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Noob questions about Assaults


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I have a few questions about assaults. I get the basics of it, but I'm wondering about a few specifics.


Firstly, can Psykers use powers while locked in combat? Specifically, can they use blessings or maledictions while in combat. In the section "Locked in Combat", where it specifies what units locked in combat CANNOT do, the Psychic phase isn't mentioned. You can't Run or shoot in the Shooting phase, can't move in the Movement phase, and can't fire Overwatch. The rules for the Psychic phase don't mention it at all.



Secondly, I'm wondering about attacks and what stats they use. For instance, I know it says Pistol weapons count as generic (no stat) close combat weapons in assaults. So, let's say that I have a Space Marine Librarian (2 attacks) with a pistol and Force Sword (+1 attack for two close combat weapons) who charges (another +1 attack). That's a total of 4 attacks. Do I use the Force Sword profile for all of them? Or do I have to use the generic close combat weapon profile for the +1 attack for having a pistol... and which attack is used for the charging? 

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cant help on the first since my contact with this edition has been non existant, but for the second question, you use the weapon profile for all attacks.

say a chaplain with pistol + crozius (maul, +2S) charges, so its 2 A profile + 1 (2 cc weapons) + 1 (charge) =4 S6 attacks.

so your librarian does 4 attacks on the charge, all with the sword profile (or axe, or staff as apropriate)

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1st Question:  Page 26-27 has the rules for psychic powers.


The only type that is restricted, as it relates to being locked in combat, are the Witchfire powers (including Focussed, Beam and Nova powers) which cannot be used by a model locked in combat.  Blessings, Maledictions and Conjurations may be used by a psyker locked in combat as there is no such restriction on them.


2nd Question:  Page 41 - "More than one weapon"


Generally speaking, all attacks by a model in close combat use the profile of the (singular) weapon they declare the model to be using.  In your example that would mean 4 attacks with either the Force Sword or Bolt Pistol as the chosen weapon profile (as the Bolt Pistol can use the standard Close Combat Weapon profile in combat).


There are exceptions:

- Logan Grimnar is an exception as he can choose to split his attacks between two profiles, but that's because his weapon has a unique special rule that allows him to do so.

- Certain items of Wargear, like Chaos Combat Familiars and Tyranid Tail Biomorphs, have additional attacks with a different profile, but this is specified in their rules.

- Hammer of Wrath attacks are always resolved at the models base S with no AP value, they do not benefit from weapons or wargear.

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Thanks for the replies!


That really helped clear up some things that are important for the lists I'm running! You even managed to answer a question I forgot to ask. I'm not entirely sure when it would be useful, but it's nice to know I can use, for example, a Bolt Pistol instead of an Unwieldy weapon if I didn't want to strike last.

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