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Rapier Batteries and BA


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Hello guys,


I have overlooked this option from IA2 2ndED, on purpose as the look of it is just not for me. However I have seen a game; where friend of mine had been using 3 of them (lazer ones) as single unit as BA heavy choice.


I was surprised how good they were, for such a "low" price (single auto-las pred ragne) it did very good specially hidden in cover. I was very surprised how good is the laser destroyer.


On the other hand, are you using them ? Dont you think that these are quite OP for its price?



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He used them in boosted cover, with priest around, they soar up so much firepower. He run sort of razor spam with SM allies and SR in skies (thunderfire cannon on the other board edge), deployed them in boosted ruins with SP.


I do not recall all the kills they got, but I know they scored few valks and those AV14 russes...they are deadly !

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BloodTzar, Ya, the Rapier is really, really nice on account of that ordnance rule.  They're not dedicated anti-air though, so only hitting on 6s.  (Also anti-air artillery took a huge hit in 7th with the change to skyfire/intercept - they only hit ground targets on 6s now!!)


Additionally, artillery cannot be joined by ICs (so priests wouldnt help), and if they were joined by a BA priest, they wouldnt get a FNP on account of not being a BA.  

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The quoted rule is:  "A rapier laser destroyer is a heavy support choice in a ....Codex:  Blood Angels army."

Says nothing about being a unit chosen from Codex: Blood Angels (the requirement, to my knowledge, for us to get FNP on a unit).

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Well they played it as if they were BA codex, so T7 with 3+ and FNP on top of that


On the other hand, 3xTL Las with Ordanance is deadly for any flyer it is pointed at...do not forget they cost only fraction of points as they should specially in BA book (access to FNP) in my opinion.


PS. As the wording goes I think the same Devs have, perhaps rapier it selfs should not get the FnP, however the crew should get it no matter what.

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What I typed out was from "my" version of IAv2SE, with the only omission being the three other Codices it can be taken in and the next sentence about the Tyrant's Legion.


Also, seriously? You want the words changed around to allow it to become BA? In that case:


BA pattern Contemptor, page 18 IA:Apoc




The Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought is an Elites choice for a Codex: Blood Angels army


As this is all we have, it does not benefit from a Priest's FC, correct?

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Well, I am not trying to bend rules here, I am just describing how the game was played. Moreover, in my opinion with access to FNP, are rapiers "hit of the month" as they are dirt cheap and deadly.


Perhaps you can enlighten me more on the rules it should follow, however as I mentioned in the game I have seen them they used FNP as for any BA unit from BA dex.



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Im not particularly invested either way, mate! II would happily use it with FNP.  With current ruling (and no FAQ) its a friendly unit within 6". So, its good to go.

So more than happy to let the rules-fundis chat further about it.

For sake of clarity of my original position and the inevitable discussion though.....


"heavy choice in a ....XYZ army"  and "heavy choice in Codex: XYZ"  will have two different RAW readings.  


The first indicates that when using a C:BA army, it could be a heavy choice (as opposed to a FA choice or Elite etc) chosen from that FW book.

The second indicates, much more clearly and without question, that it is a heavy choice chosen from C:BA.  


re: the Contemptor - It would be down to uber-anal splitting of hairs over "in" and "for" and whether that meant its part of the the BA dex, or just an addition to it-  again, not invested in that debate.   Intention is clear to me in terms of the Contemptor, and I could even see the marines of the gun getting FNP.   But, since we'd be arguing RAW to get a gun platform benefiting from the blood of sanguinius...Id expect we would receive that level of return argument. 

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It's not an allied unit and in no way is it treated as a seperate force or detachment. Of course it works with the grail. 


If anyone gives you lip ask where in the rule book specifically it forbids you from bashing his head in using a metal furioso in a sock.

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If you look on the forgeworld site there is a listing for the weapons battery that spells it out nicely:




Specifically, the crew get the "red thirst" rule from codex: BA. I think it follows that the priest would benefit the crew (though not the guns - that's just silly). Stiil, T7 3+ with FNP for the crew (if the shooting wasn't S8 or higher and a crewman was out front) is pretty good.

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It's not an allied unit and in no way is it treated as a seperate force or detachment. Of course it works with the grail. 


If anyone gives you lip ask where in the rule book specifically it forbids you from bashing his head in using a metal furioso in a sock.


I like this.  Granted I ended a debate about which was better, plastic dread or metal ones, by throwing my metal furioso at his plastic one.  No damage to brother Acheron, his dread did not fare well.  I was younger, dumber, and he had been pissing me off for a few weeks prior to this...

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