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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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But, we do have the Cunning and Overly Planned Planning. We're just as much Siege Specialists as the Iron Warriors are. Both also stick to the bitter end even if the carefully laid out plans go to hell because WE KNOW NO FEAR! Also the stubborn rule in cover and the option for our opponent for force 6 turns instead of random rolls :P


The only difference with Imperial Fists is that we don't treat Astartes as War Materiel like Iron Warriors do. 


Also, we have the Goddamn Phalanx. A Moon Sized Battle Station that acts as our main HQ besides Terra.


Did I mention Sigismund? :p

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But, we do have the Cunning and Overly Planned Planning. We're just as much Siege Specialists as the Iron Warriors are. Both also stick to the bitter end even if the carefully laid out plans go to hell because WE KNOW NO FEAR! Also the stubborn rule in cover and the option for our opponent for force 6 turns instead of random rolls tongue.png

The only difference with Imperial Fists is that we don't treat Astartes as War Materiel like Iron Warriors do.

Also, we have the Goddamn Phalanx. A Moon Sized Battle Station that acts as our main HQ besides Terra.

Did I mention Sigismund? tongue.png

And you got brutally trolled by Perturabo... But I just saw, that Dorn as the coller Pimp ride. I guess i have difficulties to come away from the 40k specializations(?) of the old legions...

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The sons of Horus are ruthless tecno-barbarians, with a flair for close combat and well planed assaults. Their first company is made up of reavers (who can be jump units or infantry, they specialize in that, hunting down the enemy and taking their heads) and brutal terminators (Abaddon, do I need say more?). They also have a code of ethics, a warrior code, not unlike the chivalry of knights, just more focused on the relationships between battle brothers.

Of course... there are always the Word Bearers... whistlingW.gif

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Well, Phall was more of us doing our thing of following orders to the letter.

So when we got the Message from Papa Dorn to "Get Back to Terra ASAP" Mid battle, we did just that tongue.png

Yeah, the Iron Cage was us getting Trolled but we counter Trolled Perturabo by making his "complete victory and proof of supremacy" a Pyrrhic one since we literally piled the bodies of our dead up so that we could personally strangle the Iron Warriors once our Bolters Ran dry.

Something I don't think they would have done should the positions had been reversed.

Also, Scouring Era Imperial Fists =/= GC/HH era Imperial Fists. At that point we amp the RAGE AND ANGER up to 12 (not 11) before splitting up into chapters.

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Of course... there are always the Word Bearers... whistlingW.gif

I don't like those religious fanatics.

I just saw that the Fists also have Alexis Polux, which is by far the awesomest guy on the beach (I'm a Crimson Fists Fanboy). But as a player I just look at Dorns weapon and think fuuuuuuuu... Why is that thing unwieldx in the hands of a Primarch???

Another Thing is, have the Fists ever been cruel :cusss?

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Also, Scouring Era Imperial Fists =/= GC/HH era Imperial Fists. At that point we amp the RAGE AND ANGER up to 12 (not 11) before splitting up into chapters.

 Where can I find this Anger Thingy? I thought i read all the  HH Books... Or do mean Dorn getting pissed at Guilliman?

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Well, they and the Iron Hands (I believe, don't quote me on this) were the ones to lead the charge with pushing the Traitor Legions back to the Eye Of Terror while Guilliman was busy with playing Politician on Terra.


Also doesn't help that Dorn was the one to personally find Sanguinius and the Emperor (near)dead(th) and to plug the latter into the Golden Throne Himself.

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Quote from Massacre:

The Legionaries of the VIIth are known as the stoic praetorians of Terra, the embodiment of all that the Great Crusade stands for. They are loyal, disciplined and methodical, and masters of both the attack and the defence. As the Imperium expands ever outwards, so the crusaders of the Imperial Fists are to be found at the very leading edge of Compliance. Then, in the wake of Victory the Imperial Fists construct mighty fortresses [...]


Since you cannot have everything I will leave out the cruelty, but do they burn things (The flying thingy is already covered)?

I don't remember on whos(?) side Dorn was in Nikaea

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We have Destroyers so yes, we do bombard things with Rad Missiles if Needed. Nor do we condemn Phosphex. Its a tool like any other. If it gets the job done, we'll use it.


...We also have Storm Shields and Teleportation Transponders for our Terminators :P


...You could also cheese it hard and get a unit to BS7 With a master of Signal, Skeekers (or other base BS5 unit), firing bolters for +1BS.


Also Templars. Possibly one of the best non-terminator MEQ(or weaker) Shredders in CC.


Our Breachers and Phalanx Warders also get ridiculously tougher than other Legion Equivalents with our Rite of War making us one of the better Zone Mortalis Legions :P

Consider: With the RoW, units with a Boarding or Storm Shield in unit coherency with at least 2 other units with shields gain +1T. Firing Bolters, they get +1 BS. When Charged Phalanx Warders Gain +1Initiative.

So, you technically have an MEQ Unit with 3+ Armor, BS5, T5, I5 and a 5+/6+ invulnerable. Sure, they'll never have all those stats like that all the time (or at the same time for that matter) but it illustrates a point :P

But, a Terminator with a Storm Shield, Combi-Bolter has +1T, +1BS and a 3++ invulnerable.




Oh and Dorn has Aetos Dios as a Dedicated Transport. Want a Thunderhawk with a Void Shield? Have we got a deal for you!


I could probably go on and on if I had my books beside me but I'm in class atm :p Also, ultimately the choice is yours. And if you don't feel comfortable painting yellow or outright hate it, we might not be the Legion for you. Though, you could paint them black and only have the shoulders/Helmets be yellow. Variant Schemes, yay!

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I painted yellow easily and successfully for the first time a week or two ago. Just work up from Averland Sunset with multiple thin coats.


I did 2 Averland Sunset, 2 Yriel Yellow and 3 Flash Gits over black Primer (which is considered Heresy). Doing this has gotten me a nice bright, solid yellow without too much hardship.

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I never painted yellow, i only heard its annoying but i thik i will try it out sometime. Thanks for your advice!


Take a gander at their Terran Legion look:



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http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/73/48/3e/73483e983629fc1f53ec282be7fa5123.jpgThis is how I painted my Terminators




Legionnaire on the left is another good example.

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With fire we shall clense the Galaxy...


But I know, I know, you dont like religious fanatics :P So maybe you should do Imperial Fists?

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I must admit, tending strongly towards the Fists, the only thing i dislike about them is that they are too tidy, i think they lack the flaw (something dark like BA) that makes them sympathetic, AND their Primarch didn't kill a bloodthirster... But i admit I like the notorious camper attitude.
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No, but he did hold the line. When Terra was assaulted by a force far greater than what stood beside him upon those walls. When an equal stared up at him, and threw everything he had at him. For two whole months, an army that had conquered the galaxy was stalled. Until the enemy commander dared to risk everything, and bared his own throat.


Later, as the Imperial force sent the traitors reeling, screaming into exile within the Eye, he had a chance to end the brother who was so like him, and yet the most unlike him. And Rogal Dorn sent every single thing he had. He didn't win, he couldn't have. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was the enemy, and expending everything one has to kill that enemy.


Later, much later, a full millennia had passed. The traitors burst free from their exile within the Eye. They met no resistance but Dorn himself. But that was enough.

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As Cormac Hinted at, our Single Minded drive to get the job done no matter the cost is indeed a fault and a pretty serious one. Mix that with above average stubbornness of an Imperial Fist compared to other Loyalist Legionnaires and a slight masochistic tendency (see pain glove, geneseed implantation), we might look fine out side of combat but when it hits the fan, we ain't leavin' till we're dead or you are. 

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Honestly it could come down to weapon of choice too. After all, an Imperial Fists Army looks nice, but looks even better with giant fists and hammers everywhere, with the occasional sword. Whereas if you wanted, say, Lightning Claws, you'd probably go for a faster legion.


Also, Slipstreams, damn you. Because while I'm not going Iron Hands anymore, now you have me strongly considering Imperial Fists or Night Lords.


EDIT: Also I'd partly base the army on what you want to field. Do you want to field lots of Terminators? Then perhaps go for the Fists, Sons of Horus, or Salamanders due to Deepstrike and their special units respectively

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Joking aside, if I wanted to pick any legion to do... it'd be the Space No-Wolves-on-Fenris. But then I remember that with my habits, I'd want to convert them to look the part, and that pretty much shuts down any want I have to do them.


That's part of the reason I personally dismissed Iron Hands. Too much conversion work.


And on the plus side of all this: Imperial Fists can still use Lightning Claws. And I have a lot of those left over.

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Did you take a look at the forge world upgrade sets specifically the iron hands on?? Won't save you any money but might save you some time and frustration. Also the fists only signature weapon is the Solarite Power Gauntlet which is essential a MC, ap1 power fist withoit specialist weapon. Beyond that any weapon goes.


Also if you're not one to go all out on ornamentation and over personalization the Fists are for you!! Since they're not all that into it either!

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