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The Brit marines.


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Yea I'm thinking of using imperial fist tactics for official games but I've written warlord traits and chapter tactics for them in friendly games. As for British rifles in napoleonic wars they had longer range but could only fire 2 rounds a minuet. The standard "Brown Bess" could fire 3 rounds a minuet on a good day. Thanks for the suggested colour scheme but I've already got a a fully painted 1500pt army of the lads, I'll post pics of them on my page but the colour scheme is very similar to yours. I like the name union jacks and the red bulldogs :)
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Not during the napoleonic wars, re loading a musket was a very complicated procedure and the weather on the day never really helped. Guard infantry with their muskets could maybe pull off 4 rounds a minuet on a very good day. Your standard rank and file would be able to fire 3 rounds a minuet at best but usually it was 2 and the rifle regiments (the 95th, 60th and some KGL light companies) could fire at a longer distance and had much greater accuracy (it was rifled rather than smoothbore) but they could only fire 2 rounds a minuet max. That's the reason why the French never used rifles because they wanted more fire power rather than accuracy but the British had learnt from America where the American riflemen smashed the red coats. A rather long response to a short question but hey :)
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How about the Regal Hounds, another dog associated with Britain, from the planet of Baskervillia. I don't remember bulldogs ever being referred to in the fluff, but the term Hound regularly appears.


You might also want to look at the Praetorian Imperial Guard as your standard PDF uniform (they are based on the British forces from the movie Zulu). You may also be able to borrow some of their traits and customs for your own forces.


I also like the idea of using the term Albia over Britain as it reflects it fluff, and doesn't sound of out place.


Edit: The ttack on Terra by Slaanesh you are referring to might be the birth of Slaanesh when warp storms covered the galaxy.

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How about the Regal Hounds, another dog associated with Britain, from the planet of Baskervillia. I don't remember bulldogs ever being referred to in the fluff, but the term Hound regularly appears.


Perhaps not 'Baskervillia' - I'd say truncating that to Basker and adding a Roman 'V' after it (Basker V) would make a great reference without being too obvious. Of course, this is just a suggestion. Perhaps Duke has a different idea or route for his chapter and their homeworld.

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Yea I've seen those guardsmen and they look cool! They were actually one of the inspirations for my chapter, I suppose hounds does seem a lot more in line with the fluff so I'll use that :) as for the name it might have to be hounds of Albia. I'll try get the LA out some time this week for you
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