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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Excellent, this could be fun.... Maybe I'll get a few assault squads and a tac squad to tide me over until the release comes hopefully next year.


I have 2 squads of 5 Cataphracts, 1 Squad of 5 Tartaros and 1 squad of 5 converted Justaerin, then 3 Cataphracts. 1 Cataphract Praetor, 1 Tartaros Chaplain. 1 Squad of Recon marines, 1 Fire Raptor, 1 Sicaran and 1Spartan still to work on.


Btw can cataphractii and Tartaros terminators take cyclone launchers??


I keep hearing of Moritats and consuls etc... Will have to investigate, are they like 40K Lone Wolves types?

Consuls are Basically better Company Captains. They can be Librarians, Primus Medicaes, Vigilators, Chaplains, etc. Moritat being one of the subtypes.


For a quick n' dirty lowdown on whats what, 1d4chan (prepare youself...) has an article on 30k: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Space_Marine_Legion_List_%2830k%29#HQ Its actually a pretty decent ressource/reference if you can get past the Internet Speak and stuff.

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Thank you Fire Golem, I like the sound of a Moritat.... Definitely a man marked for death :)


And thanks to the folks in this subforum for being for being so helpful too.


I think I'll need to start up a WIP thread here sometime soon :) Almost none of my stuff is finished yet.

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Aye Moritat's are the lone wolf type. They were introduced to the Legions by the Raven Guard, I imagine they could fill a background role similar to the lone wolf, although he is armed with 2 pistols, he can take a CCW if you wish (although he limited I think in what ones he can take).
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dantay_xv, magnets is your friend smile.png

Since we dont know what the wolves can have yet just magnetise the weapon options and go for the standard legion options for now. Then it doesn't matter what FW throws at us later. This is the strategy I have for my force. I also can use them in normal 40K-games just by switching some weapons.

It also saves my wallet some hurt smile.png

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Thanks guys

Its not so much a new project, but a conglomeration of projects started but never completed hahaha...

Well here is my opening gambit at a WIP for my 30K Space Wolves... Hopefully the wall of text & pictures doesn't put you off


Sometimes I am not the best at expressing myself smile.png

Slipstreams, thanks for the tip on the video!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys so sorry for creating the argument back there. Also I just looked at the first page of the thread and that helped alot and some of stuff said in the last page. I limited myself to 4 legions now. Wooh! Big step up I suppose. The idea of picking legion not on their sterotypical apperarance is a foreign concept that I'm struggling with when picking my legion. Its hard to go from 40k where you can ask yourself the question like my favorite color is white and I love bikes, oh white scars would be wonderful for me. I guess that not around in 30k. So the 5 legions limited myself to are: Sons of Horus, Night Lords, Death Guard, and Imperial Fists,.Heres why I love the legions:

1. Imperial Fists: This was the legion I was originally going to play though instead I was going to do a scouring themed black templar force. I actually decided to read the imperial fists heresy fluff and they are actually really cool. They are the stoic crusaders of humanity who like to build stuff. I was originally against them because I felt they werent gritty enough and then I watched the movie Saving Private Ryan and my opinion changed. I think I can make them gritty. msn-wink.gif Also I thought Yellow was going to be a pain but then I saw a nice way to paint yellow so the paint is a problem. Also sigismund and polux are pretty cool. I love sieges in general and hey these guys have it. They also have templar brethern who sound like a lot of fun. Though I dont know if they are boring to play.

2. Night Lords: Nah Nah Nah BATMAN! No but seriously I love batman and well these guys are batman marines mixed with the sadisticy of joker.Love the Blue paint and lightning. When the new chaos space marine book came out a couple of years ago I was originally going to use night lords except the book was a gigantic fail. I love their guerilla warfare attitude and the idea of an army of psychospaths sounds fun. Sevater sounds pretty cool from what I've read. I'm currently reading the night lords triliogy by ADB and so far they have kicked ass. Then they scurry awaylaugh.png . Legion rules sound decent.

3. Sons of Horus: This is the only legion that I have read about in the horus heresy novels and so far they are pretty cool. Their character are very cool and models look very characterful and have spikes. They have this crimnal feel about them and dont care much for honour which is cool. That green is really what I like though I have no idea how I while paint them. Looking at the forgeworld recipe gives me a headache. Thats all I have to say about that really. Actually truth be told after writing this I dont really have want thembiggrin.png .

4. Death Guard: The have this certain characteristic that I like about them. They remind me of ww1 space marine espically with the helmets they have. I've been reading a bit about them and I like the remorsless nature of them is cool and mortarion and his terminators give me this cool feel. I hate nurgel though so I dont really now what I would do later in the heresy. I do have to say after watching saving private ryan I love flamers now and these guys have it.

So those are the armies that I like. A little bit of info about me in terms of video games. In world of warcraft I played a paladin, rogue, and death knight. In elder scrolls games I either play the sneaky assassin or a knight maniac with either a two handed weapon or sword and shield. In strategy games I tend to be very aggresive and I tend to favor infantry over tanks. I always try to equip my forces the best I can. I will try to be as aggresive as I can but sometimes I end up in a position were I'm defednign a point for most of the game. In shooters I tend to favorite medium distance to close distance weaponary. The most interesting wars to me are mid-late ww2, western front ww1, and the crusades/ dark ages. I love knights, the common joe, tanks, and artillery. In real life I'm a perfectionist which makes art and painting a pain for me. I tend to be stubborn as well. Whenever I have to be a leader I'm more of a lead by example kind of guy. I'm not one for tons of attention though I don't mind it. I can become jealous of other easily. It takes a lot for me to dislike someone and I have an extremely thick skin. I tend to be optimistic and try to encourage others. That's some things about me. If there's a legion I'm missing point it out please.

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A shame you don't want Sons of Horus. If you want well equipped marines, look no further than the Warmaster's own. They'd be the first to play with lots of fancy toys. How important is winning to you? From my (limited) knowledge of the heresy rule set, IF and IH are the legions with the two strongest sets of rules, and the others range from quite to not overly competitive. If you want to win at all costs, I'd suggest Imperial Fists, although from what I've seen most heresy players play due to their love of the lore as opposed to the will to trash all comers by T2.


Another point in favour of SoH is their rarity. I can't think of many SoH plots kicking about BnC. That said, if you really don't want to do them, don't let me talk you into it. You don't want your army to sit unused and unloved because you dislike paining sea green.


Hope some of his is useful.



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You could always build a Reaver strike force if you want Sons of Horus! Maloghurst leading reaver squads and veteran tactical squads is one of the things I would eventually like to do. Soon as he gets a mini lol!
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The FW Sons scheme is something of a nightmare; I've only seen one person online who really went about the right way, emptying all four bottles of paint that it calls for into one larger container, and then taking smaller amounts from that to thin down and shoot through an airbrush. If you do a bit of Googling, you can find quite a few different recipes out there. However, you don't have to paint them sea green if you really like the idea of the XVI Legion. You could do the white of the Luna Wolves or the grey of their Unification scheme.


Or even better, come up with an alternate paint scheme entirely. Create your own back story to make up an entirely new paint scheme, like the Justaerin terminators or the Catulan Reaver squads. The Cthonians had a great number of warring tribes, and it wouldn't be much of a stretch at all to take a Company number of your choosing and come up with a paint scheme that carried their tribal traditions, colors, war paint, etc over to their transformation into Legionnaires.

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Before I send myself further down the road to madness, what are your opinions on the following...


1. Mixed amour squads - I love the idea of having a force dominated by 1 type of armour, however in reality, everyone starts to look the same. Do you guys mix and match?


2. Purity seals - Yay or nay? I know technically they had "Oaths of Moment" fastened to their armour, I just never see any used when I check your work out - I like them because A, they add a bit extra to a paint scheme, and B, they hide a multitude of sins with resin casting...


3. Final one I promise, how does an all Cataphractii force sound to you guys? I bought some last month and damn I'm in love...

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Before I send myself further down the road to madness, what are your opinions on the following...


1. Mixed armor squads - I had the same idea, and as much as I love me some MkIII armor, it just wasn't in me to have a force with every suit of armor the same. Sure, you could do little things to differentiate them a wee bit, but it would be a lot of work if you have a large number of the same armor mark. 


2. Purity seals - I'd say go for it, whether for character or hiding flaws. There was no storied 10,000 year history for these guys to live up to because they were the ones making the legends and Oaths of Moment were every bit as important to the 30k Legions as Purity Seals to the 40k Chapters.


3. All Cats - Sounds expensive, but awesome. Since I don't play the game, I can't give you advice on how such a force would perform on the table top, but if you don't mind the price tag and you really want to do it, why not?

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Before I send myself further down the road to madness, what are your opinions on the following...


1. Mixed amour squads - I love the idea of having a force dominated by 1 type of armour, however in reality, everyone starts to look the same. Do you guys mix and match?


2. Purity seals - Yay or nay? I know technically they had "Oaths of Moment" fastened to their armour, I just never see any used when I check your work out - I like them because A, they add a bit extra to a paint scheme, and B, they hide a multitude of sins with resin casting...


3. Final one I promise, how does an all Cataphractii force sound to you guys? I bought some last month and damn I'm in love...



With the armour thing, you could have squads with marks of armour for different roles - e.g for units that tend to move swiftly / need increased dexterity (e.g seekers, recon, assault, etc.) go for MK IV; for heavier frontline troops (e.g breachers, veterans, tacticals) stick with MK III, and use MK II for support units. Plus of course you can mix in odd pieces from different Mks for a bit of flavour.


With the oaths of moment, you could try and make them look more like those featured on the WBs:


So they're pinned on, rather than sealed with wax

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ThatOneMarshal: I'm on a Night Lord kick at the moment, trying Lightening and Terror markings is cool. Sons are cool too, I was having success with Sotek Green, washed with Drakenoff. Bizarrely it goes green. Just needed to figure out the highlight, and work out a better way to shade it as the green was a bit light for me.


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My SoH green was grey highlighted with a lighter grey... Dawn stone and Administratum grey? Something like that, and then washed with Coelia Greenshade. It's fairly easy and looks like a pretty good match to the colour plates in betrayal in my opinion. Photo isn't the best:


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I've hit that wall again where I was dead set on ultramarines, wrote fluff for them, ordered some models and the symbols but now I'm doubting my choice again. Ultramarines seem like the easy way out cause they are blue and it's easy to paint, but I'm not sure that's what I want any more.

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WoT:  What has you self doubting and mind changing?  Are there models you like, fluff you are waiting on, something you've seen painted and like or .. has something else caught your eye?  For me, the contemptor model, legion command/specials and any terminator unit will sway it one way or the other as to whether I will appreciate them in 30k more.


Thatonemarshall:  I dislike the SoH except that green looks wonderfully smart (see above).  Their fluff and Warmaster is not for me, but their Reaver squad and legion command models look awesome.  If there was reason (and free money LOL) just to model those with their contemptor alone, I'd do it.  But I love the DG fluff and models, so decided on them early on easily enough, even though I am a loyalist fan and (with the fluffnannies that have heard it all before) find it hard to see them with life post-Isstvan III.  My biggest concern now with them is that the rules for the newer legions always seem better than those gone by.  As I have a hankering for shields and high toughness (DG really missed out on that one despite their fluff), and Polux is a great model, I find myself drawn heavily to very dirtily painted IFists with the Stone Gauntlet RoW and Polux at its head.  What I've been thinking to do, as my DG is already planned out for the most part, is to just model up a small ZM contingent of Fists.


Perhaps doing the opposite with the Fists and DG would be a good place to start?  You love flamers and DG do them flamers well, this would be a great little force for ZM games, while you work on your Fists (which are a better choice if wanting their use in 40k).


Just my pennies :D

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I've hit that wall again where I was dead set on ultramarines, wrote fluff for them, ordered some models and the symbols but now I'm doubting my choice again. Ultramarines seem like the easy way out cause they are blue and it's easy to paint, but I'm not sure that's what I want any more.

Write down the names of the legions you want to do on strips of paper. Put them in a box. Pick randomly.


If you pick and you immediately feel disappointed, discard. Repeat until a choice is made (you arent disappointed by the choice). If this doesn't work, first random selection is your final choice and stick with it. :p

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WoT: What has you self doubting and mind changing? Are there models you like, fluff you are waiting on, something you've seen painted and like or .. has something else caught your eye? For me, the contemptor model, legion command/specials and any terminator unit will sway it one way or the other as to whether I will appreciate them in 30k more.

Thatonemarshall: I dislike the SoH except that green looks wonderfully smart (see above). Their fluff and Warmaster is not for me, but their Reaver squad and legion command models look awesome. If there was reason (and free money LOL) just to model those with their contemptor alone, I'd do it. But I love the DG fluff and models, so decided on them early on easily enough, even though I am a loyalist fan and (with the fluffnannies that have heard it all before) find it hard to see them with life post-Isstvan III. My biggest concern now with them is that the rules for the newer legions always seem better than those gone by. As I have a hankering for shields and high toughness (DG really missed out on that one despite their fluff), and Polux is a great model, I find myself drawn heavily to very dirtily painted IFists with the Stone Gauntlet RoW and Polux at its head. What I've been thinking to do, as my DG is already planned out for the most part, is to just model up a small ZM contingent of Fists.

Perhaps doing the opposite with the Fists and DG would be a good place to start? You love flamers and DG do them flamers well, this would be a great little force for ZM games, while you work on your Fists (which are a better choice if wanting their use in 40k).

Just my pennies biggrin.png

It was something someone said previously about not going for the easy option and pushing yourself. I don't think I'm challenging myself with doing Ultramarines, it's the safe option because blue is the easiest colour for me to paint but I don't particularly connect with them. I just read through Know No Fear again to help inspire me, and whilst it was well written I'm just not drawn to them. I think I may of got caught up with the new images of the ultramarine upgrades kits and the idea of doing a future chapter in their heresy origins but I don't think it's enough. I have the front cover from Sedition's Gate as my wallpaper and it keeps making me think.

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Go watch the Ultramarines animation film, that may make it worse, or if you feel for the IF's then you know what to do.  In honesty, I read someones battle reports ages back of their Ultramarines and just the battle reports alone had me interested.  Maybe wait for all the releases for them before you make a final decision?


If you think the blue isn't pushing you - try a different painting style, try to make it a very dirty blue or an 'NMM' blue, or a blue with a different tint like a painted on sunset hue as if they were on a horizon, lighter blue, darker blue, or with a shade of something different.  There's a lot of excellently 'dirty' painted 30k marines like the Death Guard and Imperial Fists upon this forum, a lot indeed, it makes them look so much more engaging than the UM clean blue of the 40kbox covers which has probably bored many players to tears over the decades.

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Go watch the Ultramarines animation film, that may make it worse, or if you feel for the IF's then you know what to do.  In honesty, I read someones battle reports ages back of their Ultramarines and just the battle reports alone had me interested.  Maybe wait for all the releases for them before you make a final decision?


If you think the blue isn't pushing you - try a different painting style, try to make it a very dirty blue or an 'NMM' blue, or a blue with a different tint like a painted on sunset hue as if they were on a horizon, lighter blue, darker blue, or with a shade of something different.  There's a lot of excellently 'dirty' painted 30k marines like the Death Guard and Imperial Fists upon this forum, a lot indeed, it makes them look so much more engaging than the UM clean blue of the 40kbox covers which has probably bored many players to tears over the decades.

I'm not saying I'm a great painter, I'm just really judgemental when it comes to my own painting and I like them to be clean, I figured going forthe easy option of ultramarines would be a good thing as it would relax my anxiety, but that comment is making me reconsider, perhaps Fists or perhaps Alpha Legion or even Blood Angels. The new painting guide for the blood angels out of the white dwarf really makes the steps clear.

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Hey guys and gals so I finally have gotten down to two legions: the Night Lords and the Imperial Fists. Funny enough I need to figure this out soon because its stopping me from playing Morrowind. I was either going to play a stealth character or a knight and then I realised that these were my two favorite legions. Truthfully I have no idea which one I like the uniqueness of the night lords from my other armies though I dont know if the army will be too similar to my blood angels. They have elite squads supported by jump troops. Painting wise both offer fun paint schemes for me. Ruleswise I have no idea if the night lords rules are good. Fluffwise I love the night lords way of warfare and the fact they are all psychopaths who fight for themselves and dont normally care for honor. For the imperial fists I like all aspects and I love their teutonic knight look. 

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