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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Both XII and XIII Legions have a fair amount of influence from old Roman in their armor decorations, including the crested helmets. And chain axes... lots of chain axes since World Eaters/War Hounds marines that have access to a chainsword can take a chain axe instead for free. If the Forge World axes are bit too pricey or if you simply want more variety, you might look on eBay or some of the sites that specifically sell bits for the chain axes from the Khorne Berzerker kit. Or if you're completely sick in the head, you can make try to make your own.



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I'll get some chainaxes for my tacticals, but I want to start off with some breachers and a Praetor. The idea for my Ultra's is to have a shieldwall supported by siege tanks (and a Fellbladetongue.png ) just like in betrayer. I think Khârn, the dreads and chainxe wielding tacticals would be alot of fun to model and paint as well, so that would be in order.

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I'll get some chainaxes for my tacticals, but I want to start off with some breachers and a Praetor. The idea for my Ultra's is to have a shieldwall supported by siege tanks (and a Fellbladetongue.png ) just like in betrayer. I think Khârn, the dreads and chainxe wielding tacticals would be alot of fun to model and paint as well, so that would be in order.

Heck, dude, I think it'd be amusing and awesome in equal measure if you left the armour and shield walls in the War Hounds hands (The Hounds also had a massive vehicle motor pool ,by the way), and let the Ultramarines fall from the heavens on wings of fire and the burr of chainswords.

War Hound #1: "Blood of Old Earth, are you seeing this?"

War Hound #2: "Aye, those XIII Legionaries are psychopaths. What a bunch of savages..."

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Maybe Warhounds that were lost in the warp, and dropped out in Ultramar finding the Heresy in full swing and stayed loyal to the emperor and fought their traitor brethren with the Ultras?


(Also, this reminds me of how great B&C is. I was only going to do Ultras and now I have plans for world eaters and Warhounds as well!)

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The War Hounds were once used as specialized assault units, and were detached from their own Legion to assist other Compliance actions. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for a War Hound and XIII Legion Battlegroup to be pushing the edges of the Imperium further, separated from the Great Crusade for an extensive amount of time, finding out about the horrors of Ultramar and Istvaan too late. 


Now, cut off from the 500 Worlds and Terra, and the XII Legion warriors utterly disgusted with the path their Legion followed, your Chapter and it's allies could wage war behind the Warmaster's lines, fighting to slow he and his allies as long as possible.

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Why didn`t I see this thread earlier...


I wanted to collect a Legion for quite some time now. But as many others in this thread, I can`t decide which one.


At the beginning it was clear. I wanted to play Iron Warriors. I love them since Honsou made his first appearance in "Storm of Iron", a reason I repainted my old CSM.

Disregarding that I am to clumsy to paint the yellow and black stripes, they are easy and quick to paint (thanks GW Shades).

I also realy liked Perturabo in "Angel Exterminatus". I am hoping for a nice modell here, also the Siege Terminatos (can`t remeber their name now). 


But then, as someone that is playing Ultramarines for 15 years now, the call from Guilliman is very strong. 

I am hopping for FW to bring some nice miniatures that have that roman/greek style. Perhaps some models for the "red marked". 

I love the "honour and courage" style of the Ultramarines, and that they always try to be the good guys. 


I also love my BA army, but painting another bright red army...nah must not be.


Perhaps some times later, as allies for an "Imperium Secundus" force.



Other interesting Legions would be Thousand Sons (is there anybody that plays an HH-TS army?).

I like the tragedy behind their story and Magnus trying to warn the Emperor.


Or Salamanders, as also beeing the good guys und Vulkan always trying to save everyone. 


World Eaters are also nice, but Angron was to single minded in "Betrayer".

I can`t play a legion with a primarch I don`t like. That is why I will never play Word Bearers, Emperors Children or Iron Hands^^. 


Ah...I would be easiert with some rules for Ultramarines and Thousand Sons, also the rules are not that important. 


I thought about starting with Iron Warriors and wait for some Ultramarine miniatures. But starting 2x 30K Legions will be a little bit expensive. 


As I would like to use most of the FW-Miniatures, I think Ultramarines would fit best? 


Sorry for my english. I am more accustomed to read, than to write it. 

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If you want to do Ultramarines but still aren't all that sure, wait till Book 5 hits somewhere around Easter. Its ALL Ultramarines and Word Bearers. Why? Its the Calth Book. Thats why.


Some art we got previewed to tide you over:






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What would you recommend for a void-combat, naval marines astartes force during the horus heresy? Im asking about units, armour, equipment, etc. In particular the XIIIth legion.

Forget the XIIIth. How about you just go with Delvarus and the Triari from the XIIth? They're supposed to be some of the best at shipboard combat. A bunch of breachers just looking for someone to hold them close.


Just think about it; chainaxes, Mk III armour, breacher shields and more blood than you can shake a stick at!

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