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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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If you want distinctly MK IV but want different poses, look into getting parts from other marks or even the heavy support / support squad poses.


A MK III Chest here and there, a MK IV chest and Helm on MK III marine would vary things up quite a bit.


Recon Marines and MK IV destroyers are also a great way of getting different MK IV bodies and poses. Sadly both the former and the latter are a single piece for the chest and legs.


Edit: Pictures 





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A hairdryer and a little patience can help vary the poses, if you're really serious about sticking with the same marks. Beyond that, though, I really go nuts with assembling my models and mixing up the armour. Maybe one in ten of my models are a singular pattern.


IT's the Heresy, man. Supply lines are cut, desperation is rife, and battles must be fought back-to-back. There is no sin in mixing your boys up.  :)

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Hey guys, new fledging Horus Heresy player here! Now I am one of those guys who posted a "what Legion should I go thread" just recently, wish I had seen this sooner and figured this would be a good place to discuss my choices and why. Now at my FLGS there are already several Legions started, however they are ALL Traitor Legions so far and that does play a little bit in my decision. That and taking into account the armies I already play (Tau and Elysian Drop Troops) have also played a part into what army I am deciding to start. Now to the Legions!


Salamanders: I love Dragons, I love fire, Green is my favorite color and Vulkan is definitely one of my favorite characters in regards to is fluff and  I am a big fan of the Chapters fluff as a whole. Also the new Pyroclast models are beautiful and if I could run an army of just them I would. Would want to put them in Drop Pods but unsure how effective that would be, either way lots of flaming goodness!


Raven Guard: Corvax is another one of my favorite Primarchs and I am a big fan of the style of warfare, striking with lighting assaults before the enemy can react. Also their Stormwing flier having stealth and outflank is cool, as is there Lighting Claw special Assault Marines and they can do the best Drop Pod army so far, and part of me has always wanted to do a Drop Pod army.


Night Lords: The monsters the Imperium needed until they just became monsters, the feared Night Lords. I was drawn to these guys due to the fact I already own 2 "good" armies in my IG and Tau, Konrad is basically an evil batman and they have some of the sexiest models ive seen. Also having an "infiltrating" army would be a much different change of pace then my other armies and give me a unique play style.


Now that you guys have seen my reasons for liking all three of these Legions let me ask you, in regards to my local meta and the armies I play which do you think would fit me the best? I really could only afford building one Horus Heresy army so any and all input from you guys would be appreciated and thank you for this thread!

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Raven Guard and Salamanders combined survivors of Istvaan force!


Get drop pods/fliers for the initial assault and escape, build infantry heavy force with fewer vehicles for the (deadly) tag match in between.


And really take it to the traitors after the Massacre.

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Sadly Pyroclasts can't take drop pods. :(


A combined Survivors of Istvaan force would be cool, I think the rules are due in Book 4 for that kind of thing, which should be out before Xmas.

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I know this may get tiresome, but I'm going to once more advocate the humble caestus assault ram, as a transport for your Pyroclasts. It's survivable, a flier (even has Deep Strike), and can deliver your Pyros right into the heart of your enemy. msn-wink.gif

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I know this may get tiresome, but I'm going to once more advocate the humble caestus assault ram, as a transport for your Pyroclasts. It's survivable, a flier (even has Deep Strike), and can deliver your Pyros right into the heart of your enemy. ;)

Also they look awesome.

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I know this may get tiresome, but I'm going to once more advocate the humble caestus assault ram, as a transport for your Pyroclasts. It's survivable, a flier (even has Deep Strike), and can deliver your Pyros right into the heart of your enemy. msn-wink.gif

Also they look awesome.

Indeed they do. I hope to one day own a small squadron of them.

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Hello everyone

I just started the hobby again after a nine year break (Family and stuff tongue.png). The only thing that i continued was reading the HH series since I just love the 30K setting.

I really want to collect the VI legion since my biggest interest is modelling and converting. The wolves gives so much opportunity to go wild with individualization so its suits me perfectly. I also love the tone and depth Dan Abnett sets for them instead of being just drunken space vikings. So all is really good except we have to wait for the models

My dilemma is that I also want guard, and titan/knight support/allies for them but when I read the fluff so far there is no mention of non astartes support. The other legions travels with guard and mechanicum contingents under them but the wolves are only described as fighting alone.

Is this just because the novels focus on just a small group of the legion? We never reads of a normal conquest of a world with just the wolves. Is it reasonable to assume that the normal expeditions fleets has contingents of support units attached to it as do the rest of the legions? I mean they have to leave a garrison after compliance and have to take it from somewhere.

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All the Legions are large enough that you can do pretty much whatever you want. It's pretty safe to assume that at least some of the Wolves' expeditionary fleets had Knights, Titans, Mechanicum and/or Imperial Army forces attached.


There's certainly not any lore, to my knowledge, that says they only ever worked alone.

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My dilemma is that I also want guard, and titan/knight support/allies for them but when I read the fluff so far there is no mention of non astartes support. The other legions travels with guard and mechanicum contingents under them but the wolves are only described as fighting alone.

You should read Battle of the Fang, the Flka Fenryka have Kaerls, which is more or less their army force (atleast on Fenris, but i image them having some Kaerls on their ships, 'cause they weren't a big Legion and need personal ...)

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You should read Battle of the Fang, the Flka Fenryka have Kaerls, which is more or less their army force (atleast on Fenris, but i image them having some Kaerls on their ships, 'cause they weren't a big Legion and need personal ...)

I always envisioned the Kaerls as having a purely defensive role, ship defense and home defense, outside of their normal duties running the ships and logistic of the legion. As essential personal they would be too few and valuable to risk in offensive operations. You don’t want to risk the guys doing the everyday labor if you can avoid it msn-wink.gif

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Alright, I've been mentioning this in my own questions thread, but I thought I'd ask it here, both from a fluff and a rules standpoint.


I am planning for my future legion (at least a couple of months away from properly planning it with point values, more for buying it) to be a force with a strong core of Tactical Marines (two squads of 17-18 in 1500pts), but with a Highly Mobile side part (Jetbikes and Javelins) and plenty of Apothecaries... but keyly, I'm planning on not including any armor value vehicles aside from POSSIBLY fliers later on.


Now, I have two legions narrowed down to. Iron Hands, who I prefer from a Painting and Rules Standpoint (-1S to being shot at on foot), and the Night Lords who I prefer on a Fluff and purchasing standpoint (and who I feel fit in a bit better with the speed of it all. Also, Lightning Claws)


For those curious, no-one I know plays a Legion Astartes army, it's Australia so the rulebooks are usually not around. In addition, in the future I was intending on adding in some Terminators and another Consul, probably a Chaplain or a Moritat.


EDIT: And before anyone brings out the "Any Legion can do anything", if I wasn't coming onto an additional block on top of that I wouldn't be asking XD It's the vehicle thing that gets me.

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Helo Community


After reading in this Forum for a while now and witnessing its competence in all Hobby aspects, I have decided to ask for your expert advice on choosing a legion.


I have already narrowed my choices down to a (rather large) number of legions:

- Sons of Horus

- Salamanders

- Iron Warriors

- Alpha Legion

- Imperial Fists

- Blood Angels


Now my Problem is the following: All of those legions  Philosophies partly cover my own idea on how my legion should be.


I love to burn things when i'm wearing black, augmented Terminator armour while I beat up everyone in close combat and simultaneously shoot everyone from long range but i want also be able to fly with a Jetpack in said armor after I landed in a Gunship, which came from a different direction than my enemies thougth, because i fed them with false intel while i was building a fortress with my psychic powers. On one side i like the idea of being a noble Knight that stands up for those who cannot protect themselves but then again, I have no Problem with Backstabbing and poisoning everyone to reach my goals, 'cause thats the evil mother:cusser i am (Oh and I just love those Artworks in the Heresy Books...). Oh, and my favourite number is 9.


Considering the advice what I play in RPG's its the same problem: I always play all the Classes/builds available...


Another Problem is that i really like the models and colour schemes of all the Legions...


What else is to say is that I like winning my games (who doesn't), and that i'm, lets say, not the most motivated painter.

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We're Gun Nuts (and have the rules to back it up too!) AND Knights in Shining Armor! We also have the best Non-Primarch Character Killer in the form of Sigismund.

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You both make good statements, but where is the cunning and overly planned planning in the Imperial Fists, where is the Anger boiling under Surface of the stoic Iron Warriors, the fire within the coldly calculating Sons of Horus ( although Horus actually let the galaxy burn...)? And where are my Jetpack Terminator with Tanks taped to their backs? And someone that can fly (I would marry Sanguinius if that were possible)?

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