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allied knights?


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just a quick question.


I don't have access to the knights codex but I had an idea to have one in an iron warriors army. is that possible as a come the apoc alliance or does the knight codex disallow this?


thanks kindly in advance.

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Per the 7th ed rulebook, Imperial Knights are in the Imperium faction, so they can ally with chaos, albeit as only "come the apocalypse". I couldn't find anything in the Imperial Knight codex saying there were any additional restrictions on allying with chaos.

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Just do it anyway. Use the Come The Apocalypse allie rules. Even though I feel they should be open to any marine army. Those things always look better when converted to Chaos ;)
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Adeptus Mechanicus Quaestoris Knights are part of the Taghmata Omnissiah Army List from Horus Heresy III: Massacre and thus Battle Brothers to an Iron Warriors army chosen from the Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List.


Oh you meant with Codex: Chaos Space Marines? But there are no rules for "Iron Warriors" in that codex... ;)

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The good thing is that unless you're playing on a small board, the Knight Titans are fast enough and strong enough to deploy 12" away from your main Chaos force and to stand on their own.

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Just do it anyway. Use the Come The Apocalypse allie rules. Even though I feel they should be open to any marine army. Those things always look better when converted to Chaos msn-wink.gif

Agreed on both counts, especially because there's fluff in their codex of at least on knight house turning to chaos

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That CtA is too much of a turn off to use a model with zero synergy with my army though, despite new and old fluff on Chaos Knights and Knight equivalent demon engines.


Also I'm tight on budget constraints, and if I get a knight I want to try a bunch of conversion ideas, maybe even reclaim my lost Supplice model and try to see if an Armored Core Head will fit in place instead.


Which reminds me, I have a freaking Zaku tank sitting in my closet unoppened in the box to assemble. D:

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Just do it anyway. Use the Come The Apocalypse allie rules. Even though I feel they should be open to any marine army. Those things always look better when converted to Chaos msn-wink.gif

Agreed on both counts, especially because there's fluff in their codex of at least on knight house turning to chaos

I'd really like to do a House Devine Slaanesh Knight. Probably the sleek Cerastus Lancer. It's mainly a fantasy right now but maybe one day I'll get to it. That model is way too sexy not to serve Slaanesh.

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just a quick question.


I don't have access to the knights codex but I had an idea to have one in an iron warriors army. is that possible as a come the apoc alliance or does the knight codex disallow this?


thanks kindly in advance.


The codex just state that Chaos Space Marines are - apocalypse alliance.  As everyone else said you ok to use him with your Chaos Marines, just he'll need to set up away from the rest of the army.


I'm currently trying out the Knight as a ally with my Iron Warriors army & possible looking to use him that a local tournament that the end of October as something a little different & pretty much it a weekend of gaming,


They are nice models to build & paint, I'm current thinking off trying get a army of Chaos theme knight on the go but it'll just be down to money & time more than anything else.

I think it a good centre peace model for a army, like Baneblade for Guard or Writhknight for Eldar.

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