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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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I thought KBA was asking for himself?


You could do black SoH if you didnt want the Sea Green. Ive been tempted to do a SoH Reaver Warband for a while.




SoH are tempting because of the fluff flexibility. Initially going with a shattered legion/Titan legion allies army forced me to do fluff acrobatics that eventually got tiresome the more Forge World/Black Library released that would contradict things I was writing. Painting Sea Green is also probably my favorite color of the Heresy legions. Emperor's Children come close, but aren't really my thing. Ultramarines I could probably cross off due to liking SoH more at this point, but Space Wolves pose a real possibility for me. But honestly thinking about doing Space Wolves at this point leads to the following:


My advice for new Heresy players: do NOT pick a legion that hasn't been touched on by Forge World yet, unfortunately. Your fluff toes will be trampled.

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How bout we stop it with making our guys switch forces so much





It's hard enough to keep KBA thehydra, bloodbath, depthcharge etc etc to stay on track



Ima have to hurt someone if they change armies again :D

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Ima have to hurt someone if they change armies again biggrin.png

I consider it more of an expansion than abandonment. Legend has it elements of the Raven Guard and the Sons of Horus were the best of friends... ;)

This is going to be fun.

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Ima have to hurt someone if they change armies again biggrin.png

I consider it more of an expansion than abandonment. Legend has it elements of the Raven Guard and the Sons of Horus were the best of friends... msn-wink.gif

This is going to be fun.

They were before Corax came along :P Hence why Corax put his Legion through the blender...

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Ima have to hurt someone if they change armies again biggrin.png

I consider it more of an expansion than abandonment. Legend has it elements of the Raven Guard and the Sons of Horus were the best of friends... msn-wink.gif

This is going to be fun.

They were before Corax came along tongue.png Hence why Corax put his Legion through the blender...

Oops, he missed a spot.. devil.gif

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Ima have to hurt someone if they change armies again biggrin.png

I consider it more of an expansion than abandonment. Legend has it elements of the Raven Guard and the Sons of Horus were the best of friends... msn-wink.gif

This is going to be fun.

They were before Corax came along tongue.png Hence why Corax put his Legion through the blender...

Oops, he missed a spot.. devil.gif

Technically it was Horus. Corax even refused at first, until Russ stepped in to convince him. The Terrans there were volunteers. I'm sure Horus rather regrets that later.

He did a lot better during his second Legion purge, though.

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Quick one for all you guys who have built Cataphractii terminators...


With the poses/builds being somewhat limited, how do you mix it up to keep each squad looking original rather than just clones?

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Quick one for all you guys who have built Cataphractii terminators...


With the poses/builds being somewhat limited, how do you mix it up to keep each squad looking original rather than just clones?

I find that hard with the standard Bolter marines too - they all end up looking similar. If they did some left handed guys id be much happier.

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Quick one for all you guys who have built Cataphractii terminators...


With the poses/builds being somewhat limited, how do you mix it up to keep each squad looking original rather than just clones?

I had to get creative with arm poses and directional facing... Ill upload some pictures of my attempts when I get to my computer!


Edit: Scratch that, I only started getting creative with my Tartaros terminators since I build them after my Cataphractii :x

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I thought KBA was asking for himself?


You could do black SoH if you didnt want the Sea Green. Ive been tempted to do a SoH Reaver Warband for a while.

No that I reread it you might be right!


I'm not fussed by the sea green, the only things I'm wary of are white and yellow, as they are really hard to do consistently well.



IWe spend small fortunes on the hobby all of the time. One investment that I made relatively early on was an airbrush, and I still haven't graduated to a brand name airbrush! I have gotten amazing results with the FW yellow scheme and I can say that my yellow has remained consistent from batch to batch/month to month, so successful that I have vowed to repaint any model that I painted not using the recipe. I say jump in head first and go after the army that you want to play, even Imperial Fists were decked in black at the start of the crusade!

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 I have gotten amazing results with the FW yellow scheme

Do forge world publish documents on how to paint each of the legions in their style?


I remember seeing a pdf for all the book 1 legions but not any of the others...

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I have gotten amazing results with the FW yellow scheme


Do forge world publish documents on how to paint each of the legions in their style?


I remember seeing a pdf for all the book 1 legions but not any of the others...

If you email them they'll tell you the recipes. And they're better than the pdf because they'll tell you any paints they used that aren't GW ones.

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As a fan of the heresy I really want to start my Traitorous Iron Warriors Force but I've found myself in a bit of a dilemma. sad.png

I've never personally wanted to try and recreate any of the forces found in the Horus Heresy Novels as I have this need to be "original", however I also have the conflicting need of wanting to play/create a in depth themed company. I've managed to write very small pieces of fluff for my future battalion, designed a few of my own mkIII helmet stripe designs and created some names for my characters.

However I've reached a stage where I have few ideas left, still don't have a theme/setting for my force and don't know what units to get/what method of warfare they will use (I even went so far as to create a graph of all the legion methods of war laid out in the HH books and see if there were any interesting combos but none felt IW enough).

I hope I don't sound too OCD biggrin.png and I would welcome anyone's past experience, tips or suggestions on how to create a unique theme.

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When I can't think of a theme for anything (usually writing projects but, hey, it's all the same), I'll write down differing aspects and roll the dice. For example, take settings. Write down a few settings (Jungle, Desert, Snow, Acidic Plains of the Fifth Hell) and then randomly pick one. Use dice. I guarantee you have some handy msn-wink.gif. Number those settings between two and sixty-six and have a go. Do that for each aspect of your theme and you'll have it down in no time.

Another tip for theme would be to write what is called a "voice journal." Let your characters tell you what's happening. It may sound completely batty but, I swear to the Emperor, it works. Alright, how you do this is simple. Get a notepad, computer, typewriter, etc and continuously write for five to ten minutes. Don't do anything else but write (it's tough, but keep at it!). At the very best you'll have a theme, names, dates, etc and at worst you'll have some nice fluff or filler for later use.

You don't sound OCD. I've named all my Death Guard characters, including Sergeants, using what little canon names there are and my own naming conventions. It took days! That's what we, the truly immersed, will do for our armies. I've yet to see a "game" (well, besides Dungeons and Dragons) take on such realism as this one does- in any of its flavours.

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When I can't think of a theme for anything (usually writing projects but, hey, it's all the same), I'll write down differing aspects and roll the dice.

Thanks, hopefully i might create something that actually works biggrin.png (I'll use it for anything and everything I guess)

Another tip for theme would be to write what is called a "voice journal." Let your characters tell you what's happening.

This sounds like a good idea and one that I will have to try, 10 minute slots should be enough to get creative whilst not getting bored.

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You can also easily throw your own ideas into an existing structure! It really helps to establish some "where and what" sometimes, and you can always branch off from there. I fesesl like this is what a lot of Conquest is for, to help alleviate some world-building work and give you a structure to write your stuff into at the outset of the Heresy. Just combining Iron Warriors and the book IV campaign alone there are tons of options from a few minutes of brainstorming here:


An IW company seconded to a SoH/DG strike force enforcing dark compliances? Basically consultants for when a PDF manages to lock themselves somewhere tight and threaten the momentum of the compliances? Phosphex and bunker-busting aplenty for making sure no one survives. Murderous assault forces influenced by the time they spend around the XIVth and/or XVIIth? Or maybe not even involved with the compliance, Horus just thought having some of Perturabo's expertise around would help break strong points like Manachea?


Or a Paramar loyalist situation where an IW company feels bound to fulfill an old oath on a planet they helped bring to compliance in the Crusade? Or the opposite, they're there for the traitors because they set up some of the defences on a world or string of worlds. What kind of defences? Maybe you run a lot of fliers and have to brave the anti-air network you helped build? As Mehman suggested, where did they like to operate? Extreme environments? "Well the rest of this planet was easy to bring to compliance but now they're holed up in this toxic volcano fortress and the nearest Death Guard or Salamanders fleets are years away, so we better bring in our own XXIXth Grand Company for this one"


Thinking outside just Book IV's setting... Maybe they end up seconded to some Word Bearers in the shadow crusade, or the Dark Mechanicum to bring a forge world or important resource world to the rebels' cause. Maybe those things happen after their involvement in the Coronid Deeps. History-building helps a lot, and thinking of who your force is interacting with and why can go a long way too. It can also double-edge sword you and make you buy more figures for that ally force that grows into a 4000 point army some day... so look out for that :P


tl;dr who what when why how. answer all those W's a few different ways and see what sticks or connects

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Greets, bear with me while my slightly addled brain attempts to describe my situation and request for assistance.

I have not played since 2nd edition and am seriously considering learning to play 30K/40K once i have armies built for them. That being said, the army I am trying to start will primarily be a painting project for the short term future at least.

I had conceived in my mind a themed based army based around the Rhinegold Saga. Vikings hunting dwarves for gold (only in space). A combined force of early Crusade Space Wolves and Night Lords sent coreward to hunt missing STC's from abhuman colonies was the basic idea for the story behind the army. See, I have always loved Space Wolves and have always painted them. I've given away several armies over the years and I just feel comfortable with them. However, I wanted another color to add something to the army. I chose Night Lords as they are/were night fighters and specialized in underground (asteroid/deep space colony) fighting. They are non-scoring units in my army by the rules.

I took the advice of this thread and knocked around a couple of test mini's I thought would add flavor to my army (and that I would enjoy painting).

BA - still non-scoring, but who wouldn't love the idea of werewolves and vampires in the same army? smile.png

IF - Scoring! I see them as the Teutonic Knights of 40K which would make the the younger (grown up?) brothers of the Space Wolves (kinda). Void warfare experts, so an easy replacement for the NL in my storyline.

As I have never played here is my issue. I anticipate using 2-3 assault squads and a Termie squad of allies. How big of a deal is the fact that they are non-scoring? I also expect the army to be infantry heavy if that makes any difference at all.

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You can also easily throw your own ideas into an existing structure! It really helps to establish some "where and what" sometimes, and you can always branch off from there. I fesesl like this is what a lot of Conquest is for, to help alleviate some world-building work and give you a structure to write your stuff into at the outset of the Heresy. Just combining Iron Warriors and the book IV campaign alone there are tons of options from a few minutes of brainstorming here:

I don't actually own Book IV but I think I will be able to do a bit of brainstorming to come up with a theme and a setting for my legion.

Thinking outside just Book IV's setting... Maybe they end up seconded to some Word Bearers in the shadow crusade, or the Dark Mechanicum to bring a forge world or important resource world to the rebels' cause. Maybe those things happen after their involvement in the Coronid Deeps. History-building helps a lot, and thinking of who your force is interacting with and why can go a long way too. It can also double-edge sword you and make you buy more figures for that ally force that grows into a 4000 point army some day... so look out for that tongue.png

Seconding them to a different legion sounds like an idea that has potential, the problem is that I don't have much of a budget and so I'm not sure I want to be lured into collection another legion as of yet.

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Whats up 30kers its threee daaaaaaawg!!!!! I mean that one marshal.(sorry, I've been playing to much Fallout 3 recently). So I've basically started horus heresy but before I can make any buys I gotta figure my poison legion. When I went into the heresy I knew that I was playing imperial fists for the black templars except that all changed when I actually looked at all the cool stuff that the heresy has to offer. Every single legion has appealed to me in some way or form. Since the heresy is pretty expensive I've got to get it right the ifrst time unlike some of you on this board (you know who you are laugh.png). To solve this problem my ingenious brain decided to use the process of elimination. In total I elimnated three chapterssad.png the blood angels, space wolves, and the dark angels. Not a lot as you can see lol. So I turn to the board members of the B&C how did you guys find your right legion. At the moment I like the idea of a mass of marines coming at you with tank support rolling with them and having things like terminators or elite squads jumping down and killing important targets. PLZ help me I'm a wreck and this question is surprisingly very difficult its like choosing a new army.

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