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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Gizur, I can totally get where your coming from. But don't let the standards of others dissuade you. Paint what you like. Remember that primarch opinions don't reflect the legion at large (mortarion/Nathaniel garro and horus/Gabriel loken come to mind.)


Just do what you want, we'll appreciate it.

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So I'm considering a split force to model. I'm currently trying to decide on a good theme of a Legion and their allies who have taken after them. Here are the concepts I've been considering..


A Night Lords company has their supporting forces "Go Native". Or Nostraman. 


Solar Auxilia/Imperial Army Support : These elements of the Imperial Army have long ago lost their capacity to be shocked by the sheer brutality and cruelty of the Legion's crusades. Instead, they have steadily embraced the Nostraman culture and become mimics of the monsters they fight alongside. Symbols of gangs rife in the ranks coupled with the bones of fallen foes sees these regiments as despised as the Night Lords. The cannibalistic Ogryn who are the battering rams of these regiments are similarly adorned in bones. sScarred berserkers equipped with gigantic, ripping blades barreling down on the foe to bring the remnants of ruined civilizations' into compliance.


Taghmata Support: Only once the Night Lords' reputation became a weapon of intimidation and peace before a shot was ever fired did their Mechanicus detachment begin to regard the Legion with some form of respect. Their capacity to inspire fear guaranteed peace in a way that promises of glory and unity ever could. The Myrmidons who had continually improved themselves to keep up with the Terror Squads began to take on a more a sinister silhouette, somehow. The Castellax became adorned in similar fashion to the Contemptor Dreadnoughts.




Alpha Legion Taghmata Support: The coils of the Alpha Legion run deeper than any had ever expected. A Forge World soon fell to internal strife, Tech-Priest falling upon Tech-Priest and threatening to tear the foundries asunder; all heralded by the mark of the Hydra. What loyalists sheltered within the deepest reaches of the Forges soon littered the floors in a mixture of blood and oil, their throats and cables slit by Power Daggers. Soon enough, cells of the Alpha Legion were supported by the likes of heavily modified Tech-Priests and Thallax.




Essentially I'm going to be building a 30k army very slowly and would like to keep things fresh and mixed. I've come to love the Mechanicus and Solar Auxilia models and while I want to build the likes of a Legion, would like to include some of these models.




Word Bearers : It is evident in the First Heretic and pretty much all fluff that the Word Bearers have a long list of allies.




Iron Warriors: Iron Circle, anyone? Who wouldn't want some fodder in front of your steadily advancing Terminators? Or Castellax.

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Also as much as some Legions sneered at the Word Bearers, they had won respect as the Iconoclasts. They also had Chaplains spread throughout all the Legions, so if you wanted to build a support force you could potentially pull from any number of Legions via fervor and zeal. Well, maybe not the Night Lords since they tend to sneer at anyone regardless of the situation. But the Dropsite Massacre certainly blooded all of the Traitor Legions.


The World Eaters are still sporting the white and blue in the Heresy, they haven't quite gone blood red yet.


The Emperor's Children are being lead by a Daemon Primarch. The Word Bearers take Daemons and are the closest (Along with truest and most prominent) followers of the Chaos Gods. You could have an Emperor's Children detachment who are being lead further down the paths of Slaanesh by the Dark Chaplains and Erebus himself, their fall only being deepened in the damned company of the Word Bearers.

Death Guard fall to Nurgle pretty quickly.

The Sons of Horus are the Word Bearer's co-conspirators. If any two Legions are the driving force behind the Heresy, it is the SoH and Word Bearers. This is the time where the foundation is being built for the Black Legion.

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And after reading Angel Exterminatus I see that Perturabo doesn't like Lorgar or his legion at all.


With this in mind the only fluffy legion choice...


A couple of things. First, both Perturabo and Lorgar were both found late in the order(12th and 14th, respectively), so you could still easily do a 'fluffy' force of IV and XVII before their Primarchs took control of the Legions. Second, even with the pages and pages of history that FW is giving us in these Horus Heresy books, it's still just a fraction of the whole story and you can easily create your own narrative for your force if it's that important to you.

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A note about Perturabo being found late in the order, it doesn't mean that he was found late in the Crusade. Perturabo was the 12th found, sometime between the fortieth and fiftieth year of the Great Crusade, according to FW.


This doesn't stop anyone from following BCK's idea, just wanted to clarify it.

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Well, Brother F-P, they've teased at Alexis Pollux recently...denying your strong Dorn Heritage would be such a shame...rolleyes.gif

He does look pretty bad ass! happy.png

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I am scrapping all old plans. I was going to do World Eaters at first. they became vogue, now they are not. I have to scratch the itch of the Butchers Nails......


I've been feeling the reverse. I was drifting away from the IF and started making new plans for another legion. The Polux model is anchoring me back.


By the Emperor, it better be Polux...

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Well, Brother F-P, they've teased at Alexis Pollux recently...denying your strong Dorn Heritage would be such a shame...:rolleyes:



I am scrapping all old plans. I was going to do World Eaters at first. they became vogue, now they are not. I have to scratch the itch of the Butchers Nails......



I've been feeling the reverse. I was drifting away from the IF and started making new plans for another legion. The Polux model is anchoring me back.


By the Emperor, it better be Polux...

Yeah, it's that whole by the emperor thing I'm trying to ween myself from......I've bee blinded by the Imperial lie(t) for far to long, it's time I saw how they live on the other side of the tracks.....

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Honestly prime I'll tell you what I told myself take your first passion in this hobby and go for it don't stress on loyal or traitor or trench warfare or espionage just go with what's natural.


I'm painting up a WE HS squad eating christmas spiced cheese and drinking a 2ltr beer it's natural

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Well, Brother F-P, they've teased at Alexis Pollux recently...denying your strong Dorn Heritage would be such a shame...rolleyes.gif

I am scrapping all old plans. I was going to do World Eaters at first. they became vogue, now they are not. I have to scratch the itch of the Butchers Nails......

I've been feeling the reverse. I was drifting away from the IF and started making new plans for another legion. The Polux model is anchoring me back.

By the Emperor, it better be Polux...

Yeah, it's that whole by the emperor thing I'm trying to ween myself from......I've bee blinded by the Imperial lie(t) for far to long, it's time I saw how they live on the other side of the tracks.....

Badly. They live badly.

'course, so do the Loyalists, so . . . eh, fifty-fifty.

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Hey Guys,


I've been around for some time, after i decided to "return" to 30k gaming. I had a small Alpha Legion force, roughly around 1850 points, but i gave it up because it was too expensive...But as life went on, and FW gave us another two books, Extermination and Conquest, fires of heresy burnt in me brightly once again, and the first step was ordering Gamer's Collection, the two "codex" format books.


Now, as I stand here on the crossroad, I cannot choose a Legion id like to play with. The problem is, the most common one: I like almost all of them. For some time my mind was floating around World Eaters Great Crusade era, Emperor's Children before their fall, Blood Angels(maybe I am a heretic, but Fear to Tread was pretty neat, except for OH MY GOD ITS A WALKING STOP-SIGN!DISENGAGE!) and Salamanders, because they are probably the only "Good" Legion around.


After being on both sides, Traitors and Loyalists, I can definitely say my heart and soul belongs to the Loyalists.


So, maybe nice people around here can help me out? Under whose banner should I fight and for what cause?

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Y'know...Yellows a pretty popular color 'round here...Not that I had anything to do with it...msn-wink.gif

How bout you post a list of the Legions (traitor and loyal OR Loyalist Traitors and Traitorous Loyalists) you are considering to give us an idea of what you're looking for so that we can help in the pruning of potential candidates.

Imperial Fists. Do It. You know you want to.

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Honestly prime I'll tell you what I told myself take your first passion in this hobby and go for it don't stress on loyal or traitor or trench warfare or espionage just go with what's natural.

I'm painting up a WE HS squad eating christmas spiced cheese and drinking a 2ltr beer it's natural

That's sounds like a good conversion :)

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Merry Christmas folks hope your year went smoothly!


Pleasentries aside folks I require abit of help. You see I've been out of the hobby since this edidiom of the rules came out ( a year maybe? I'm unsure) however I've been a longtime gamer and been lurker here for a While. The HH has always been a sweet spot for me (I started when hours rising just came out - so it's kinda developed with me) so it seems only right to jump into something I'm so enthusiastic For. The problem is I can't decide on what legion to do, or how to do Them.


I've kinda narrowed it down to:


A) XIX Legion Raiding Force: Mid-Late Heresy Stages so everyone in MkVI Barr the select few in MKIV.

Decent amount of Recce Marines w/ Seekers in Rhino's

Everything designed to be as mobile as possible, but discreet (so no Jump Packs and minimal armour)

Lots of 'agressive' poses (hello assault marine MkVI legs!!!)


B) VII Legion Boarding Action: Battle of Phall - Iron Armour w/ lots of breachers

No armour but maybe some 'ironclad' contemptors & rapiers

Close Range Shooty Shooty Death Death

See above for more info.


C)V Legion "Hunting Party": Pre-Heresy Scouting Force at the same planet as Brotherhood of the Storm

Lots of Seekers & Recce Marines

A few bikers to tie in the V Legion doctrine.

No armour but anything heavy to be bike-mounted (attack bikes)


However what worries me with the XIX and V legions is that I'm not a good painter, but I want my models to be worth the cost so black and white terrifies me, and getting hold of the MkVI legs will be a pain for the XIX. While with the V I won't be able to get the tribal markings that I want to put right (again I'm not good with a brush). The VII Legion however is rather....bland, it's either Boarding Action or Templar Shenanigans and tbh while I love the idea of boarding actions, I don't know how to make it 'unique'.



So yea, help maybes ples? Would a bribe of homemade oat cookies and some sherry get me anywhere, or will I just be the broken mince pie at the bottom of the packet?

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Primarch is cool, fluff and rule wise, and STR 6 HEAVY FLAMER JETBIKES, which is cool.

Omg you're a genius, now i need to do some firedrake jedbikers ohmy.png


...Get to buying some Heldrake Heads, you'll need em :p

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Merry Christmas folks hope your year went smoothly!

Pleasentries aside folks I require abit of help. You see I've been out of the hobby since this edidiom of the rules came out ( a year maybe? I'm unsure) however I've been a longtime gamer and been lurker here for a While. The HH has always been a sweet spot for me (I started when hours rising just came out - so it's kinda developed with me) so it seems only right to jump into something I'm so enthusiastic For. The problem is I can't decide on what legion to do, or how to do Them.

I've kinda narrowed it down to:

A) XIX Legion Raiding Force: Mid-Late Heresy Stages so everyone in MkVI Barr the select few in MKIV.

Decent amount of Recce Marines w/ Seekers in Rhino's

Everything designed to be as mobile as possible, but discreet (so no Jump Packs and minimal armour)

Lots of 'agressive' poses (hello assault marine MkVI legs!!!)

cool.png VII Legion Boarding Action: Battle of Phall - Iron Armour w/ lots of breachers

No armour but maybe some 'ironclad' contemptors & rapiers

Close Range Shooty Shooty Death Death

See above for more info.

C)V Legion "Hunting Party": Pre-Heresy Scouting Force at the same planet as Brotherhood of the Storm

Lots of Seekers & Recce Marines

A few bikers to tie in the V Legion doctrine.

No armour but anything heavy to be bike-mounted (attack bikes)

However what worries me with the XIX and V legions is that I'm not a good painter, but I want my models to be worth the cost so black and white terrifies me, and getting hold of the MkVI legs will be a pain for the XIX. While with the V I won't be able to get the tribal markings that I want to put right (again I'm not good with a brush). The VII Legion however is rather....bland, it's either Boarding Action or Templar Shenanigans and tbh while I love the idea of boarding actions, I don't know how to make it 'unique'.

So yea, help maybes ples? Would a bribe of homemade oat cookies and some sherry get me anywhere, or will I just be the broken mince pie at the bottom of the packet?

Now, Now, Brother! Don't Generalize the Legions so (especially the VIIth 'cuz I will get on your case :p) even if you're going for a very specific theme for the force.

1) The Raven Guard have a Personal Storm Eagle that has Stealth. Discretion and Mobility in one. Load it up with 8 Dark Fury Marines (it only has 16 Capacity) and you've just justified Jump Pack Marines AND Discretion/Stealth/Mobility. Granted this combo will cost you 2 of your 3 Fast Attack Slots to use...

2) Another case of Generalization and one I kinda take personally :p Granted, I do love Templar and Breacher Shenanigans (Sigismund and Polux are pretty baller), its not ALL we're about. You're forgetting our third stereotype : Siege Warfare! Also, if you trawl through all 26 pages you'll find this message repeated quite a few times : "This is the Heresy; Legions Numbered in the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of marines. To limit the scope of your imagination for a given force just because of their General Predisposition on how to wage war is not using the Heresy and its systems to their Full potential. Think outside the box." If it seems silly for World Eaters to have a Recon Company, well, guess what, they probably did/do. White Scar Terminators? Its in the Fluff. Death Guard Jetbike Squadron? Totally possible. Salamander Destroyer Marines? Yup (though rules-wise it is actually impossible to field them :p) Etc.

3) You've got Standard, Attack and Jet bikes in the Heresy. Use them all to full effect. Especially when you consider that Jetbikes all come standard with a Heavy Bolter and have the option of 1 in 3 to take either a : Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta or Volkite Culverin. Don't forget that our Flyers aren't fugly Boxes with wings. The Storm Eagle and Fire Raptor are formidable Beasts.

Also, you've arguably chosen the three hardest colors to paint/get right according to the B&C: Yellow, White and Black. So no matter what, you'll be tested. Granted Black is easier to start with.

Though on that note: VARIANT SCHEMES. Its a thing in the Heresy. Use em. Make your Legion Forces Unique to you.

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Merry Christmas folks hope your year went smoothly!


Pleasentries aside folks I require abit of help. You see I've been out of the hobby since this edidiom of the rules came out ( a year maybe? I'm unsure) however I've been a longtime gamer and been lurker here for a While. The HH has always been a sweet spot for me (I started when hours rising just came out - so it's kinda developed with me) so it seems only right to jump into something I'm so enthusiastic For. The problem is I can't decide on what legion to do, or how to do Them.


I've kinda narrowed it down to:


A) XIX Legion Raiding Force: Mid-Late Heresy Stages so everyone in MkVI Barr the select few in MKIV.

Decent amount of Recce Marines w/ Seekers in Rhino's

Everything designed to be as mobile as possible, but discreet (so no Jump Packs and minimal armour)

Lots of 'agressive' poses (hello assault marine MkVI legs!!!)


B) VII Legion Boarding Action: Battle of Phall - Iron Armour w/ lots of breachers

No armour but maybe some 'ironclad' contemptors & rapiers

Close Range Shooty Shooty Death Death

See above for more info.


C)V Legion "Hunting Party": Pre-Heresy Scouting Force at the same planet as Brotherhood of the Storm

Lots of Seekers & Recce Marines

A few bikers to tie in the V Legion doctrine.

No armour but anything heavy to be bike-mounted (attack bikes)


However what worries me with the XIX and V legions is that I'm not a good painter, but I want my models to be worth the cost so black and white terrifies me, and getting hold of the MkVI legs will be a pain for the XIX. While with the V I won't be able to get the tribal markings that I want to put right (again I'm not good with a brush). The VII Legion however is rather....bland, it's either Boarding Action or Templar Shenanigans and tbh while I love the idea of boarding actions, I don't know how to make it 'unique'.



So yea, help maybes ples? Would a bribe of homemade oat cookies and some sherry get me anywhere, or will I just be the broken mince pie at the bottom of the packet?

Yeah, Slipstreams is right. Every Legion had access to every tool and weapon they had at their disposal. It doesn't mean that each Legion have to be collected and played strictly to their specific units and rules.

World Eaters, for exmaple. At first, you may think "Well, that's just a horde of crazed berserkers running at my face". They had one of the biggest armoured formations amongst other legions, on par with Iron Hands and Iron Warriors. Besides, they extensively used Land Speeder and Jetbike squadrons, though in some other way than the other Legions, more aggressively.


So yeah, any Legion can be played any way possible. (DG attack bikes with toxin-spewing heavy flamers)

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Primarch is cool, fluff and rule wise, and STR 6 HEAVY FLAMER JETBIKES, which is cool.

Omg you're a genius, now i need to do some firedrake jedbikers ohmy.png


...Get to buying some Heldrake Heads, you'll need em tongue.png

hm, a dragon skull on the sergeants bike would be awesome (i could use one from a whfb zombie drake and build that giant bat instead of the dragon for the vampires, if the zombie drakes' head is small enough) ... not sure if he fits on the frontplate of the scimitar though (ecsp. cause the scimitars have the weapon in the middle of their nose >.<)- but cool idear tongue.png

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Especially if its the Salamanders. They hunt the damn things for fun. Ok, really, its a test for Space Marine-hood but y'know, Legions and Stuff. Totes possible.


They are also BS5 with Heavy Bolters if Taken for Imperial Fists :p

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