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Purifiers in allied SW Drop Pod


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Using the SW Drop Pods from their Fast Attack section seems to be all the rage now, with people proposing Centurions, Dominions, Scions, and even AM Veterans.


One idea that I have not seen put out there, which I think would be quite potent, is putting a 10 man Purifier Squad with 4 Incinerators into a SW Drop Pod.


Have the Purifiers Combat Squad before deployment then, Turn 1, when the DP comes in, the 2 Combat Squads disembark, release two Cleansing Flame witchfires in the Psychic Phase (for an average of 14 S5 AP4 Ignore Cover hits per enemy unit within a 9" radius), and follow it up with 4 Incinerator templates and 12 Storm Bolter shots, either all on the same target or split between two targets by the two Combat Squads.


Against heavy infantry/MCs this won't due much, but against anything with a 4+ save or worse (say mass Fire Warriors, AM Blob Squads, Eldar Guardians/Dire Avengers on foot, Tyranid Guant hordes, Necron Warrior phalanxes, massed Cultists, Ork Mobz, or any other unit of that type that relies on sheer numbers, this tactic should be particularly devastating.

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