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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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So I decided to read both sections in the extermination book, and I think I definitely have my heart set on the Alpha Legion.

After seeing a few painted on this forum using Sotek Green (mainly Excessus') I think I'm going to ditch the grey idea and go for that scheme. 

It's payday next tuesday too, so I might splash out and buy myself a cheap airbrush setup to see if I'm any good with one!

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I came, I read, I decided...

And then I changed my mind several times over. I would like to build a breacher based EC force with some Phoenix guard and some of the Blades too. Maybe I'll wait until the 30k games workshop plastics rumours distill a little though.

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Hello brothers and sisters,
I finally decided on a HH legion. I've been laying plans how to create the army. I'm slowly buying resin models and legion-specific bitz.
... and I've lost my momentum.  
I haven't been gaming. GW & FW are coming out with new shiny toys luring me with other army ideas.
Not that I'd get to build them either at this point.
...oh god I'm so depressed. And then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.


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Hello brothers and sisters,


I finally decided on a HH legion. I've been laying plans how to create the army. I'm slowly buying resin models and legion-specific bitz.


... and I've lost my momentum.  


I haven't been gaming. GW & FW are coming out with new shiny toys luring me with other army ideas.

Not that I'd get to build them either at this point.


...oh god I'm so depressed. And then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.



Hello Marvin.


Now I have seen the new Admech stuff by GW I am tempted to mix and match those to a 30k Mechanicum list. Ahhhhh the struggles of sticking with a decision!  

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Back when HH1: Betrayal arrived, I was fading out of 40K. The Mechanicum caught my interest.
Bought a few FW models. Collected mechanicum-styled bitz and shoulder pads. Even considered doing a cybernetic-SM legion/cohort.
Read some HH novels, swayed between doing Dark Angel & Night Lord legions. Who doesn't like Sevetar?
Then by HH3: Extermination, fell for Phall with the Imperial Fists. Loved the Polux model, bought two.
Was thinking of doing a pre-Crimson Fist styled 405th Company for Polux. Yellow with the red fist symbol.
Bought £1000+ of resin,  Mk II armours, IF torsos and pads, etc...
Been thinking lately more of painting metallic golds and silvers... than heard about possible new HH plastics ... and mechanicum/skitarii/etc...


I ask myself, "Why should I do an established legion?" I answer, "Because they ARE the fluff of the HH, that's why!"


Yet, I'm resisting. Otherwise I'd have built something with all this stuff by now.

Am I suffering from "modeler's block"? "OCD procrastination"? Maybe I need some time off.


I'm just not sure.

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I could never decide on a singular legion, i'm one of those 'I like em all for whatever reason types' and 'dislike em all for whatever reason types' 


*huks into a spitoon* -DING-


Based on previous stereotyping and mainly 40k views I leaned heavily toward the Black Templars first simply because,


1) They had more numbers (like the most Space marines under one chapter name)

2:)we're a crusading force and could have an awesome number of ships at their disposal

and finally 3, bore the templar cross on some cool looking armor. 


Now reading into the 30k time setting it seems everything I thought I knew about legions being full of astartee drones, confined to the mental practice of war and war alone is not true. Most of the legionaries were born from very human emotions, feeling of loyalty Honour, trust and fealty to want to excel and be an inspiration to one another. 


Certain legions I found to personify these values were your typical almost 'by the book' in terms of martial honor and pride legionaries, such as The ultras, Imperial fists, Lunar wolves, Emperors Children, Blood Angels and so forth. I never had any scope to view any other legion as forthcoming in terms of martial pride and ability, just a very specific tailored force designed to appeal to a player who could only reflect their ways of warfare on one aspect and fluff they deemed appropriate.


Now after reading the 30k Novels I lean very heavy to legions I previously had no interest in, legions such as the world eaters, who although appear to play the biggest game of 'strike down the men who would not kill you if they had to' actually have good military bearings and stratagems inherited from their days without their primarch preset, same can be said of all legions, although they had their gene sires genes in them they were still primarily individuals who were able to reflect and think about their actions, and even disagree with various aspects of how their legions fought and sought out to try and alter thing's for whatever reason.


This is reflected in how all legions generally started of the same, created the same, aspirants chosen the same, tactics trained in the same way, Loyalty and fealty to their commanders and rigid structure bread into all (some willing accepting some naturally rebellious but still compliant) 


As a whole now that we are seeing an ease into more realistic and structured fluff we are able to reflect a better picture onto the forces we chose to create as we know that a legion may of been stereotyped for whatever reason but over all their principles have always remained the same, be in engagement of an enemy forces via close combat or ranged preferences either of which have much more potential than just what they are labelled as.


Close combat -riskier in certain circumstances but teaches an individual how to better adapt and survive in close quarter combat sceanrios, also gains a legion a fierce reputation, although casualties are usually higher, allows a legion to spread fear via its very reputation for being up close and in your face warriors, allows other legions to think your only specialty is for close combat then WHAM, you have them as even stereotyping can be used as a weapon, a enemy believes you only have one viable method of combat so prepares how best to defeat it, quick to forget that these warriors are all round soldiers and masters in broad variety of combat scenarios. 


Overall what i'm getting at is i'd trust any legionary individual to be able to perform any role with good to great efficiency, If I was a guardsman I'd be just as scared of a Alpha legionary coming at me with a chain sword as I would be a Space Wolf coming at me with a chainsword. Or if I was caught in an Ambush by Imperial fists i'd be just as terrified as though caught in an ambush by raven guard units.


Just because one legion is commanded to play to what it knows best doesn't mean it knows nothing of anything else.


When I believed being the toughest was all that mattered I found myself leaning towards Death Guard for their all round apparently higher than normal durability, but was left realizing that  there was more to them than foot sloggers, they were space boarding engagement specialists, resilient defenders of battered less than stalwart defenses,  covert and more than close combat capable units who could get the drop on almost any force. 



Overall I'm very colorful with the fluff i assign to specific chapters within the pre heresy legions, having certain chapters that represent the certain specialties the legions as a whole had come to be represented as. I'll have my Salamanders sporting specialist infiltration chapters, close combat chapters, both generic and veteran, whilst adopting the ethos of all forces are equally trained until a specific approach is needed. It's the only thing that allows me to find purpose for all Astarte legions as being equal yet totally different. 


So i can see why it may be especially hard for people to pick any given chapter with all the subtle yet fun changes that are currently taking place. 


My personal opinion is pick a legion because you love them, they are your brothers and represent the spirit you would wish to carry forth into the universe don't worry about being branded a 'siege specialist' because you wear the Color of Iron, don't think you must be a homicidal maniac with a lust for blood because you are a night lord fan, you are an astartee but your a human fist and you will bring what you do best to any legion and it will be you that molds it! 

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You could maybe do Polux in gold armour or get some mech allies? Rogal Dorn's armour is always described as gold, so no reason why Polux's can't be similar.


True, the Great Crusade lasted quite a while. Styles may have dropped in and out of use during those years.


Or paint the Fists in their Unification scheme. That rocks. 


This was one of my earlier ideas too. There's nothing to say they didn't use splashes of colour to represent squad types or companies. Sort of a precursor to Guilliman's codex astartes company colours. Especially as the proto-legions started off small before they numbered in the hundreds of thousands.


Or paint them Veteran Black with Yellow as the Secondary Color.


Again, a great suggestion for variety in the big sea of yellow to come later.


I could never decide on a singular legion, i'm one of those 'I like em all for whatever reason types' and 'dislike em all for whatever reason types' 


[my edit] I agree wholeheartedly.  Much of what you posted has made me ponder seriously on how I intend to proceed.  [/edit]


So i can see why it may be especially hard for people to pick any given chapter with all the subtle yet fun changes that are currently taking place. 


My personal opinion is pick a legion because you love them, they are your brothers and represent the spirit you would wish to carry forth into the universe don't worry about being branded a 'siege specialist' because you wear the Color of Iron, don't think you must be a homicidal maniac with a lust for blood because you are a night lord fan, you are an astartee but your a human fist and you will bring what you do best to any legion and it will be you that molds it! 


I have been letting myself get caught up in the colours and stereotypes of the legions. Boxing myself in instead of stretching my mind with the fun of the experience.


I've been letting some of the fluff and expectations for a legion define what I plan to do with it. I am resisting doing what I think everyone expects rather than what I really want to see and do with them.


Thanks everyone. This was very, very helpful.


I'm not sure where I am going from here, but at least I intend to make it fun while I find out.

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Whats up 30kers its threee daaaaaaawg!!!!! I mean that one marshal.(sorry, I've been playing to much Fallout 3 recently). So I've basically started horus heresy but before I can make any buys I gotta figure my poison  legion. When I went into the heresy I knew that I was playing imperial  fists for the black templars except that all changed when I actually looked at all the cool stuff that the heresy has to offer. Every single legion has appealed to me in some way or form. Since the heresy is pretty expensive I've got to get it right the ifrst time unlike some of you on this board (you know who you are :lol:). To solve this problem my ingenious brain decided to use the process of elimination. In total I elimnated three chapters:(  the blood angels, space wolves, and the dark angels. Not a lot as you can see lol. So I turn to the board members of the B&C how did you guys find your right legion. At the moment I like the idea of a mass of marines coming at you with tank support rolling with them and having things like terminators or elite squads jumping down and killing important targets. PLZ help me I'm a wreck and this question is surprisingly very difficult its like choosing a new army.











The first legion fears no shameful plugging.

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Whats up 30kers its threee daaaaaaawg!!!!! I mean that one marshal.(sorry, I've been playing to much Fallout 3 recently). So I've basically started horus heresy but before I can make any buys I gotta figure my poison legion. When I went into the heresy I knew that I was playing imperial fists for the black templars except that all changed when I actually looked at all the cool stuff that the heresy has to offer. Every single legion has appealed to me in some way or form. Since the heresy is pretty expensive I've got to get it right the ifrst time unlike some of you on this board (you know who you are :lol:). To solve this problem my ingenious brain decided to use the process of elimination. In total I elimnated three chapters:( the blood angels, space wolves, and the dark angels. Not a lot as you can see lol. So I turn to the board members of the B&C how did you guys find your right legion. At the moment I like the idea of a mass of marines coming at you with tank support rolling with them and having things like terminators or elite squads jumping down and killing important targets. PLZ help me I'm a wreck and this question is surprisingly very difficult its like choosing a new army.











The first legion fears no shameful plugging.


Don't worry depthcharge the dark angels will have a place in my army... As CORPSES! Never forget Thramas! Also I already have to deal with black with my templars I would prefer not to deal with black again.It seems that one of your your catchpratti has forgotten their head.

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So I'm conflicted again. I've been dead set on Imperial Fists in the immediate aftermath of Terra aka midst of the Scouring, but now I'm reading Scars and the White Scars RULE. Like, what an incredibly characterful and interesting legion. With a nice color scheme too! But the deciding factor is probably if I can get an all-biker army in 30k without going unbound. Does anyone know of a battle-forged way of making such an army, because that might firmly swing me to the side of the White Scars. 

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So I'm conflicted again. I've been dead set on Imperial Fists in the immediate aftermath of Terra aka midst of the Scouring, but now I'm reading Scars and the White Scars RULE. Like, what an incredibly characterful and interesting legion. With a nice color scheme too! But the deciding factor is probably if I can get an all-biker army in 30k without going unbound. Does anyone know of a battle-forged way of making such an army, because that might firmly swing me to the side of the White Scars. 


As of right now there are no RoWs that let you do this... But when the White Scars do finally get rules in 2025 they'll almost definitely have a RoW that amends this. That being said, you can still make a massively bike-oriented army by loading your FA slots with up to some 30 bikers (jetbikes or outrider bikes, or some mix) and have two 10-man tac squads in Rhinos, plus a warlord + command squad all on bikes (for a total of 36 bikers, maybe like chaplains or primus medicaes on bikes could get you to 38).

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i'm not sure Tacticals in Rhinos can't work as bait/firebase supported by Sicarans and Scimitars/Outriders.


Rad Grenade Forge Lords on Bikes with Furious Charge lets you ID other marines on the charge with your basic stuff.


The problem with Biker armies is that short of command squads who suck for their cost if not on foot - things that thematically fit together with the exception of Sicarans or Fire Raptors all share the FA slot.


However that is where allied Maloghurst with Scoring Veterans in an Anvillus and a pair of Reaver JP Assault Squads make up the deal. Even as just a 'counts as' they are lethals.

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Just re-read the entry on rad grenades: they dont change the ID threshold of the model. So while they are t3 due to them theyre still only ID by s8+


Rad phage from rad missiles is permanent for the rest of the game so that does change the ID threshold.

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Just re-read the entry on rad grenades: they dont change the ID threshold of the model. So while they are t3 due to them theyre still only ID by s8+


Rad phage from rad missiles is permanent for the rest of the game so that does change the ID threshold.


Are you sure you didn't misread that? Looking in my copy of LA:CAL: "Rad Grenades: These are special grenades... blah blah blah -1T until end of assault phase. Note: This does affect the victims' instant death thresholds." The Barbaran Thurible relic explicitly states that it doesn't affect the ID threshold though. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone else have problems with sticking to their particular legion? I was watching the Two Towers again today and for some reason helms deep made me want imperial fists again. It's something about defending a fort against numerically superior forces that I love about them. How do you guys deal with that problem? I was thinking of buying a small imperial fists section and maybe ally them with my night lords, if the rules allow me to. I doubt they will though.
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Does anyone else have problems with sticking to their particular legion? I was watching the Two Towers again today and for some reason helms deep made me want imperial fists again. It's something about defending a fort against numerically superior forces that I love about them. How do you guys deal with that problem? I was thinking of buying a small imperial fists section and maybe ally them with my night lords, if the rules allow me to. I doubt they will though.


Almost every day, brother. That is why I have decided to work on a Mechanicum Taghmata Omnissiah list themed around the Ordo Reductor, at least until the next book comes out. This also opens up options for collecting smaller Legion forces as allies.


World eaters assault squads allied to an Order reductor force? Perfect for storming the breaches created by the Big Guns .

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Does anyone else have problems with sticking to their particular legion? I was watching the Two Towers again today and for some reason helms deep made me want imperial fists again. It's something about defending a fort against numerically superior forces that I love about them. How do you guys deal with that problem? I was thinking of buying a small imperial fists section and maybe ally them with my night lords, if the rules allow me to. I doubt they will though.

Remember, every Legion did every thing, at some point and in some way.


Do a siege-based Night Lords army. Or at least allow yourself to thematically field them as such whenever you want to tickle this new fancy.


Imagine the Night Lords under siege. Imagine defenders that are less concerned with their own morale as they are the morale of those who assault them. Imagine the enemy camp, recoiling as the bodies of the last team sent to attempt scaling the fortress walls are thrown upon them by makeshift trebuchet. Imagine the enemy army, breaching the gates, but finding no one to meet them. Squads and companies separate as they scan dark, desolate rooms and courtyards. Traveling the corridors, the faint sounds of screams, of panic, and the static responses of unanswered vox calls reaching them like whispers just over their shoulders.


For this is the VIII Legion. They do not meet the enemy at the walls. Far better for the enemy to be with them, inside the walls.

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