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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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It sounds like you want Emperor's Children models and paint, but Alpha Legion rules.

If your group is okay with you doing just that, why not? It isn't like you wouldn't have a lack of fluffy reasons.

I'm pretty sure Alpha Legion has disguised themselves as EC on occasion. Or maybe they're all already Alpha Legion, who knows....

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is a symphony. I was lost, contemplating three, possible four Legions. I love the Emperor's Children. They have been my first love since 4th Edition and my discovery of 40k. I really like the Word Bearers. The original evil that hurled the galaxy into 10,000 years of warfare. I feel for the IVth Legion. Forgotten and unappreciated. Betrayed and betrayed again. I absolutely love the Night Lords. I mean come on. Freakin' chain glaives. Chain. Glaives.


In the end, it always comes back to your first love, doesn't it? What could I see myself spending hundreds if not a couple of grand on? What colors do I find the most eye catching? What backstory/tragedy do I find the most appealing?


I've found my path again. Glory to the IIIrd. Glory to Fulgrim!

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I may have come to a conclusion of my own, though not as poetic as the above (traitorous filth notwithstanding) 

You see, I'm attracted to many forces of the 31st millennium; the dutiful, honourable, dedicated Ultramarines, the passion, refinement, the swordsmanship and hopelessness of those Emperor's Children still deserving of the name, the byzantine webs and unknowableness of the Alpha Legion, and the courage of mortal man in an age of gods and daemons made flesh within the Imperial Army, but my choice is all the simpler, and from another angle. 

Amidst my den of xeno scum, heretics, mutants and a few loyal sons of the Throne, there stands one eternal rival. In over 2 years of ceaseless war neither has gained the advantage; most battles end in bloody draw, and any victory of one is quickly cancelled out by a victory of the other. This foe is as heinous as he is perfidious and stubborn, and long since lost to the Emperor's light. 

And what colours does he wear, ask you? The hated dull metal of the Iron Warriors. While our war has thus been confined to the 41st millenium, I see no reason our rivalry might continue into an age of legend and darkness. While the intractable soldiers of the Imperial Guard have waged war against this foe in the twilight of the Imperium, it seems only fitting I take up the mantle of the IV's greatest rival, their most hated foe, a legion known both for its stubborn refusal to fall as its bright idealism, whose faith in the Imperium and the Emperor stands above all else. 

Glory to the VIIth, glory to the Imperium, and may I, through strength of arms and spirit drag the traitorous filth of the IVth into darkness and oblivion. 

(Non-flowery version, the very first person I played against in 40k, against whom I have drawn in all but two games, one he won, one I won [on the same day no less] has opted to expand his love of the Iron Warriors into 30k, to which I must respond. Also, yellow and black doesn't look half bad, much better than the yellow and red of the 40k Imperial Fists)

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I'm at a bit of a loss, brothers. 


I've always been a painter before gamer. The rules are important - but they are never important enough to make me choose one Legion before another. It's always boiled down to my ability to paint, to do the Legion of my choice justice. 


Here I am, about to finish my 4000+ points of World Eaters. When I finally finish, I want to build a force to stand against my Sons of Angron on the tabletop. With all the amazing Ultramarine kits that FW has released as of late and Tempest just around the corner (with rumors pointing toward the Shadow Crusade - the most fascinating part of the Horus Heresy, to me - being the subject of Book VI), I'm gravitating towards the Ultramarines. I've even painted several test models in the blue and gold. 


But I don't think my painting skills are doing the Ultramarines justice. I look at my test models, compare them to the ones showcased on FW's website, and find the scions of my brush wanting. I'm not getting the blue down right and it bothers the hell out of me. 


I need some inspiration/direction. 

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This is probably the wrong place to ask this, but does anyone know of any decent painting tutorials for the Sons of Horus? I've seen people paint them as plain grey or outright black, however I was under the impression the latter was contained to certain sections of the legion up until they became the Black Legion after the HH.

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Isinfier, there's someone on YouTube who has painting tutorials, I'm sure it's SoH but can't link atm. You might find them if you search for adding mud pigments to vehicles, or I can try to link later.


Relict, stick to them! Or re-ignite your thread and request constructive criticism after telling us what you think you're not acheiving with your painting.

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Isinfier, there's someone on YouTube who has painting tutorials, I'm sure it's SoH but can't link atm. You might find them if you search for adding mud pigments to vehicles, or I can try to link later.


Will do. Cheers. \o


EDIT: Just saw Forge World's painting guide. They seem to have the scheme I was angling for, so I'll use that.

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well, after much grappling, mind changing, confusion and actual research. I have decided on a legion.......



I am Alpharius.



there, I said it. I honestly think this is the best possible legion for someone with as much hobby ADD as I have. I love the metallic blue/green colors and will expirement with a metallic purple as well. 







so, when you feel that special despair setting in as the Hydra's coils are tightening around you and everything you love, you need only ask one question. who's side am I really on?



Hydra Dominatus,


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...just read through the whole 40 pages of this thread. Necessity to do pre-primarch forces increased by 600%. Necessity to imagine an alternate timeline where all the primarchs are murdered on their respective homeworlds increased by 250%.

Next time I buy marines they'll be painted in storm cloud grey, with the occasional red or yellow arm. Waiting for tomorrow's earliest pictures of the XIIIth original color scheme and nickname.

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@Relict: How about the Bearers of the Word? You said that Tempest excited you. The Word Bearers are featured quite prominently. You said that you found the Shadow Crusade the most fascinating part of the Heresy. Again, the Word Bearers define the Shadow Crusade, IMHO.

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I am seriously on the edge of trying to compile models for a small Zone Mortalis force.  I was thinking Blood Angels using Termies, Breachers, and Dreads...  Like I said, the army would be based only on fluff and Zone Mortalis games.  So no vehicles unless we go with jetbikes for voidborn/ship surface fights.  


I was also going to use either a Flesh Tearer or my own DIY "future successor" of the Blood Angels.  I mostly like the idea of a red with black and honestly, I think some nods towards Flesh Tearers using the saw-blade design on say the edging of a breacher shield or a termie shoulder pauldron would look the business.  Last of course, a chance to model Amit seems like a worthy enough reason to pursue a small, say 1000-1500 point force for ZM...



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I still think that 'strange' is the best answer here. Then again, I'm an odd dude, so take that as you will.


VI Legion Breachers, for example, could be a ton of fun. A Void Wolf army, Son of Fenris who revel in the weightless hell of void conflict.... I like the images that are coming to mind... Sons of the Rout, unhinged and unusual amongst the Vlka who must put roots into the ground when at war. Instead, these are Wolves who ply the emptiness of space, stalk their prey, and break their enemy craft like longships smashed against the rocks. Like the black pelted wolf at night, all know it is near, but one cannot see or strike it until it is upon your throat.


Gerwulf of Sjau, Hkka of Void-Wombs. *Spear-Wolves of Seventh, Murderer of Foe-Ships.*

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I still think that 'strange' is the best answer here. Then again, I'm an odd dude, so take that as you will.


VI Legion Breachers, for example, could be a ton of fun. A Void Wolf army, Son of Fenris who revel in the weightless hell of void conflict.... I like the images that are coming to mind... Sons of the Rout, unhinged and unusual amongst the Vlka who must put roots into the ground when at war. Instead, these are Wolves who ply the emptiness of space, stalk their prey, and break their enemy craft like longships smashed against the rocks. Like the black pelted wolf at night, all know it is near, but one cannot see or strike it until it is upon your throat.


Gerwulf of Sjau, Hkka of Void-Wombs. *Spear-Wolves of Seventh, Murderer of Foe-Ships.*

Could you make a post that amalgamates all your "You like Legion X but like Legion Y's Playstyle? Why not something like this..." Ideas? For inspiration purposes.


...I'm surprised your a Warsmith and not a Chap-...Nevermind.

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Could you make a post that amalgamates all your "You like Legion X but like Legion Y's Playstyle? Why not something like this..." Ideas? For inspiration purposes.




...I'm surprised your a Warsmith and not a Chap-...Nevermind.



Most of these ideas either come from the cuff, or from Hyena's Mighty Tome Of Semi-Failed Ideas TM . You want an Idea, I probably got at least a few, about every Legion, written in chicken scratch in this old coverless composition pad. Just Pm and ask anytime, folks; I love brainstorming cool ideas with folks who are stuck.  :D


And I'm building my first squad of Imperial Heralds, so I'd be cautious about that whole 'Chaplain' thing....  :P

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I still think that 'strange' is the best answer here. Then again, I'm an odd dude, so take that as you will.


VI Legion Breachers, for example, could be a ton of fun. A Void Wolf army, Son of Fenris who revel in the weightless hell of void conflict.... I like the images that are coming to mind... Sons of the Rout, unhinged and unusual amongst the Vlka who must put roots into the ground when at war. Instead, these are Wolves who ply the emptiness of space, stalk their prey, and break their enemy craft like longships smashed against the rocks. Like the black pelted wolf at night, all know it is near, but one cannot see or strike it until it is upon your throat.


Gerwulf of Sjau, Hkka of Void-Wombs. *Spear-Wolves of Seventh, Murderer of Foe-Ships.*

That is a very interesting idea, however, no wolves for me. But the imagery is cool.


I can understand what appeals to you,but remember, the Legions had elements of every type and were all capable of all types of warfare.


Obviously this whole idea is still being explored. Will see what develops!

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Need some advice. Im going to restart my heresy ultramarines and I like the story of the Novamarines so I will most likely be basing them around their own reknown heresy era battle, Battle for Astagar. Here is the info about the battle:


Corvo was a highly honoured Captain of the Ultramarines Legion who had led his company in countless successful engagements during the Great Crusade and served as one the Ultramarines' Champions during the vicious fighting against the apostate Word Bearer Legion on the planet Astagar during the Heresy. During this particularly brutal six-day-long battle, Corvo led a desperate counterattack against an enemy force many times his own unit's number. His chosen band managed to destroy a Traitor Warlord-class Battle Titan and break the siege.


Now my questions are as following: Considering that text I cant really figure out wether the Ultramarines of the pre-Novamarines is defending the besieged planet or if he is a leading a force from off world to break the siege, what do you think?


Also, Im considering to build (initially) a void warfare force, so basically zone mortalis and airborne infantry units. What units would best fit this fluff?

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I honestly think for void warfare, you cannot go wrong with breachers and termies. Dreads are also great loads of fun in ZM. Vets are nice with the large variety of equipment available to them as well!
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Isinfier, there's someone on YouTube who has painting tutorials, I'm sure it's SoH but can't link atm. You might find them if you search for adding mud pigments to vehicles, or I can try to link later.


Relict, stick to them! Or re-ignite your thread and request constructive criticism after telling us what you think you're not acheiving with your painting.



@Relict: How about the Bearers of the Word? You said that Tempest excited you. The Word Bearers are featured quite prominently. You said that you found the Shadow Crusade the most fascinating part of the Heresy. Again, the Word Bearers define the Shadow Crusade, IMHO.


I've been following this weekend's events in England closely and, screw it, I'm sticking with the XIII Legion and Mechanicum as my next army. 


My recent lapse in confidence is due to my inability/inexperience to get the Ultramarine blue (as it appears on FW's models) right. I emailed FW directly asking for a paint recipe. 


The XIII and XVII Legions are going to be getting a lot of new, exciting releases down the road. Hopefully my beloved XII Legion will be receiving some updates soon with the Shadow Crusade book as well. I have every confidence in doing the World Eaters justice, since I have already painted an entire army of them and know what works/don't work. 


My tentative plans:


(1) Finish my existing World Eaters army (just a few more vehicles to go - they are already vowed for ETL IV so I can't back out now).

(2) Buy Tempest and read it carefully. Figure out a tentative Ultramarines army list.

(3) Buy a few models (Contemptor, Destroyers, etc.) and really work on my Ultramarines paint scheme.

(4) Buy more models to flesh out the Ultramarines army as they are released. 

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