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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Stat wise maybe but not in cool factor tongue.png

Subjective! :p

  • The Black Sword - A paragon blade of unknown provenance which took the shape of an ancient two-handed blade of lustreless black metal, the Black Sword was able to cut through stone and metal without effort or mar to the blade. In the hands of a warrior such as Sigismund, the Black Sword was deadly beyond belief, and alien warlords and mighty warriors without number fell before it.

Dunno bout you but I prefer a unique weapon such as this than the rather common chainglaives :p

...but back to helping peeps.

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I want to make a horus heresy kill team that I can eventually expand into a small army, so far my choices lie on my top 2 legions: Calth Ultramarines or Loyalist Iron Warriors.


Any suggestions?


Also, as far as I am aware there are no kill team rules for 30k, right?

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I want to make a horus heresy kill team that I can eventually expand into a small army, so far my choices lie on my top 2 legions: Calth Ultramarines or Loyalist Iron Warriors.


Any suggestions?


Also, as far as I am aware there are no kill team rules for 30k, right?


The Victory is Vengeance campaign rules from HH3: Extermination are kind of kill-teamish. Otherwise there's Zone Mortalis for small points games.


Both your Legion options are pretty solid... It would be awesome to see a kill team of underground warfare rad-fighting smurfs. A tunnel-digging Iron Warriors Destroyer insertion team makes just as much sense... honestly you can get away with anything with a kill team and it will end up being really cool. From a tabletop perspective, homebrew kill-team style scenarios could actually make use of the IW's wrecker bonus too, which would be nice. We don't have any UM rules/models yet but that shouldn't necessarily stop you, although they are coming out very soon so it might be worth waiting to see. Is there a scheme you'd prefer to paint, or do you have ideas of what kind of force you'd like to build up into that might influence your decision? When you're trying to do something else but you end up daydreaming about your potential army, which one of these enters your mind first? 

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I want to make a horus heresy kill team that I can eventually expand into a small army, so far my choices lie on my top 2 legions: Calth Ultramarines or Loyalist Iron Warriors.


Any suggestions?


Also, as far as I am aware there are no kill team rules for 30k, right?


The Victory is Vengeance campaign rules from HH3: Extermination are kind of kill-teamish. Otherwise there's Zone Mortalis for small points games.


Both your Legion options are pretty solid... It would be awesome to see a kill team of underground warfare rad-fighting smurfs. A tunnel-digging Iron Warriors Destroyer insertion team makes just as much sense... honestly you can get away with anything with a kill team and it will end up being really cool. From a tabletop perspective, homebrew kill-team style scenarios could actually make use of the IW's wrecker bonus too, which would be nice. We don't have any UM rules/models yet but that shouldn't necessarily stop you, although they are coming out very soon so it might be worth waiting to see. Is there a scheme you'd prefer to paint, or do you have ideas of what kind of force you'd like to build up into that might influence your decision? When you're trying to do something else but you end up daydreaming about your potential army, which one of these enters your mind first? 


I enjoy painting both and have experience both with cobalt blue and metallics, so thats not a big problem. 


Personally when it comes to armies I like no-nonsens armies, focused on assault and close range fire fights, mostly foot slogging with artillery support. Basically mobs of infatry marching relentlessly into enemy fire, armed to the teeth with bolters, chain blades and flamers (oh god, the flamers! :D ). I do indeed prefer practicality over aesthetics and all in all I like the idea of my armies being a marriage between barbarian brutality and civilized organisation.

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That sounds like Iron Warriors are pretty much perfect. :)


Too bad they dont have any upgrades yet :ermm: But the Death Guard upgrades seem to work great on them as well.

Yeah it is a bit of a shame. You can still make a start, I'm sure they won't be too long away, and like you say some other parts make okay stand ins. I prefer the DG Contemptor as an IW one, to the actual IW one for example. I just wouldn't make your own Havocs or Tyrants, personally at least, until you've seen the official ones. I'd hate to spend that money and time, and when the proper ones are released really like them and have to spend it again haha.

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That sounds like Iron Warriors are pretty much perfect. smile.png

Too bad they dont have any upgrades yet ermm.gif But the Death Guard upgrades seem to work great on them as well.

Yeah it is a bit of a shame. You can still make a start, I'm sure they won't be too long away, and like you say some other parts make okay stand ins. I prefer the DG Contemptor as an IW one, to the actual IW one for example. I just wouldn't make your own Havocs or Tyrants, personally at least, until you've seen the official ones. I'd hate to spend that money and time, and when the proper ones are released really like them and have to spend it again haha.

I actually like them both. Ive seen some great paintjobs done on the Iron Warrior contemptor. The Iron Hand special units are great too, although personally I might go more for mk II and IV, rather than 3, except for specialized units.

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So like many others I am having difficulty deciding on a Legion to pick, I decide on one only to change it a day later. I prefer to model over the gaming so I am not too worried about which is the strongest and so on, all fluff and coolness first. Now some Legions just do not interest me at all, so I can wipe them off the list pretty quickly. Iron Hands, Salamanders, Word bearers, Blood Angels, Emperors Children and Dark Angels.


Currently I am quite focused on the Raven Guard, Night Lords, Alpha Legion and the World Eaters. These four legions strike me as the fast, aggressive and hard hitting forces (I guess you could say all legions are hard hitting). I only have small plans for now, not even creating an actual list but just collecting some models, making each legionnaire feel like their own persona if I can and then paint them to the best of my ability.


Now where I need advice on is this; I want to ideally make a more guerrilla style fighting force, mechanized, jump packs, small infantry squads. Fast and Light I guess is what I am after. What Legion's fluff and doctrines would suit my ideas and play style best?





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Well, all of them! But even more specifically, the four you've listed all had a penchant for forces and styles like you are mentioning. A ny of those would fit the bill nicely I think, so it will have to come down to fluff.


As far as force org, it sounds like you have a nice idea to use the new Delegatus consul, or possibly no Rite of War at all, which is totally viable.

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@Millicant and Slipstreams Thanks for the answers, after looking at the Delegatus I am becoming very pulled towards Raven Guard, a veteran strike team of sorts. I hope I can contribute to that thread i the future :)

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So i've been looking into 30k for a while, and have narrowed down my choice to either Ravenguard of Alpha Legion. I personally like Corax more than any other primarch (and the RG special units are nice), but the AL rules are nice and the models look far better than what has been released for the RG. Writing this out I kinda guess I have already made the choice to build my first chaos army...
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@shandwen Do you like anything else about the legion besides the primarch and special units? Also from my understanding aren't raven guard supposed to be pretty good rules wise? Fluff wise you're kinda boxed in. Alphas allow you more variation and with the right ROW you can choose a raven guard unit. At the end of the day do you want James Bond marines with complicated plots? Or do you want the covert black ops marines who just happen to have a Native American vibe? Though if your like me you get tired painting black all the time then alphas might look good.

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One name:



Two words: Night lords



Funny story I was originally going to pick imperial fists but then I saw the cover of prince of crows and then a picture from the chaos space marines book. I started rereading the night lords omnibus, looked at the murders call thread(great stuff) and now here I am. I'm sorry imperial fists your rules maybe great but you just don't have that cool factor I get from night lords. Also I can't represent night lords using chaos space marine very well. So where do I start with them? Flints already helping me with some fluff questions as of right now but is their any units night lords were partial to using? Also I now techincally play chaos space marines in case no one wants the legions. Also anyone know any good heresy night lord books?

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One name:



Two words: Night lords



Funny story I was originally going to pick imperial fists but then I saw the cover of prince of crows and then a picture from the chaos space marines book. I started rereading the night lords omnibus, looked at the murders call thread(great stuff) and now here I am. I'm sorry imperial fists your rules maybe great but you just don't have that cool factor I get from night lords. Also I can't represent night lords using chaos space marine very well. So where do I start with them? Flints already helping me with some fluff questions as of right now but is their any units night lords were partial to using? Also I now techincally play chaos space marines in case no one wants the legions. Also anyone know any good heresy night lord books?



I mean, you can deploy anything in the name of terror tactics. Tanks covered in torn-out spinal cords? Drop-pods with lovingly-painted murals of Night Lords flaying their victims? Storm Eagles not even adorned with anything, just sleek silhouettes in the night inspiring fear by their screaming engines in the dark? Massed terminators displaying the skinned faces of the last enemy they fought? If 1 in 5 Solar Auxilia troopers uncontrollably messes himself in the presence of one or more of your units you've done something right, whatever it was.


For the tabletop, it'll depend on if you want to make use of your legion RoW, the Terror Assault... because then you'll have to build more around the 3 Terror Squad requirement and you'll probably want to hit hard and fast to exploit your night-time bonuses with the rite. You could definitely wait on this and ease yourself into 30k with a more normal list, maybe without any RoW.


Book-wise, if you can find the old Lord of the Night novel, it's pretty decent. You'll also probably want to find the short story Savage Weapons (not NL perspective but cool) and maybe the audio drama The Long Night for some insight into Sevatar's character and what he's up to post-Prince of Crows

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