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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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My approach when trying to choose a Legion is slightly different than that which has been posted previously, so I thought I'd mention it here...


Basically, I don't. Or rather, I don't pick one. It's too hard to choose a Legion, either because we can't help viewing them too narrowly based on the established background, or the possibilities available to us are too broad and wide to narrow it down to one specific set of shoulder pads.


So I sat down, made a list of all the potential Legions (ten in total) that I wanted to have a crack at, and tried to pair them off against each other based on the most interesting narrative or theme I could think of. Story really motivates me. I personally find it pretty easy to paint a character or a one-off mini because they usually have a some kind of backstory, if nowhere else than in my head. Where I struggle is in painting squads, which 30k has a plenty, so I find it much easier to paint a squad of Imperial Fist Breacher Marines when I can create in myself a sense of the tension and unease they feel standing on the battlements awaiting the charge of the World Eaters they used to call brothers.


My next project, which I'm laying the groundwork for at the moment, started off based around the notion of the contempt for weakness that the Iron Hands and Death Guard both particularly share, and I really like that pairing. Two really tough, uncompromising forces that look and feel really different. The narrative element has grown a lot since I'd first thought of it, and it's ended up with an enraged Shadrak Meduson in a post-Isstvan V pursuit of Calas Typhon to some horrible swamp of a world, which will, in my own personal head-canon, set up the events of Dwell. Typhon surrounds himself with the Death Guard's elite and a load of Terminators, and we've seen from Little Horus and Vengeful Spirit that Meduson is happy to employ Fire Raptors and sneaky tactics to get his quarry, so I've already got two really different ideas to base my armies on, and a decent enough narrative to keep me engaged with it.


Which I'll need, because my last/current project of World Eaters and Imperial Fists has taken me the last 18 months to not-quite-finish!

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The problem I'm having isn't which Legion to choose. The Death Guard have chosen me. In fact, the Iron Hands and Death Guard each took a hand and here I am: a 40k Clan of Iron Hands and a pre-started, Pre-Heresy era Death Guard Legion. I guess this all stems from me wanting to be strong in body again even though I'm broken. The idea of replacing my spine, hip, and leg for bionic counterparts exhilarates me to no end! That being 10,000 years in the future from what is being discussed, I digress. An implacable advance; no remorse; the weak die. That was the siren song, so to speak, that made me take the Death Guard path.


As for my problem: I don't know whether to model my part of the legion as MkIII Iron Armour only or throw in some MkII Crusade Armour and MkIV Maximus Armour as well. The sight of a force with such a high attrition rate as the Death Guard in all the same mark of armour doesn't make much sense to me, but, at the same time, I could very well see them recycle the same suit of armour for decades. The MkIII armour looks great to me but I don't want to over do it.


Here's the current thought on the suits of armour:

- Most, if not all, Tactical Marines will be equipped with MkIII armour

- Veteran Tactical Squads in MkII armour

- Heavy Support are a mix-and-match between MkII and MkIII armours

- Cataphractii Pattern Terminators only

- Destroyer Marines default to MkIV as do the Recon Squads (Death Guard with Recon Squads? Yup. Let's just say these gentlemen travelled with the Night Lords for a spell)


Any help would be appreciated!

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I'm no expert on the XIV, but if I was going to do an army, I'd have all of them in Mark II and III smile.png I don't think that Mark IV "suits" them, even if they did use it. Unless of course said Mark IV is heavily repaired with parts from Mark II and III.
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I'm no expert on the XIV, but if I was going to do an army, I'd have all of them in Mark II and III smile.png I don't think that Mark IV "suits" them, even if they did use it. Unless of course said Mark IV is heavily repaired with parts from Mark II and III.

the death guard was one of the clostest legions to horus, so they get all kind of equipment ...


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Green helmet stripes denote veterancy/command as well. Conquest has a full page on unit markings, including stuff like the Horus eye symbol for service with the Warmaster and different kinds of Destroyer unit markings. Keep in mind the Legions are big enough to have tons of sub-unit designations you could totally make up on your own.

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Beyond the black helmet stripe to denote sergeants, are there any other painting tid-bits that I should be aware to do? Like, for instance, do the colours on the pauldrons denote which company a marine is in?


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It's from Conquest - there are also a few helmet variants, but they mainly just show the central stripe as you describe

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Extermination? Pretty sure thats Conquest :P


Mean, the Poison Ships Destroyer Variant is pure Nurgle in disguise...as if them falling to Nurgle wasn't evident enough. :p

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Beyond the black helmet stripe to denote sergeants, are there any other painting tid-bits that I should be aware to do? Like, for instance, do the colours on the pauldrons denote which company a marine is in?

at this point, i realy advice you to buy atleast betrayal and conquest ... these books aren't just rulebooks, they are awesome fluff sources with lots of pictures and information about their fighting style (aswell as fluff+pictures for House Makabius, the Knights who fought for Mortarion after Istvaan ...) these books are their money worth (ecspecialy for a legion without 10000 horus heresy novels ;>)

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Well, I thought I could get by with the Gamer Pack. Now I've been sucked into the rabbit hole even further. Thanks a lot for all the help, everyone!

the gamer pack is perfekt for what it is ... a gamer pack ;) you don't want to haul all 4+ HH books to every game ... but if you want to build up a fluffy force (and get inspiration from FW), you should get the big books :P 

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There's a markings page from Extermination here that you may or may not have seen already. There's also this guy who has a cool bronze/brass faceplate and shoulder pad coloring in favor of the hazard striping. A helmet stripe in the same color might be a neat idea, or like that dude just alternate faceplate colouring to denote command rank. With the enormous amount of Iron Warrior deployments there's a huge amount of room for variation. Another idea might be non-yellow hazard striping, although I do think yellow tends to look the best with the iron. Maybe gold or another metallic instead? White could work out somewhere too potentially, as a helmet stripe/faceplate or hazard striping, maybe with a brighter silver over the oxidized iron look some of the FW colorations have.

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Ok looking for some thoughts from you guys


For a while I have been wanting to do an all Terminator or Terminator heavy army using the pride of the legion rules. However, I have been struggling to pin down the legion I wish to use.


Iron Hands

Easy scheme, have their own unit and kit from forge world. Have a hq model in TDA to. Rule wise they are very resilient so would probally build a footslogging army backed up by contemptors and mortis contemptors, and lots of tanks. Probally would take tarantulas fpr extra fire power.

Probally my least fav option, while I can visualise the army, I think it could get dull quickly.


Iron Warriors

Again, easy scheme, but one that can be expanded on with hazard stripes. Again, have a dedicated Terminator unit, and a character in TDA so should eventually get a TDA based hq model that can be converted for use in the army. Would probally go for a a mechanised force, Spartans and land raiders delivering terminators into combat backed up by Contemptors. Would take a vortex controller to open up Castlex so can model some of Purterabos bodyguard. May take empty Anvillus to just drop onto the enemy.

I can visualise this force a lot better then the Iron Hands, but the chance of the scheme getting a bit dull is there.


Raven Guard - Deliveries

The left field option. Easy scheme, can be varied with white, and probally note many people would think to work one terminator heavy raven guard army. Their terminators get furious assault(charge!!!!). No forge world kit but that's ok as will use other legions stuff anyway. I envision a mobile alpha strike style force, drop pods, Caestus assault rams, Storm Eagles (empty unfortunatly) and fire raptors. Contemptors for back up. Intresting background angle.

Again worried that will get bored of all the black, won't be able to use an kits coming out of gorge world (although that might be a positive seeing as I'm in the fence with the stuff they have done so far). Not sure how easy the force will be to do with the flesh over steel rule.


Alpha Legion

Always with the Legion! Scheme is as easy or as complicated as I can make it, although I have always struggled to find a colour I am satisfied with, but has the potential to look amazing. Have thier own terminators so should get a kit at some point. Can build a varied force, would probally be a mix of alpha strike and mechanised, or imagine the fun of infiltrating terminators. While I can't use the Reward of Treason rule, I may use other legions kits to and colour schemes to represent Alpha Legion dickery! At the point of writing are the most attractive option.

I was going to follow my True Scale Word Beares with a similiar Alpha Legion warband, however, I could shift some of those ideas into the Word Bearers, such as creating some 30k style civilians/cultists and extending that project a little more.


So there are my thoughts, I am just looking for some feedback, ideas, which sounds like a more intresting project.

I am currently feeling the Iron Warriors and a Alpha Legion more, with the Alphas slightly edging it.

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A question for you people: how much is heraldry allowed to vary during the great crusade/horus heresy? I know the catch phrase "its the heresy, do what you want", but still. Im thinking about individual companies/chapters/millenials within the legions?


Because I want to do a heresy force but also an Angels Sanguine force, so its either going to be a Great Scouring themed force or if possible a horus heresy force. 

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I'd say an entire shoulder pad could be devoted to Variant Heraldry and the like while keeping the rest in line with Legion Colors.


So a Flesh Tearer BA could have the Chapters Icon on one shoulder, BA Legion on the Other and be painted like a Blood Angel.


For the Angels Sanguine being Red and Black, you could paint them - especially if you take layered power armor like Mk III - primarily Black with Red Shoulders / Helms / Arms and have their future Chapter Badge as a Company Emblem. You might also be able to justify the Split Scheme as being a Campaign Honor Awarded to them by Sanguinius.

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So a Flesh Tearer BA could have the Chapters Icon on one shoulder, BA Legion on the Other and be painted like a Blood Angel.

tbh, you could do flesh tearers in their flesh tearer colour scheme (dark red with black helmet) and use them as veterans of Amits company




For the Angels Sanguine being Red and Black, you could paint them - especially if you take layered power armor like Mk III - primarily Black with Red Shoulders / Helms / Arms and have their future Chapter Badge as a Company Emblem. You might also be able to justify the Split Scheme as being a Campaign Honor Awarded to them by Sanguinius.

yep, something like the black-yellow imperial fists:



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Try things out with a Coloring Tool: Red trim on Black Shoulders, Red Body/Legs with detailing in black and a half-red-half-black Helm?  The above Schemes, etc. Try keeping it close to their future Colors but still recognizably Blood Angels at a Glance; just painted up differently.

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Hi guys. So I am really stuck on which legion to choose. We have a deadline by the end of three months to have 500 points of whatever we want. I have changed legion three times (dry.png ) as I keep reading books and stories that make me fall in love with a legion.

I want a force that would be fluffy and fun to play with, that doesn't necessarily have winning in mind. I am open to any force, just not solar auxilia, Emperors children, Word bearers or Imperial fists (I'm going to do a small force of them for fun later anyway).

So please, help me decide

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