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ETLIII penance vow completions


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I got my first mini completed for my penance vow. Not to worry I will be making further posts only when I finish squads/vehicles/characters. I just wanted to make a post as I have at least finished the first one (only 50ish more to go).


I can at least give away this mini as table top quality without feeling bad about it.

The penance vow/army will be at least 1500 points worth of Ultramarines when I am finished.

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I got the dismounted scouts finished.

I should be able to complete the vets and centurions by next week. If so that will put me around 15% complete or so.

Thanks CPT, I will keep plugging along (even if it's just to get all this blue out of my work area smile.png )

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  • 3 months later...

Ok, I haven't forgotten about this vow :) I've just been having issues (which is what got me here in the first place).


Anyways, here's a few completions for my vow and I should have A few more up tomorrow.








I am not going "super fancy" on them for a few reasons. I am giving them to a non painter so I'm trying to get them as close to "box cover" as possible and also I have A LOT to paint hahaha

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PA Commander



Terminator Assault Squad (w/ converted SGT)



I should be starting on the Tac squads tomorrow as well as the crew for the Storm.


Thanks for taking a look :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I broke the Tactical Squad in half for painting (too much blue). The second half should be done soon and the scouts for the storm are half finished.




My vow exploded from 1500 points to almost 5000 which I didn't mind as it was for a friend. Over the holidays real world events changed and I am going back to my original vow of 1500 points ( give or take). I really hope that isn't a huge issue. I doubt I'll have a problem finding a home for the Smurfs when I'm done regardless.


More to follow soon(ish).

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