a draw.
Anyone else got pictures from a recent game? I'm something of an addict when it comes to taking pictures (not just of warhammer stuff either). Anyone else out there have the bug too?
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Just normal Word Bearers (no Crimson Slaughter in this) for the moment. I will be running Crimson Slaughter rules as of next week though!


Battle Brothers tournament starts next week. A knock out tournament where your battle brother is randomly determined every week!


I'll try and add more information next week if I can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i was in a doubles tournament this week, and the idea was that you submitted 1000 points army lists (I went Crimson Slaughter) and then everyone's army is put into a hat and your partner and opponents where drawn out of a bag. I have a few pictures of the kind of thing people decided to take!










Yes they are Titans and Bio-titans. So yeah... :/


My army was much more "normal" and so too where my opponents and my partners.


Here are a few pictures of my fellas doing their thing.


Sadly my Dark Apostle's (Sorcerer) mace fell off. Didn't stop him instant deathing Typhus! :D


Set up!




Baledrake scorching cultists and marines alike!





After killing Typhus my Apostle then faced off against Sicarius!



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Tzen, how'd they have the big guys in such small games?


All the rules for FOC had been relaxed. So all unbound and such.


I doubt I'll ever play a tournament that allows LoW or Unbound armies ever again if I am totally honest. 




And Kilofix... it doesn't seem like it :P

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Unpainted stuff pains my soul as usual.




So true!


I had to play with unpainted minis for the first time in ages to be even slightly competitive in this tourny. Shouldn't have bothered since they all took titans!


Well.. not all... half...

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  • 2 months later...
Just adding some pictures of my game last night, if I can I will add some descriptions of the game later, just a bit pressed for time!




























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Gal Vorbak ....so pretty .... sooooo pretty.


How are the Possessed in game and how do you usually run them?


Lately, I've been running mine as stock CSM Codex and not Crimson Slaughter.

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Gal Vorbak ....so pretty .... sooooo pretty.


How are the Possessed in game and how do you usually run them?


Lately, I've been running mine as stock CSM Codex and not Crimson Slaughter.


The same really. I tend to run them with a sorcerer and hope I get invisibility. I then go round absoloutely mulching my way through enemy infantry and tar pitting harder hitting units. If you don't get invisibility they are still a good diversionary unit. Lots of people don't like AP3 weapons. The Crimson Slaughter table is pretty bad in my opinion.


With the Chaos Spawn on the table they tend to benefit more from Invisibility. They are harder too. So I tend to run the possessed up in support of them.



What chapter are the loyalists in blue and red with dark angels symbols supposed to be? Love your bearers of the word !


It's Dark Angels rules but of my opponents own devising. He didn't tell me much more sadly. He wasn't a "fluff" player, not that he was a power gamer (quite the opposite).

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Gal Vorbak ....so pretty .... sooooo pretty.


How are the Possessed in game and how do you usually run them?


Lately, I've been running mine as stock CSM Codex and not Crimson Slaughter.



The same really. I tend to run them with a sorcerer and hope I get invisibility. I then go round absoloutely mulching my way through enemy infantry and tar pitting harder hitting units. If you don't get invisibility they are still a good diversionary unit. Lots of people don't like AP3 weapons. The Crimson Slaughter table is pretty bad in my opinion.


With the Chaos Spawn on the table they tend to benefit more from Invisibility. They are harder too. So I tend to run the possessed up in support of them.



What chapter are the loyalists in blue and red with dark angels symbols supposed to be? Love your bearers of the word !



It's Dark Angels rules but of my opponents own devising. He didn't tell me much more sadly. He wasn't a "fluff" player, not that he was a power gamer (quite the opposite).


Tragic, love learning my opponents fluff and characters, if only to make crushing them all the sweeter.

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Thanks man!


I usually run him as a tzeentch daemon with wings, power amour and black mace. I'm a sucker for psychic powers too so he's usually level three. I'd like to make him a daemon summoner but I lack the models!

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