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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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It's only AP3 unfortunately sad.png And the S value is 10 but compared to their LD value as if it were their toughness. So 3+ to wound vs LD9 etc

AP3 is still pretty good going if you can get the 6 shots off though.

What other Legions/lists would people recommend??

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I don't want to derail this post by what I'm about to say but, if it happens, so be it.


I've been on these forums for all of 2-3 weeks and I have to say that I am very gracious for all the support that everyone gives. I was beginning to doubt my own hobby for various reasons (health notwithstanding) and y'all proverbially brought me in, stood me at attention, and gave me the pep-talk every Drill Instructor invariably gives to a fledgling recruit (trust me, I know).


The hobby has been one of the only things that's been keeping me going this past year. My wife would attest to this, as well. Sometimes people need some purchase in life that won't corrode away. Y'all have been the "good soil" this plant has needed and I thank all you for that.


Anyway, continue on with fluffy business and getting people their correct legions. If this isn't appropriate for this, or any, forum, feel free to delete it.

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I was wondering if I could get some opinions on whether dark reaper or thunderhawk blue would look good as a Alpha Legion scheme. I know they can use various colours so I was thinking of using one of those two colours as the primary scheme with bright silver trimming and hydra marking and the ocassional neon green chained alpha legion symbol.

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I need sold a traitor legion. I am a hobby butterfly, so open to most things. Word Bearers, Death Guard, Emperor's Children and Night Lords are all collected atm in my area, so I'd be interested in something different, unless there is a really cool theme that catches my fancy. Hit me!

What other Legions/lists would people recommend??


Well, what you've got left are the World Eaters, Sons of Horus, Iron Warriors, and Alpha Legion. Or the out-of-left-field traitor force from a loyalist legion that sympathized with Horus and deserted their own legion (or any other potentially awesome fluff reasoning you can come up with).


Of the above main traitor legions, the AL have probably the strongest set of tabletop legion-wide rules, while the other three are considered to be a little weak. The IW, SoH and WE partially make up for it with cool unique units though, such as Tyrant Terminators, Reavers and Red Butchers (respectively). 


Does the rules, fluff or aesthetic of the models stand out to you for any of these? That might help a bit to narrow it down when you're considering which to pick.

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I don't want to do a traitor loyalist faction, so that's out. I do like the idea of a WE jump pack formation or horde army, but that's a lot of white to paint. I'm not too fussed about the rules for the legion and their strength, as its not a competitive scene atm. I'm less keen on Petulant-robo as a primarch, but otherwise I'm equally a fan of the models and fluff for the others.

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Well, what colors do you like to paint, or are comfortable with? Jump-packs and hordes can technically be done with any Legion. A Death Guard assault company would be interesting to see. I'm imagining bulky jump-packs belching billowing, black clouds.

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Well, then what about the Death Guard assault company? Sure, they're technically white, but they're supposed to be uneven and dirty, so you don't have to even try for the even coat.


I think it'd be a cool force to see, actually.

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I don't want to do a traitor loyalist faction, so that's out. I do like the idea of a WE jump pack formation or horde army, but that's a lot of white to paint. I'm not too fussed about the rules for the legion and their strength, as its not a competitive scene atm. I'm less keen on Petulant-robo as a primarch, but otherwise I'm equally a fan of the models and fluff for the others.


If you're not so keen on the white you could for try a similar style Sons of Horus Reaver assault force? Easy with a black undercoat, lots of remaining black surfaces and gold trim. Only obstacle would be working out a sea-green mix that you like, I guess. Or you could work out a more personalized scheme, but that goes for any legion really. 

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Well, then what about the Death Guard assault company? Sure, they're technically white, but they're supposed to be uneven and dirty, so you don't have to even try for the even coat.


I think it'd be a cool force to see, actually.

Someone already has the Death Guard, so I'd rather avoid them. It does sound like a cool theme for a DG army, outside the box of their usual tactics.


Dusk Raiders?




And remember, FW has alt paint schemes in their books which gives you the freedom to paint them however you want.

I'll take a look into the alternative schemes, if there is one that only has a couple of bits of white then I might do it. I'm not too keen on the Dusk Raiders scheme as I'd like to run them in full traitor mode heresy era with their primarchs, and to me Dusk Raiders suggest the loyalist elements that have escaped the traitor legions at this time. It is a cool scheme though. :)


Warhounds! Most of the scheme is blue with a few hints of white (the pauldrons, backpack, etc) and you can do a horde or jump pack army.

Again the Warhounds make me think of the loyalist elements of the World Eaters or a pre-Angron force, which I don't really want to do.



I don't want to do a traitor loyalist faction, so that's out. I do like the idea of a WE jump pack formation or horde army, but that's a lot of white to paint. I'm not too fussed about the rules for the legion and their strength, as its not a competitive scene atm. I'm less keen on Petulant-robo as a primarch, but otherwise I'm equally a fan of the models and fluff for the others.


If you're not so keen on the white you could for try a similar style Sons of Horus Reaver assault force? Easy with a black undercoat, lots of remaining black surfaces and gold trim. Only obstacle would be working out a sea-green mix that you like, I guess. Or you could work out a more personalized scheme, but that goes for any legion really. 


I hadn't thought about using this idea with the SoH. It sounds interesting, maybe lots of jump troops and Horus and deep striking terminators in support? I might see if I can run up a list I like for this.


Thank you all for the replies :D , sorry I'm being so fussy!

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As a devoted World Eater, I can tell you that painting an even white with no airbrush is very much possible and achievable on infantry models...


Achieving that same white on vehicles with lots of flat surfaces, that is a matter entirely different. 

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The Sons of Horus idea is one of my projects to do aswell - they were originally going to be my Legion of choice until I figured out I couldn't get a nice sea green that I liked (shame I was a bit of a tit and had already ran out of bought Abaddon + Loken and the SoSh dreadnought... Then Horus... But that's for the fiancé as she can do it justice!)

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Space Wolves, Sons of Horus, Ultramarines, or Alpha Legion?

Well, I'm not looking for loyalists, so SW and UM are out. SoH seem to be in the lead for ideas so far, although I need to find a good list. Thinking Jump pack reavers with Angel's Wrath or Black reaving RoW or maybe a fully terminator force led by Horus using either Pride of the Legion or Orbital Assault. The rules for AL seem cool, but I can't find a list I like for them


As a devoted World Eater, I can tell you that painting an even white with no airbrush is very much possible and achievable on infantry models...


Achieving that same white on vehicles with lots of flat surfaces, that is a matter entirely different. 

How much time does it take? Fairly quick or is it time consuming?

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I thought KBA was asking for himself?


You could do black SoH if you didnt want the Sea Green. Ive been tempted to do a SoH Reaver Warband for a while.

No that I reread it you might be right!


I'm not fussed by the sea green, the only things I'm wary of are white and yellow, as they are really hard to do consistently well.

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