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Fallen Dark Angels

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Never have i dared step into these haunted halls but i would have some advice please.


Doing a Fallen dark Angel, nothing new nothing fancy but i have no idea really how the chaos list works. is there any units that are a must have? 


im looking at 1250 list with cypher and some chosen some bikes some havocs apparently cultists are good for holding but other than that im lost ?


and for an hq i was thinking sorcerer on bike but is that worth it?


Not gonna take anything deamony or cult troops. i'm aware im limiting myself pretty badly but its more of a modelling fluffy army than anything else.

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I would also propose the schnapps made with fermented loyalist blood and spiced with the tears of children, Vintage 2002.


So a Fallen Angel then. Well simply get Cypher, so you can unlock 1-3 Chosen squads as Fallen Angels. Then get some Rhinos, get a lot of Plasma Guns (indeed a DA thing) and support the whole with a Helldrake, some Cultists in the rear lines and add either Vindicators or Relic Predator Executioners and you shall have yourself a nasty fully mechanized and plasma spamming army. It is not the top list but it is an effective one.  

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Never have i dared step into these haunted halls but i would have some advice please.


Doing a Fallen dark Angel, nothing new nothing fancy but i have no idea really how the chaos list works. is there any units that are a must have? 


im looking at 1250 list with cypher and some chosen some bikes some havocs apparently cultists are good for holding but other than that im lost ?


and for an hq i was thinking sorcerer on bike but is that worth it?


Not gonna take anything deamony or cult troops. i'm aware im limiting myself pretty badly but its more of a modelling fluffy army than anything else.


I've started a Fallen Angel army myself useing the Black Legion supplament with Cypher added.  I was aim on - Cypher w/Terminators & Land Raider, Chaos Lord with wargear from the BL supplament.  For the Chosen, it just allow for some great conversion, make each one unique with there wargear & then a unit of Havocs useing the Forge World heavy weapon sets.  I'm still trying to get the army list sorted with a aim to 1500pts, then add on to that so I got more chose for future games.


If you check out my Iron Warriors army log, you can find some photos of Eddie Fallen Angel army from Throne of Skulls Septemeber last year which are very inspring & that along with the Fallen Background (always been a fan) has led to me collecting the army now.


Have you though of adding Terminators?  Would allow you to convert up, the really great Deathwing Command/Knight models & would be a great center unit model wise.  I'm current getting them painted to act as bodyguard for Cypher in my army list & have them with a Land Raider.


With the Sorcerer, could be worth model both one on bike & one on foot allow you that chose between games.  I've always like the art work of the Dark Angel Librarian in the codex Dark Angels & though that would make a brillaint conversion for a Sorcerer/Fallen Angel Librarian.

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Ok so firstly , thankyou for your welcomes you chaos guys aren't all bad! Just misunderstood right?


Cypher can't take warlord that is why i was looking into a sorcerer.


I really like the look of the plasma executioner but not sure on the legalities of taking it with a chaos space marine codex as i'm looking to run a  bound list. Plus i think i need a warpsmith plus i think you can only run 1! looks nice though.  


I love termies will deff look at adding some but wanna get the bikes done first gotta have some fallen dark angels on bikes would be rude not too! 


Never have i dared step into these haunted halls but i would have some advice please.


Doing a Fallen dark Angel, nothing new nothing fancy but i have no idea really how the chaos list works. is there any units that are a must have? 


im looking at 1250 list with cypher and some chosen some bikes some havocs apparently cultists are good for holding but other than that im lost ?


and for an hq i was thinking sorcerer on bike but is that worth it?


Not gonna take anything deamony or cult troops. i'm aware im limiting myself pretty badly but its more of a modelling fluffy army than anything else.


I've started a Fallen Angel army myself useing the Black Legion supplament with Cypher added.  I was aim on - Cypher w/Terminators & Land Raider, Chaos Lord with wargear from the BL supplament.  For the Chosen, it just allow for some great conversion, make each one unique with there wargear & then a unit of Havocs useing the Forge World heavy weapon sets.  I'm still trying to get the army list sorted with a aim to 1500pts, then add on to that so I got more chose for future games.


If you check out my Iron Warriors army log, you can find some photos of Eddie Fallen Angel army from Throne of Skulls Septemeber last year which are very inspring & that along with the Fallen Background (always been a fan) has led to me collecting the army now.


Have you though of adding Terminators?  Would allow you to convert up, the really great Deathwing Command/Knight models & would be a great center unit model wise.  I'm current getting them painted to act as bodyguard for Cypher in my army list & have them with a Land Raider.


With the Sorcerer, could be worth model both one on bike & one on foot allow you that chose between games.  I've always like the art work of the Dark Angel Librarian in the codex Dark Angels & though that would make a brillaint conversion for a Sorcerer/Fallen Angel Librarian.


Would love to see your work fella, link me?

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If I were you, I'd probably get the Dark Vengeance box and a couple of DA bitz and work from there: The DA Librarian can be converted into a pretty convincing Cypher, and the loyalist Dark Angels should be easy enough to convert into Fallen Angels with some additional bitz. The Chosen could represent your really evil Fallen. And those DA Termies look great with those sinister Raptor Lightning Claws... ;)

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When I was trying to get my Fallen Angels list to work in 6th/7th, I found it rather hard to get what I wanted with either the Chaos or DA Codices. I ended up listing what I wanted the feel of the army to be and then finding a list that worked with that. For what it's worth, I'm using the Iron Hands rules (6+ FnP and IWND on vehicles and Characters) and it's enough to Ally in IG for Cultists and / or SW for more feral / less codex-adherent qualities. 


The DV boxset in an excellent start for this - standard DA troops for basic Fallen, Cultists as either Scouts or Allied IG, Chosen for Sternguard / Vet Sergeants, Helbrute as a chaos-touched Dread, etc.

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...Are they fallen or dark Angels?


There Fallen Angels using the Black Legion supplement, there culstit in the army as well, just these where the photos I posted up, there lot more on the army.  Converted up the Dark Angel flyer with a High Elf model to give it flame, count as a Heldrake.  Was a really great army from Throne of Skulls September.



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He uses a legit Contemptor dred as a Helbrute?


Yes, this was before Forge World rule/unit where offical allowed in events in Nottingham & Contemptor where allowed as "count as" dread :D  It from this conversion & Brother Heinrich that made me want to add one to my own army.

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A lot of how you run Fallen comes down to how you see your Fallen operating. I have a Fallen army myself based off two ideas. 


1. There are rumours of Dark Angels rebuilding their Legion

2. What did Cypher do with the geneseed from Angels of Darkness? (I've yet to read the latest Legacy of Caliban novel so if there's more in there, I don't know it)


So with that in mind, I imagined Cypher selecting a handful of Fallen, giving them the gene seed and setting them up on some forgotten backwater Imperial death world to rebuild.


So I now have my 14th Order of the 1st Legion (CSM and whatever supplement I feel like running), allied alongside the 2nd NuCallian (Cultists/AM depending on my mood, and they're the 2nd because the Angels are the 1st), and an assortment of beasts from the Deathworld that's been captured (like the Knights of Lupus. Representing Spawn/Heldrake/Maulerfiends)


I really should get an army log up here.


But, as I was saying, what you can do with the Fallen is quite open. My personal favourite (though only somewhat effective) Warlord is a Chaos Lord on a disc of tzeentch with a power lance and burning brand (to make a mockery of Sammael, modelled off a Legion Scimitar Jetbike)

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