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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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What would you recommend for a void-combat, naval marines astartes force during the horus heresy? Im asking about units, armour, equipment, etc. In particular the XIIIth legion.

Forget the XIIIth. How about you just go with Delvarus and the Triari from the XIIth? They're supposed to be some of the best at shipboard combat. A bunch of breachers just looking for someone to hold them close.


Just think about it; chainaxes, Mk III armour, breacher shields and more blood than you can shake a stick at!





(seemed fitting :P)

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What would you recommend for a void-combat, naval marines astartes force during the horus heresy? Im asking about units, armour, equipment, etc. In particular the XIIIth legion.


Breacher units, possibly with flamers, and cataphractii terminators; power axes, flamers (heavy & otherwise), box dreads & contemptors flavoured to taste. Lots of Mk III plate, too.

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What would you recommend for a void-combat, naval marines astartes force during the horus heresy? Im asking about units, armour, equipment, etc. In particular the XIIIth legion.


Breacher units, possibly with flamers, and cataphractii terminators; power axes, flamers (heavy & otherwise), box dreads & contemptors flavoured to taste. Lots of Mk III plate, too.


This - also a couple of Rapier platforms. They could lock down sections with their laser destroyers or blast through with graviton beams (fluff wise the Ultramarines used them to defend a ship in Vengeful Spirit and turned some Justaerin to jelly).

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Hello all,


This very thread decided me to create an account. It was very needed indeed as every person I know who wishes to start a legion doesn't seem to be able to decide which one to start.


So here it goes.


I decided last year to start an Emperor Children Army cause I liked the fluff coming from the Book Fulgrim.

I like the tragic destiny of the loyalists EC, how foolish and noble it was for Saul to get down there to die with his men. But let's face it, they were doomed from the start and so will a loyalist EC list.

I mean, if I don't take shriekers because loyalists clearly shouldn't, I have only Palatine blades at my disposal and not much legion rules to go with.


I painted a few models then stopped, wondering.


So here are the units I want to play. Please tell me which Legion seems to fit them best:


Javelin Speeders

Outrider bikes




Sicaran Venator


I also have a weakness for the Caestus but I think I'll get it for my Blood Angels.


Thanks for your help.



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Those units could fit with any Legion, so do think carefully. 'Measure twice, cut once', and all that. If you've been put off the Emperor's Children because of rules (rather than modelling and background), then consider a few 'counts-as' units.


If you still decide you definitely want to swap, then the obvious answer is White Scars. Almost all the units you've listed above are iconic for the V Legion.


Alternatively, Blood Angels or Sons of Horus might be fun for you to try.

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Forget the XIIIth. How about you just go with Delvarus and the Triari from the XIIth? They're supposed to be some of the best at shipboard combat. A bunch of breachers just looking for someone to hold them close.


Just think about it; chainaxes, Mk III armour, breacher shields and more blood than you can shake a stick at!



Dude, think about chainaxes, Mk III armour, and Breacher shields on a far more disciplined and dangerous force. Think about those Chainaxes marked with the heraldry of Ultramar inscribed in relief on the flat of the blade in gold. Think about the Mk III Warplate, rendered the color of a Macraggian sky, Romanesque inscriptions and frescos wrought in marble on shoulders and chestplates,  red inverse crests upon the Sergeants and deep red cloaks threaded with gold, their appearance noble and terrifying in equal measure. Ordered, controlled, restrained; The savages of the once-noble XII may conquer their foes, but the Soldier-Diplomats of the Ulramarines conquer sectors. Then make them their own, in their image.


I see your "Butcher's Nails" , sir, and I raise you "Discipline and perfect control" in response. 

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Dude, think about chainaxes, Mk III armour, and Breacher shields on a far more disciplined and dangerous force. Think about those Chainaxes marked with the heraldry of Ultramar inscribed in relief on the flat of the blade in gold. Think about the Mk III Warplate, rendered the color of a Macraggian sky, Romanesque inscriptions and frescos wrought in marble on shoulders and chestplates,  red inverse crests upon the Sergeants and deep red cloaks threaded with gold, their appearance noble and terrifying in equal measure. Ordered, controlled, restrained; The savages of the once-noble XIII may conquer their foes, but the Soldier-Diplomats of the Ulramarines conquer sectors. Then make them their own, in their image.


I see your "Butcher's Nails" , sir, and I raise you "Discipline and perfect control" in response. 



Possibly even darkly rumored to be the remnants of a long-lost Legion that may or may not have been folded into the XIIIth, for reasons? It's been hinted at before, but I don't think anyone has ever based a force off this angle. At least, no one doing a heresy army log that I've lurked over :lol:

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Or, just leave it as is. Just because they fight behind shields with chainaxe in hand, doesn't mean they are any more monstrous than any other breacher/assault unit amongst the Legions.


"Civilize the mind, but make savage the body".

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Forget the XIIIth. How about you just go with Delvarus and the Triari from the XIIth? They're supposed to be some of the best at shipboard combat. A bunch of breachers just looking for someone to hold them close.


Just think about it; chainaxes, Mk III armour, breacher shields and more blood than you can shake a stick at!



Dude, think about chainaxes, Mk III armour, and Breacher shields on a far more disciplined and dangerous force. Think about those Chainaxes marked with the heraldry of Ultramar inscribed in relief on the flat of the blade in gold. Think about the Mk III Warplate, rendered the color of a Macraggian sky, Romanesque inscriptions and frescos wrought in marble on shoulders and chestplates,  red inverse crests upon the Sergeants and deep red cloaks threaded with gold, their appearance noble and terrifying in equal measure. Ordered, controlled, restrained; The savages of the once-noble XII may conquer their foes, but the Soldier-Diplomats of the Ulramarines conquer sectors. Then make them their own, in their image.


I see your "Butcher's Nails" , sir, and I raise you "Discipline and perfect control" in response. 


Oh my. That was almost arousing. 

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Those units could fit with any Legion, so do think carefully. 'Measure twice, cut once', and all that. If you've been put off the Emperor's Children because of rules (rather than modelling and background), then consider a few 'counts-as' units.


If you still decide you definitely want to swap, then the obvious answer is White Scars. Almost all the units you've listed above are iconic for the V Legion.


Alternatively, Blood Angels or Sons of Horus might be fun for you to try.


Thank you for your insight, Apologist.

I only have a few miniatures painted that can be repainted so no problem switching Legion.

I'd rather have a Legion from the first three books as I own them and rules are out. So White Scar doesn't fit that plus, I don't want an all bike army. I already have a RavenWing so I'd rather do something else.


Blood Angels, I will definitely do when their book and rules are out.


So, I was thinking, what I need is a Legion that emphasizes on fast units and on stealthy ones.


So I though maybe Raven Guard or Alpha Legion. I'd rather do Raven Guard as I like the paint scheme better.

I guess it would fit actually. Seems clearer now that I like the Raven Guard a lot.


Do you think FW will make a proper upgrade pack (instead of the old ones) and the special units?


Sons of Horus, I like the paint scheme à lot but the rules don't appeal to me and seem redundant with rules special characters already bring. 

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I want to include a Recon and Seeker Squad into my Death Guard. As one does not really picture this legion utilizing these bad boys (at least, I don't think most people do), could I get away with saying that my part of the XIV was on assignment with Night Lords or someone else stealthy for a few decades and they kind of rubbed off? Would this seem plausible?


I've got fluffy block and I hate it!

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Well, BL recently released a short story / Audiobook about a squad of Imperial Fists recon marines so I'd say you would be pretty justified in fielding them without having to jump through any perceived fluff hoops.


No army worth its salt wouldn't employ scouts of some kind or assassins to target the head/brain of the enemy. The Death Guard are no exception no matter their combat preferences.

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Well, BL recently released a short story / Audiobook about a squad of Imperial Fists recon marines so I'd say you would be pretty justified in fielding them without having to jump through any perceived fluff hoops.


No army worth its salt wouldn't employ scouts of some kind or assassins to target the head/brain of the enemy. The Death Guard are no exception no matter their combat preferences.

This is exactly what I was thinking! I thought, for some ungodly known reason, that I'd have to mix-and-match legions. You've vindicated my original plan. Huzzah!

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I need sold a traitor legion. I am a hobby butterfly, so open to most things. Word Bearers, Death Guard, Emperor's Children and Night Lords are all collected atm in my area, so I'd be interested in something different, unless there is a really cool theme that catches my fancy. Hit me!

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I dunno, if I could find a good theme I'd think about them. Not so keen on the descriptions of them in Thousand Sons though, where they are described as being poorer in combat than other astartes as they rely so heavily on psychics.

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I dunno, if I could find a good theme I'd think about them. Not so keen on the descriptions of them in Thousand Sons though, where they are described as being poorer in combat than other astartes as they rely so heavily on psychics.

Yeah, but, when you can fire MIND BULLETS at people, you are less limited by your wargear. Also, psykers can enhance their physical attributes for short durations of time; during which they are more powerful than non-psyker marines.



Mind Bullets.


"Oh dang, I'm out of Bolt Shells? Time to kill them with My Mind!"

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Its a Salvo 3/6 gun that has an S value equal to the targets Leadership.


Its also technically not a gun, iirc, with its little fluff blurb. More like a psychic pendant.

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Its a Salvo 3/6 gun that has an S value equal to the targets Leadership.


Its also technically not a gun, iirc, with its little fluff blurb. More like a psychic pendant.

Now that's interesting, and pretty brutal against marines. Has it got an AP value?

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