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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Merry Christmas folks hope your year went smoothly!

Pleasentries aside folks I require abit of help. You see I've been out of the hobby since this edidiom of the rules came out ( a year maybe? I'm unsure) however I've been a longtime gamer and been lurker here for a While. The HH has always been a sweet spot for me (I started when hours rising just came out - so it's kinda developed with me) so it seems only right to jump into something I'm so enthusiastic For. The problem is I can't decide on what legion to do, or how to do Them.

I've kinda narrowed it down to:

A) XIX Legion Raiding Force: Mid-Late Heresy Stages so everyone in MkVI Barr the select few in MKIV.

Decent amount of Recce Marines w/ Seekers in Rhino's

Everything designed to be as mobile as possible, but discreet (so no Jump Packs and minimal armour)

Lots of 'agressive' poses (hello assault marine MkVI legs!!!)B) VII Legion Boarding Action: Battle of Phall - Iron Armour w/ lots of breachers

No armour but maybe some 'ironclad' contemptors & rapiers

Close Range Shooty Shooty Death Death

See above for more info.

C)V Legion "Hunting Party": Pre-Heresy Scouting Force at the same planet as Brotherhood of the Storm

Lots of Seekers & Recce Marines

A few bikers to tie in the V Legion doctrine.

No armour but anything heavy to be bike-mounted (attack bikes)

However what worries me with the XIX and V legions is that I'm not a good painter, but I want my models to be worth the cost so black and white terrifies me, and getting hold of the MkVI legs will be a pain for the XIX. While with the V I won't be able to get the tribal markings that I want to put right (again I'm not good with a brush). The VII Legion however is rather....bland, it's either Boarding Action or Templar Shenanigans and tbh while I love the idea of boarding actions, I don't know how to make it 'unique'.

So yea, help maybes ples? Would a bribe of homemade oat cookies and some sherry get me anywhere, or will I just be the broken mince pie at the bottom of the packet?


Now, Now, Brother! Don't Generalize the Legions so (especially the VIIth 'cuz I will get on your case :p) even if you're going for a very specific theme for the force.


1) The Raven Guard have a Personal Storm Eagle that has Stealth. Discretion and Mobility in one. Load it up with 8 Dark Fury Marines (it only has 16 Capacity) and you've just justified Jump Pack Marines AND Discretion/Stealth/Mobility. Granted this combo will cost you 2 of your 3 Fast Attack Slots to use...


2) Another case of Generalization and one I kinda take personally :p Granted, I do love Templar and Breacher Shenanigans (Sigismund and Polux are pretty baller), its not ALL we're about. You're forgetting our third stereotype : Siege Warfare! Also, if you trawl through all 26 pages you'll find this message repeated quite a few times : "This is the Heresy; Legions Numbered in the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of marines. To limit the scope of your imagination for a given force just because of their General Predisposition on how to wage war is not using the Heresy and its systems to their Full potential. Think outside the box." If it seems silly for World Eaters to have a Recon Company, well, guess what, they probably did/do. White Scar Terminators? Its in the Fluff. Death Guard Jetbike Squadron? Totally possible. Salamander Destroyer Marines? Yup (though rules-wise it is actually impossible to field them :p) Etc.


3) You've got Standard, Attack and Jet bikes in the Heresy. Use them all to full effect. Especially when you consider that Jetbikes all come standard with a Heavy Bolter and have the option of 1 in 3 to take either a : Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta or Volkite Culverin. Don't forget that our Flyers aren't fugly Boxes with wings. The Storm Eagle and Fire Raptor are formidable Beasts.


Also, you've arguably chosen the three hardest colors to paint/get right according to the B&C: Yellow, White and Black. So no matter what, you'll be tested. Granted Black is easier to start with.


Though on that note: VARIANT SCHEMES. Its a thing in the Heresy. Use em. Make your Legion Forces Unique to you.

Hmm well nothing 30k is easy isnt it? :)


The reason why methinks I'm so.....singular in this case is because I've read so much of the Horus Heresy books that I want to make a force that is themed yet unique due to its theme (such as you said). Bit of a problem since I'm still rusty so apologies, especially with the IF (& to think that CF was my first army :()



XIX seem to get my creative insanity go wild, like the reason why I'm trying to dissuade myself from jump Packs is because I feel that every legion has a stereotype and jump pack sneaky Shenanigans are XIX all over. It's why I'm looking at a ground based Stealth force, sneaking through enemy lines and causing absolute havoc (much like the LRDG for any history buff here).



As for Painting, this isn't going to be an army I can bash out ready for a yearly tourney, this is going to be a long ass project, and I don't want to start the race with a lame horse so to speak, so I need to get my painting choice right.



Edit: Attia wouldn't some lizardmen temple Guard skulls or some like fit the bill for that front end Jetbikes of yours?

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Edit: Atia wouldn't some lizardmen temple Guard skulls or some like fit the bill for that front end Jetbikes of yours? 

good idear, will include 5 jetbikes in my next FW order (so that i know how big these bikes are ...), and look than for skulls :P

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... but awesome looking. I say, "Go for it." Maritan Death Rays can't be argued against.

Yeah... I ordered a pack of 10 two days ago...


Great minds think alike eh?

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Hi everyone


I did post back on this forum before about helping decide on an Alpha legion army but alas I now face another dilemma, do I choose Iron warriors instead. I need help choosing between the two or if anyone has any suggestions on how to combine the two different legions I'm all ears. 


Alpha Legion - I would like to do a purple colour scheme, I don't like the fact that they try to keep a low profile on the battlefield (no fancy praetor armour sadly), I don't know how I could pull off an infantry based army with them, I love their background and I like Vigilators/ sneaky guys


Iron Warriors - I like the idea of having huge numbers of troops that are obedient to their commanders (instead of the cell system the AL uses), I don't like tanks so much, having a Home world is a plus, I prefer MKIII armour over the AL MKIV, however I don't really like the idea of silver...


The problem is I don't know if a pre unification army would be possible which combined the two because IIRC the XX didn't operate openly before Alpharius Omegon was found or at least not with other legions.



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The Alpha Legion don't really keep a low profile when they spring their Trap. One of their rules is named Martial Hubris, after all; so having an army be:


-Half Stealthy infiltrators and half blinged up assault guys is perfectly fine, imo. You could have 1-2 Units of seekers/headhunters lead by a Vigilator / Exodus(is that his name?) and the other half be, say, Assault Marines (pricey but going for flavor > Brutal Efficiency is more fun in the long run), Jetbikes, Tanks, Terminators, etc. could work wonders. Sneaky Hammer and Shiny Anvil is the name of this game.


For Iron Warriors, well, you're better off not asking for my Imperial Fist opinion :p


As for unification era Alpha Legion, did you read their Entry in Extermination?!? Its MORE than possible to accomplish - heck it even gives you MORE creative freedom on how you want to represent them.

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The Iron Warriors are in a decent place to take an infantry-heavy force, with no morale penalties from shooting as they march across the board. PLUS, bigger bonus, normally your heresy terminator units require expensive transports to get them to where they can do any good because they're so slow, but Perturabo allows all of your terminators to deep strike. This has led to some really evil Pride of the Legion lists built around Perturabo and Tyrant Siege terminators..... so many missiles


It's hard to work around avoiding silver though. They are the Iron Warriors, after all. Don't let that stop you though. Forge World has been encouraging variant color schemes in all of their books, so you could feasibly go heavy on brass and/or black or figure something else out. Same goes for Alpha Legion, paint them up however you like!

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Alpha Legion even have a note about how they're often seen in different colours in Extermination. When I was considering Iron Warriors (not that I'm not now...) I asked about how to add variation so I didn't get bored painting all that silver, and the response I got was: Weathering. Just weather the crap out of everything haha. That's how I'd do mine. Oil streaks, broken armour, maybe rust, dirt, ash, soot, blood...
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Yeah, I think that's where the Forge World design team ended up too. Looking through the pictures in Extermination, there's a lot of that slightly oxidized iron look. I'd try googling various irons too, like "old iron girders" to look at how iron ages and get ideas from that. You could mess around with rainbowing oil spill effects a little too. I think FW did their Iron Hands Gorgons up a bit like that, they have this kind of strange rainbow'd sheen effect over their black.


....but then there's hazard striping :(

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I keep my Hazard Stripes to a minimum. It was considered an honour, after all, and Perturabo wasn't exactly tossing awards and decorations to his son.


Decimation, yes. Decoration, no.  :P

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I keep my Hazard Stripes to a minimum. It was considered an honour, after all, and Perturabo wasn't exactly tossing awards and decorations to his son.

Decimation, yes. Decoration, no. tongue.png

Hmmm, this will be useful information for a certain secret project...

What? Mastiff? Never heard of it ....whistlingW.gif

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Thanks for all the feedback guys. Want I would like to know is:

Has anyone heard of or knows of any Iron Warriors Grand Battalions that DON'T conform to the cliche of only being involved in siege wars?


Thanks, Operative

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Um... any of them?

I keep saying it, and I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face: This is the Heresy, not 40k. The Legions are huge, and homeworlds are no longer the only place Marines were recruited. An Iron Warrior who was raised on a feudal world of horses and open plains may have a love or affinity for light tanks and fast vehicles. One born within the Void may prefer naval "black-ocean" conflict and close quarters fighting. Perturabo gave his Warsmiths and Captains plenty of leeway to succeed however they wished to / needed to. As long as they got the job done, they didn't die. Totally fair, if you ask me.

The Legions each had their own gene-bred personalities and quirks which made them the specialists in the fields they are known for, not the other way around. Could a rapid strike Battalion exist in the IV Legion? Of course, though it would somewhat rarer. What would be fun is exploring how a commander of the bloody IV Legion would blend that love for unruly and unpredictable jetbikes and other fast attack craft into the clean, clinical, and mathematical way the Iron Warriors wage war.

THAT is why I love the heresy. Take the known, and alter it's structure into something unique. Like making Iron Warriors who wouldn't look out of place alongside the V Legion. ;)


Anything is possible in 30k, as long as you have the strength, vision, and monetary fortitude to see it through to the end. :P

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Um... any of them?

I keep saying it, and I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face: This is the Heresy, not 40k. The Legions are huge, and homeworlds are no longer the only place Marines were recruited. An Iron Warrior who was raised on a feudal world of horses and open plains may have a love or affinity for light tanks and fast vehicles. One born within the Void may prefer naval "black-ocean" conflict and close quarters fighting. Perturabo gave his Warsmiths and Captains plenty of leeway to succeed however they wished to / needed to. As long as they got the job done, they didn't die. Totally fair, if you ask me.

The Legions each had their own gene-bred personalities and quirks which made them the specialists in the fields they are known for, not the other way around. Could a rapid strike Battalion exist in the IV Legion? Of course, though it would somewhat rarer. What would be fun is exploring how a commander of the bloody IV Legion would blend that love for unruly and unpredictable jetbikes and other fast attack craft into the clean, clinical, and mathematical way the Iron Warriors wage war.

THAT is why I love the heresy. Take the known, and alter it's structure into something unique. Like making Iron Warriors who wouldn't look out of place alongside the V Legion. ;)


Anything is possible in 30k, as long as you have the strength, vision, and monetary fortitude to see it through to the end. :P

Can we just use that as the answer to every query?

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