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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Did you take a look at the forge world upgrade sets specifically the iron hands on?? Won't save you any money but might save you some time and frustration. Also the fists only signature weapon is the Solarite Power Gauntlet which is essential a MC, ap1 power fist withoit specialist weapon. Beyond that any weapon goes.


Also if you're not one to go all out on ornamentation and over personalization the Fists are for you!! Since they're not all that into it either!

The gauntlet is alluring, the personalization less so. I like to add a bit of character to my units... but that might be the fact that I probably have three Lightning Claws from various chaos sets tempting me to go with... well, the Legion iconic with them.


Gonna need to start writing up Army Lists when I get those books...


EDIT: And I did look. I just like saving money XD.

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I won't go trough the same babble, we all know why people post on here... I've recently run out of side projects to work on, having either gotten rid of or painted all my non-marine related resin and plastic, so am now once again looking at what pieces I have and struggling to settle on a legion to paint 'em as. I have a few favorites, but so far have been unable to get any closer to a definite selection.


As of now, my favorites would be :

- XVII : By far my favorite legion; I love their colors, background (well, I despise Erebus, although I used to have a WB force led by a "Chaplain Erebus" way, way before BL took that name for themselves, so his antics often manage to bring a smile nonetheless) and models (the Gal Vorbak and Circle). This would be a no-brainer, were it not for the current crop of character models... Lorgar is one of the two Primarchs I dislike the most (can't quite figure out if Fulgrim is worse or not), which really throws out the window any plans of ever fielding him, a real pity asI would definitely want to one day field one of the 19 sons. I'm not a huge fan of the Erebus and KorPhaeron models either, although I love the rest of their models and bits.


- XX : I like their personality, and the very open possibilities as to how they can be played; they can easily play the role of loyalists if one wants 'em to... The teal-blue is a color I really like and which could look great too. On the other hand, I'm really torn regarding my loyalties in their regard; I'd want to play them as a loyalists-led-by-Omegon force, but then I would looooove to field some Gal Vorbak in AL colors. But they do sound a bit Mary-Sue-ish.


- XVIII : I love the Vulkan model as well as the Legion's personality and looks - although I'm not a huge fan of the Pyroclast models - but I really, really don't like the black skin-tone; a more natural "african" skin-tone would be far more to my liking, but this is so widely frowned upon I would it seems have to defend my paint scheme every time I faced a new opponent...


Other options I have to consider :

- IV : I've just read trough Angel Exterminatus (yeah, bit late) and couldn't resist having a soft spot for them, but then bandwagon (it seems) and I'm usually not a huge fan of fully metallic schemes...


- V : They'd most likely be up there with my favorites if I had some more bits to work with... I like their fluff and looks, plus they're like Nessie or Big Foot; everyone's heard about 'em but it always seems like no one's ever seen any (except their 40k counterpart).


- Dornian Heresy VII : This idea is still on the table simply because I like how different it would be. And if FW releases rules for Argel Tal in the Calth/Shadow Crusade book I might even end up with a viable set of rules for Sigismund (although unfortunately Lorgar would make a poor Dorn :) )


Regarding play styles, I have no plan set in stone, except I'd rather go with something unconventional... For example I'd probably favor, in an Iron Warriors force, a JP praetor or one on Jetbike if I was to play Salamanders... I'm not looking for anything particularly competitive, as long as I can have some good narrative and come up with an original "origin story", I'll be a happy player :) 


So with this in mind, anyone has ideas that might push me one way or another?

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Player not found; are you after a more creative or more research-led project?

If the former, I don't think you can beat White Scars. They'll certainly tickle the unconventional itch, and you've got almost complete freedom on how to pursue them by choosing a brotherhood that's more Terran- or more Chogorisian-themed. You'll have fun adding Legion-specific twists to concepts like Chaplains and Librarians.

On top of that, I'm confident you'd get a lot of positive comments – I think there's a nice groundswell of support for White Scars, and they've got the novelty factor in them, too. If you're planning on gaming with them, they're also appropriate for fighting almost anyone.

My final point of support for White Scars is that – and I hope you'll forgive me saying so! – it sounds like you have a slightly contrary streak smile.png That's very in character with the V Legion, and you'll have a lot of fun deliberately making an unconventional force.

If, on the other hand, you're after a project that will reward scouring books for details, then the Word Bearers seem right for you. It's clear you've got a lot of love for them, and with the promise of a future ascended Lorgar, there's every reason to put your faith in the XVII. There's loads of variety in the basic army, and you can easily add daemons and cultists in the future. In any case, it sounds like that's where your (black, twisted) heart is leading you anyway smile.png

If those suggestion don't help you finalise things, then I'd suggest starting to trim out those you're less enthusiastic about. It sounds from your post that you already recognise the IV as potentially just a whim, and it sounds like you have some real reservations about the Alpha Legion.

On a different note, you could scratch a few itches by making a combined force – perhaps a loose cannon White Scars ship has come across a retreating ship with a tattered veteran band of Salamanders; or a Word Bearer force has linked up with some Alpha Legion specialists for a particular campaign...

Ultimately, though, I always recommend putting paint to models – if you're planning an army, you should enjoy the models and process of painting them. That'll keep your hobby enjoyable, and not a second job. Good luck!

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After too much time spectating on the various warhammer forums I've decided to join B+C. I've played 40k before but with the next Horus heresy book coming out I want to get into 30k.


The main things I'm really focused on for my army are: I want it to be fluffy and have a cool theme going with it, to have some character in the models and to create a nice paint scheme. But also to be a bit unique and not use the mainstream methods of warfare attached to the legions. Primarchs aren't an issue for me.


I narrowed down my choices to just a few legions, so here they are:


Iron Warriors- I'm not a great fan of their background, but I do like the siege warfare aspect, although I'm not a fan of tanks


Night Lords- I really like the murderous side to them but it feels as if they're a bit 1 dimensional. Also the paint scheme is great.


Alpha Legion- they are probably at the top of this list, it's just It might be hard to do something that's a bit different with them. I love the element of subterfuge to them and that they stand out from the others.



Allies are a possibility but not with all 3, also I'd thought id add that I would like build an army which I can play with too.

All comments and replies are welcome.

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I narrowed down my choices to just a few legions, so here they are:


Iron Warriors- I'm not a great fan of their background, but I do like the siege warfare aspect, although I'm not a fan of tanks


Night Lords- I really like the murderous side to them but it feels as if they're a bit 1 dimensional. Also the paint scheme is great.


Alpha Legion- they are probably at the top of this list, it's just It might be hard to do something that's a bit different with them. I love the element of subterfuge to them and that they stand out from the others.

Have you read a lot of the respective fluff for these legions? They all have pretty solid stories that might help you decide which you like best or inspire your modelling.

For IW: Angel Exterminatus and Storm of Iron (hard to find now and post-Heresy but still awesome, BL has it as an ebook I guess)

NL: ADB's NL trilogy, the Sevatar short

AL: Legion and a bunch of short stories floating about (The Seventh Serpent?)

That's definitely way too much reading but most of those stories are good enough that whichever you read first might end up being the legion you decide on ;)


But if you do want a very playable force that can be more or less whatever you want it to be, you'll probably want the Alpha Legion. I know the modelling options aren't the most exciting with the AL right now but FW is almost definitely going to release torso and head upgrades that add some character to them. The only question is when... The other option is to just take your own direction with them, which is always exciting :) 

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Having read both legion and deliverance lost (I guess in some people's opinions it's not the best book) I think I should go down the alpha legion route.


If anyone knows of any sources of inspiration out there whether it's a blog or a battle they took part in, I would appreciate it.

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Well, with March of the Legions you should have inspiration a plenty if you check out the work we're doing there since this month is the Alpha Legion (lucky you).

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Does anyone know how Blood Angels markings(shoulder armour) looked like pre-heresy. In Rogue trader trader there were studds on the left shoulder, but as I have purschased MK IV , I don't know if the BA insignia was on both the pauldrons or not?

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From Visions of Heresy. Not the best picture due to the glare (sorry bout that) but, the legion insignia was on both pauldrons. A lot of legionnaires are depicted with Legion Heraldry on both shoulders with zero to barely any squad markings present.

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Hey everyone, I figured this was as good a place to post my introductory post as any.


I've been playing 40K for about 10 years, first with Sisters of battle (well Witch Hunters back then), then Necrons and most recently Dark Eldar, I've been meaning to start a heresy era force for a long time and after reading my way through around half of the novels and looking through the current model ranges I've settled on the XVII Legion as my force, there's nothing like playing the arch-traitors and the occult angle really appeals to me.


I'd like to field a force with a Calthy feel to it, at first I thought about an Orbital Assault style force with lots of jump troops and Gal Vorbak, but the limitations of that RoW turned me off it a bit.


All I currently own is a squad of assault marines, I'm planning to get myself a large tactical squad and kitbash some HQs for Christmas then think about some vehicles and legion specific units (Ashen circle and Gal Vorbak) after that.


Any thoughts or pointers as I'm writing my Christmas list? I'm holding off the Primarch for now, but I'm giving serious thought to Erebus and Kor Phaeron to lead the army. I'm also aware that either of those two would give me access to Daemonic allies but I don't have the slightest idea how daemons function in 40k at all since I've never even fought against them, let alone used them so any advice on how to build an allied contingent would be great.

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Hey everyone, I figured this was as good a place to post my introductory post as any.


I've been playing 40K for about 10 years, first with Sisters of battle (well Witch Hunters back then), then Necrons and most recently Dark Eldar, I've been meaning to start a heresy era force for a long time and after reading my way through around half of the novels and looking through the current model ranges I've settled on the XVII Legion as my force, there's nothing like playing the arch-traitors and the occult angle really appeals to me.


I'd like to field a force with a Calthy feel to it, at first I thought about an Orbital Assault style force with lots of jump troops and Gal Vorbak, but the limitations of that RoW turned me off it a bit.


All I currently own is a squad of assault marines, I'm planning to get myself a large tactical squad and kitbash some HQs for Christmas then think about some vehicles and legion specific units (Ashen circle and Gal Vorbak) after that.


Any thoughts or pointers as I'm writing my Christmas list? I'm holding off the Primarch for now, but I'm giving serious thought to Erebus and Kor Phaeron to lead the army. I'm also aware that either of those two would give me access to Daemonic allies but I don't have the slightest idea how daemons function in 40k at all since I've never even fought against them, let alone used them so any advice on how to build an allied contingent would be great.


Welcome!  You've made an excellent choice by jumping into the Heresy.  You won't regret it.   Additionally, this is one of the best places you could choose to land.  Again, welcome aboard brother!


As far as Christmas list, I think it would be best to have an idea of your theme and build from there.  You said you liked the Orbital Assault style force, you can certainly create that without the need for the actual Rite of War.  Maybe a Dreadclaw, or assault aircraft?  Rhinos or other tanks to support your tactical squad and assault squad would also be good.  I'll recommend a little list-building assistance here that might help.  :)

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Alright, I've now got my starting force on it's way. The starting force being: the MK2 Iron Armor starter set (I like the standard Bearer's helmet and the commander's hammer) and two apothecaries. Yes, quite aware of just how... standard that is. Basically, my thought is that from there I can expand my force in any way I wish, buying Legion Upgrades and such to match. Helps that I've just ordered the books at the same time.


I must say this entire section of the forum has been very helpful in that regard. My idea are forming fast and I may even end up purchasing a GW Techmarine or Apothecary model (or Apothecary parts)  for a Forge Lord or Primus Medicae... the two best choices I've seen suggested so far.

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I'd like to field a force with a Calthy feel to it, at first I thought about an Orbital Assault style force with lots of jump troops and Gal Vorbak, but the limitations of that RoW turned me off it a bit.


All I currently own is a squad of assault marines, I'm planning to get myself a large tactical squad and kitbash some HQs for Christmas then think about some vehicles and legion specific units (Ashen circle and Gal Vorbak) after that.


Any thoughts or pointers as I'm writing my Christmas list? I'm holding off the Primarch for now, but I'm giving serious thought to Erebus and Kor Phaeron to lead the army. I'm also aware that either of those two would give me access to Daemonic allies but I don't have the slightest idea how daemons function in 40k at all since I've never even fought against them, let alone used them so any advice on how to build an allied contingent would be great.


Can't offer any advice on daemons – and I'd suggest you hold off those for the moment, as there are rumours that Forge World will be developing some of their own for a future book – but glad to hear you're keen on the Word Bearers. A great Legion to play and paint :)


I'd suggest bulking up on the basic troops, as they're what give the era a great deal of it's visual appeal. FW have some good money-saving deals like the mechanised Tactical squad or the infantry and accessories bundles. Both are good purchases as they save you some money and can be used for multiple roles – most obviously as Tactical marines, but also useful if you save some bits back for veteran/destroyer/recon conversions etc. If you buy the Word Bearer upgrade set at the same time and scatter the bits through the army, you'll have the core of a cohesive army as you grow it. They'll also offer valuable bits for later, more elaborate conversions – so once you've got some troops, you can use spare to build some fantastic characters and HQs.  :)

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Hello there lads, I'll be using this as an introduction and as a general plea for assistance.


I have been an avid reader and fan of Warhammer 40,000 lore for.. Just over a decade now. I have dabbled in 40k, having built a small Eldar Army, Scions Tempestus Army, and a miscellaneous collection of models. And since the release of the Horus Heresy series I have been in love with 30k. So where shall I begin with my dilemma? Having read almost all of the Horus Heresy novels, I have to say the burden of knowledge has left me unable to decide on just which Legion to choose and begin building. Very slowly mind you, given the conversion rate. I was thinking to start of grabbing a Destroyer Squad and some shoulder pads, just to throw myself behind a force. 


I have been reading the Horus Heresy books I borrowed from a friend to get a refresher course on the Legions I haven't read up on in awhile. I have also approached good friends and fellow roleplayers over on the Eternal Crusade forum to try and think of which Legions match my own mindset/playstyle. Which has helped, but as time goes on and I await the time before me and my local game group do our massed order on Forgeworld, I'm hoping to lock things down and eliminate any last doubts. Otherwise the time before I receive my models will be filled with buyer's remorse.

The word which came up most with my friends and the roleplayers over on EC was Pragmatism.


The Legion most recommended was Iron Warriors. Then Salamanders. Then Night Lords (Don't worry, this is due to a Dark Eldar I once wrote for. I have no victims on display). I do however remember from Legion that Alpharius was considered the most pragmatic of the Primarchs, which I also fancied. In terms of the Horus Heresy, I loved Angel Exterminatus and found Perturabo an extremely compelling and likable Primarch. I will always have a soft spot for the Night Lords and especially the Prince of Crows. And to a point I even like the Word Bearers, something I never considered possible. Also their pre-Primarch lore is cool. The Iconoclasts? Awesome. And of course, the White Scars! I mean.. Jaghatai Khan! It is just the fact they are most likely far away from getting any rules that makes me leery of the White Scars. Along with the fact that buying vehicles/bikes from Forgeworld makes both my wallet and myself weep.


So I suppose the list of potential candidates goes...

Iron Warriors - Would most likely model/play a Company built around storming already cracked/breached defenses. Light on vehicles.

Night Lords - Night Raptors make me drool as does their paint job.

White Scars - The Warhawk has to be one of my favorite Primarchs and the hopes of one day owning Keshig terminators is cool.

Alpha Legion - Scales and hydra motifs, Headhunter Squads, their impossible to identify paint color..

Word Bearers - Iconoclasts? Ashen Circle?


I would also consider the Death Guard and Raven Guard. The former given how beautiful the Grave Wardens are, though I find their paint job makes me feel a bit.. Green. (Ba-dum-tish!). And the Raven Guard because to some degree, I still think they're cool.


Also if it helps, I would like to eventually build a force meant for close firefights.


EDIT: And lastly just out of curiosity, what appear to the least played/constructed Legions on here? Because unique snowflakes have to be snowflakes, sometimes.

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I can speak about the Iron Warriors as I've had an Iron Warriors army since 4th edition. I picked up Chaos and the IWs because it was the closest thing to a legion of the old times fighting in the far future. No mutations or silly gods- just strong backs, strong technology, and strong guns. Their pragmatic attitude really appealed to me.


30k and the black library have expanded a lot on the IWs since then. I can't say I've been entirely happy with the direction as I do find myself liking some of the fluff less and less. Still they do have a lot of depth in some areas. FWs art direction has also evolved and moved from 'clean and organized' to dirty, grim, and a bit orky. This might appeal to you, but it's the exact opposite direction I wanted it to go.


They are still staunch pragmatists though and the rules on the table are decent, but not great. To play their strengths you'll want to bring lots of heavy support, armor, terminators, fortifications, and or robots. IWs die as easy as any other legionary, but they won't crack under pressure, have solid unique units, and can ally with one of the best legion allies (admech). Our lovely Primarch has solid rules too.


Speaking of Perturabo, for somebody who's supposedly extremely organized and tactically minded he regularly loses track of entire expedition fleets, can't seem to understand project management, acts like a giant child, and is generally an insufferable Space Stalin. For me he doesn't have much depth. The rivalry with the fists is never really expanded either and remains pretty flat, made worse perhaps in that they are still almost complimentary to each other. The fluff about the conspiracy against them, which would have been really interesting, has also basically been entirely dropped. Instead we have this flavor:


Iron Warriors are basically the Imperial Russia of 30k:

-Regard artillery very highly and use more of it than other armies

-Invest heavily in their artillery units to the point of having elite artillery divisions

-Are stereotyped as "throwing men at problems"

-Raise forces in large numbers really quickly

-Are really pragmatic

-Nearly entirely self sufficient

-Described as strong in close combat


With a culture and names taken from the Sasanian Empire (really any post Alexander empire) of 224–651 ACE:






Led by Space Stalin (or just pick your favorite paranoid dictator):

-Extremely paranoid, doesn't listen to anybody except himself

-"Throws men at problems"

-Has regular rage fits resulting in mass killings

-Punishes his own troops with suicide missions

It's also important to mention that they are one of the more sympathetic groups of traitors. Being an IW legionary sucks! You are a reliable and well praised warhorse from a once proud tradition. Now you are scattered around the galaxy doing sh*t work for no recognition, for a father that is always disappointed in you, being told up front that you are expendable with extremely high attrition, no hope to catch a break, and somebody is omitting the names of all your dead comrades who fought bravely (despite everything!) and brought victory to the empire at large.


So you're left with a very large group of semi-autonomous, heavily armed and well equipped, organized, pragmatic, self sufficient, pessimists who are extremely dissatisfied, jaded, and bittered by countless years of attrition. They are in many ways one of the most grimdark legions, thanks to all the hopeless grey. It's perhaps not hard to understand why they sided with the traitors AND had entire expedition fleets remain loyal to the emperor. Lots of bitterness and dissatisfaction all around.



e: So many words. Sorry for the wall of text. I do hope it helps!

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All good! And I do find that different authors write Perturabo with huge differences. At Phall he is depicted as a wrathful, petulant, rage-aholic with strategies worthy of the World Eaters or Death Guard. Whereas in Exterminatus he is a figure you can pity. Admittedly not as much as say.. Magnus, but he is up there. An incomparable architect (Boo to Dorn) who is only ever given the opportunity to destroy instead of build, no chance to see his creations come to fruition unless they themselves are aided in blowing up the different civilizations of man. Also a genius who turns his Legion into an equation, trusting for feedback from three of his own soldiers. Considering the size of the Iron Warriors, yeah he is a tyrant.

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Apologies for the double post but while I do like the Iron Warriors (Pre-Heresy and during), I would like to avoid feeling the need to back my Astartes up with too many large guns. And since the Iron Warriors are the large guns Legion, I am hesitant to really throw in my lot behind them. 

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Well then, what are you looking to field?


Artillery seems like a no-no due to what you've said so, tanks? Flyers? Bikes/Jetbikes? Infantry? Heavy Infantry? 

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Apologies for the double post but while I do like the Iron Warriors (Pre-Heresy and during), I would like to avoid feeling the need to back my Astartes up with too many large guns. And since the Iron Warriors are the large guns Legion, I am hesitant to really throw in my lot behind them.

Iron Warriors use lots of tanks, bodies, and robots. Artillery are just part of it smile.png

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Yeah, you could do a terminator Forlorn Hope type list for IW. A couple of squads of Tyrant Siege Terminators, a couple of Cataphractii. Led by Golg, maybe some rapiers for Heavy Support?

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