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1850 BA 7th Ed list- Feedback.


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Heya guys,


Had three games now with a list i'm really, really enjoying for 7th and I thought id share the results and the mini-reports etc.


 Our club plays almost exclusively Maelstrom Missions in 7th, so the list is designed with that in mind.



Damocles Rhino


Furioso  - Frag Cannon, Melta gun, Magna Grapple

Drop Pod


5x ASM - Meltagun

Drop Pod

5x ASM - Meltagun, Axe, (JPs)

5x ASM - Flamer

Razor - Las/Plas

5x ASM - Flamer

Razor - Las/Plas

8x DC - 2x Axe, Fist

Land Raider


Sicaran Battle Tank


Fire Raptor - 2x Autocannon


Vengeance Battery - Icarus


(This comes to 1810, so ive been playing with different tweeks at different times)


Ive played against new Orks, DA and Chaos Space Marines  - all of which have been victories.  I'm really, really enjoying the style of the play, and really enjoying the variety of units.  The jumpy marines and the pod marines mean I have some serious, serious mobile Objective Secured contesting.  

The Raptor i'm a little unsure about now for certain roles.  

In a double team with the raven, its incredible, but it doesn't seem to be doing its job of Flyer hunting. 


I also think the Icarus battery may be better off as 3x Hyperios - but again, unsure there - at least they dont have to fire at the closest model.  That nerf to skyfire/intercept is quite hard for dedicated anti-air. 


I'm finding 7th plays COMPLETELY differently from 6th - specifically maelstrom missions.  It's been a very welcomed change though. Really revitalised things.  I think GW have done well.  

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Can a mod please move this to the army list sub-forum? msn-wink.gif *prepares for incoming warning points*

In seriousness, the bits I recognise and know the rules for I like (don't know how the Sicaran works). The list certainly works very well for Maelstrom missions, in terms of build and style it looks not dissimilar to my Dark Eldar list that's been giving everyone fits just because it's got tons of lightning fast, Objective Secured transports. But there's a few changes I'd make if it was down to me:

Swap the Raptor for a Storm Raven. You're struggling with anti-air and the Raven is a great option. The biggest problem with the Raptor from my brief glance over the rules is that it caps at S7, whereas the Raven has S8 missiles, a multi-melta, and can be given the lascannons (though I use the assault cannons because they're better all-around, IMO). Unless the drop pod is there specifically to let you land the dread in a later turn.

Not a fan of 5 dudes in the drop pod with a single melta. I'd drop the pod and combine them and your 5 man jump-squad into a 10 man unit (saving 10 points in the process). This gives you the option of a 10-man combined hammer/survival unit, or my favourite tactic of 5 deep-strikers with 2 meltaguns, and 5 in the Storm Raven. In my experience, the 5 dudes in a Raven can be a real game-changer as they can finish something off with a charge against a weakened unit, or you can kick them out the back of the Raven as it flies and snag an objective that looked untouchable.

Those changes leave you with 70 points, I'd probably be inclined to snag a priest (who can ride shotgun in any of the razorbacks) and a final DC model with that.

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Anyway, initial thoughts:


Are you using Lascannon sponsons on your Sicaran? (Proxy, or did you find a template?)

What Raider are you using?

Are you *really* getting the benefit from the Damocles?

A barebones Inquisitor with a Servo Skull is 28 points (with three skulls this is 34 points). Worth adding to assist with the Orbital Bombardment, Infiltrator shenanigans and any deep striking?

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The razors seem like the weak part of this list, but I assume you use the Raider and Sicaran to screen them? 


On the DC I think you could save a few points by scrapping the power fist and upgrading the reclusiarch instead since he gets a discount, as suggested to me in the dread spam thread.

Normally I'd advice against single character with a fist but in this case I think it actually works. I can't think of many scenarios where it would hurt to have that fist on the reclusiarch instead of a generic DC marine. Or why not do both? Maybe drop an axe since it's the same cost. 

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Been using the raider (godhammer) and sicaran (currently a proxy) to screen, ya!  I really, really like the objective secured razors.  The Damocles is more about the orbital bombardment, and then the delay or boost for the reserve for the dread or the marines, depending on what i want.  not using lascannons on them yet!


Its a list that tries to play strongly to Maelstrom missions.  


Was thinking about the discount on the PF for the reccy, but I like the additional concussive shots at init5, and i really, really like that when they charge (more often than not) they reroll hits and then wounds too - makes for very reliable PF hits - on the chappy, he just gets the rerolls.  Also, the DC gets the same amount of attacks on the charge as the chappy.

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Been doing lot's of playtesting with DC. With a Reclu, 1 fist 9 pistol/ccw seems to still be overkill when charging things. If you take the cheap fist on reclu i belive it replaces the pistol? So you have the option of choosing which weapon to strike with (though you loose 1 attack with the maul). Not sure what i prefer, seems like the maul is very useful even if it's ap4 and great vs Orc's or equivelant.


Have you been loosing Land Raider alot in games? Our local meta has seen a huge increase in melta and less plasma in general. 


I like 10 ASM 2 melta in pod then combat squadding for Maelstorm, that way i can choose to either split still keep 2 melta for the drop, or drop all 10 if the situation warrants it. In Maelstorm the 5 left behind will generally still have a meaningful role. DoA dropping for melta dmg is delayed a turn and dosnt let you space out units, so mixed feelings about dropping them in with Jump Packs, ASM in a pod or razor just seems so strong especially in Maelstorm since you get the 2for1.


Seems like a strong list for Maelstorm.




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