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1500 Tournament Results


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So I just finished a 1500pt tournament

No formations, fortifications or Lords of War but ForgeWorld Allowed (not experimental)


My List

Mephiston (Reserved in Raven)

6x Aslt Terminator- 4x TH (Deployed beside LRR)

5x Aslt Marines (In Reserves)

LandRaiderRedeemer-MM (Empty)

Death Company- 2 Axes, 1 Fist (In LRC)

LandRaiderCrusader- MM

StormRaven (Mephy’s personal ride)


Note- The Raven/Mephy showed up turn 2 in every game

Mephy’s Psykic Powers/Warlord Trait

Game 1) Iron arm, ?, ? WLT) Feel no pain

Game 2) Warp Speed, Endurance, ? WLT) It will not die

Game 3) Iron Arm, Warp Speed, ? WLT) Furious Charge

Game 4) Warp Speed, Endurance, ? WLT) It will not die


Crusade- Game 1 Vs Ultra-Marines

Tigirus, Centurions, Coteaz, Librarian in TDA with SS (in one unit)

2x 10man tactical razor back units

Small flyer- thing I can’t remember name of

3 Guardsman (not sure again, my guess is they are a troops choice to take Coteaz)



He deployed in the Corner in a 3 Story building with everything except a Razor and half tact unit (this Razor squad went for line breaker and to take the objective on my table edge, too late though to take my aslt marines from hiding on it)

His death star killed a raider 1st turn, 2nd turn killed the aslt terminators, were invisible and ruining my game,

Turn 3

Mephy unloads from the raven into terrain the terrain climbs his way up and assaults the death star Challenges and (THANKS to MEMBERS of this FORUM) I remembered Transfixing Gaze which helped me get some hits through the invisibility, turn 4 he didn’t roll enough for it, with re-roll and turn 5 I denied it (4 sixes) Mephy cut the entire unit to pieces, while laughing them at toughness 9

The death company cleared out the bottom floor of everything else but it didn’t compare to Mephy’s beasting of the death star by himself




Kill Points- Game 2 Vs Space Wolves

(Old Rules, as codex has not been out for a month before tourney)

2 RunePriest

1 10 man Tact Squad ?

2 Contemptor Dreads

3 Razor Las/plas & grey hunter squads

Long Fangs



First turn things go terribly wrong for me as the las-plas razorz shoot the LRC and explode it first shot of the game (well for him, I went first, and did nothing) the Death Coy had to dis-embark (he killed a few from other shooting )His second shot immobilized the LRR

Second turn

The 6 remaining Death Company move assault and over kill the unit losing 3 in over-watch and combat and then which he shot to death on his turn

The Aslt termies dismounted and assaulted the Contemptor, But they failed the charge, then standing in the open in front of the Dread and 2 Las-plas Razorz 3 HammerNator’s went down

The raven did take out the 1 contemptor this turn

Things were not looking good for me starting on turn 3, I felt defeated, actually at this point I was being massacred by Las/Plas razors, seriously this can’t be happening, anyway turn 3 Mephy landed and took out the 10 man unit of whatever they were with Warp Speed helping him

The raven took out 1 of the razors, the Terminators combi-assaulted the contemptor and other razor and died in the turns combats, doing no damage to either, He also finished off the Landraider in his turn


Turn 4

His squads are all moving towards linebreaker and my 5 marines hiding in the back of my deployment zone, Me with Mephy on foot, the Stormraven hovering and 5 marines

He should have assaulted the hovering stormraven but didn’t, and I wasn’t going to help him out at this point of the game, during the


Final turns (went to 6) Mephy was gunned down chasing a razor and squad, he did aslt the vehicle made it snap fire and that’s what finished him off, a snap firing TL plasma-gun, but what Mephy did was soak up all the fire from his units as the Raven moved about picking off the other razorback and contemptor



Emperor’s Will-Game 3 VS Grey Knights

Grand Master in TDA

5 Paladin’s

2 Sqaud in power armour

3 LandRaiders (1 Crusader, 2 Phobos)


Summary- LOL 3 Raiders Vs 2 Raiders and a Raven

This game he had the Crusader/Paladin’s close the me and the two phobos back

Turn 2 -I finally wrecked his Crusader but the aslt termies fail to reach them in the assault

During his turn he moves his Paladin’s and Master back (He know’s the Mephy bomb is coming)

Turn 3 – Mephy is hungry –with Iron Arm and Warp Speed he eats the whole squad and grand master (Challenge, Transfixing Gaze and overkill)

Turn 4,5,6

Mephy was still hungry he ate another one of the units after the raven killed a Phobos

My LRR moved back to hold an OBJ while the LRC was immobilized, the death company were never let out to play, the termies and Mephy were having all the fun

I cant remember what happened to his last raider but Mephy had cleared his objective and I held both OBJ’s at games end



Crusade & Kill Points- Game 4 VS Eldar

HQ? wasn’t a psyker

3 Serpents with guardians

1 Serpent with Fire Dragons (HQ went here)

Crimson Hunter?

Night Spinner?

Warp Spiders



Turn 1- He wrecked my LRR and the termies would have to walk for the game

Turns 2-3-4

Raven took out his flyer and 2 serpents as he moved 3 serpents, and the spiders towards the OBJ on my side of the table where the terminators were heading, the aslt marines came in from the table edge and went towards there as well, he wiped out both of these units

Mephy also made his way into the combat, killing a serpent and guardian squad before being killed by the spiders and fire dragons shooting

The crusader moved into his deployment zone exploding the Crimson hunter while the death company killed a wave serpent and the guardians that were in it and left the raider there to hold one of 2 OBJ’s

Turn 5

The Raven hovered onto one OBJ and the LRC took another OBJ

The weight of fire from my Crusader, and raven took out the fire dragons and HQ, leaving him with only the Warp spiders and guardians left, with the Death Company was about 15-18” away



I won Best General


I should mention, my LGS has a rule where no-one can win two prizes, the person who won Best Over-all had actually won best general, but took the better title as the prizes were the same


He also took the Grand Prize trophy which was a home made Chainsword

Was pretty awesome, about 4ft long, 6-8” wide blade

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Mephy unloads from the raven into terrain the terrain climbs his way up and assaults the death star Challenges and (THANKS to MEMBERS of this FORUM) I remembered Transfixing Gaze which helped me  


You're welcome! :P


Way to represent BA! 


Well played and just the right amount of info in the batreps for me. Only missing some pictures!

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