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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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For an airborne infantry army I would like to add some sort of flyer to transport the troops. Obviously FW has the Storm Eagle, which is awesome, but costs a kidney and a half. So Im sitting here wondering if there is any GW flyer that might be suitable as a count-as?


If not, is there any other suitable flyers in the heresy army lists?

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Like you I've been considering an airborne army for my night lords. And like you I don't feel like paying an arm and leg. The best I found is using a storm raven that's converted. They have a couple of good guides on the internet like this one from spiky bits http://www.spikeybitsblog.com/2013/07/play-30k-without-paying-30k-storm-eagle-conversion.html


I know it still costs a lot but it's still not as bad as the storm eagle. Also I heard it's easier to put together;).

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I still think that 'strange' is the best answer here. Then again, I'm an odd dude, so take that as you will.


VI Legion Breachers, for example, could be a ton of fun. A Void Wolf army, Son of Fenris who revel in the weightless hell of void conflict.... I like the images that are coming to mind... Sons of the Rout, unhinged and unusual amongst the Vlka who must put roots into the ground when at war. Instead, these are Wolves who ply the emptiness of space, stalk their prey, and break their enemy craft like longships smashed against the rocks. Like the black pelted wolf at night, all know it is near, but one cannot see or strike it until it is upon your throat.


Gerwulf of Sjau, Hkka of Void-Wombs. *Spear-Wolves of Seventh, Murderer of Foe-Ships.*


I really like this idea, maybe using a darker grey than I generally use for my Wolves... Whether I get my first vow done in time so I can make them for the ETL or just take my time over them we will see... I'll need to lay hands on the HH books when I get home to see what sort of weapons they can carry. 


Its certainly swaying me from the idea of a traditional shield wall type unit.....


For fun I got a squad of destoyers with the heavier armour so I could mix them through the breachers hopefully they will not look too puny

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Plasma is universal, but for a one-shot, I'd say either melta or grenade launcher (which allows you to choose frag or krak the turn you shoot).


I can't honestly tell you how many times a combi-melta has saved my butt.

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With the help of some of the prior advice this thread gave me, I have settled on a White Scars force. However, with that great dilemma past, I have also decided that I am waiting for a bike bundle/Rite of War ruleset for the White Scars from Forge World. So hopefully I'll see you in a year or two, heretics!

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Maybe some of you would be willing to help me with... choosing a second legion? :)


My Iron Hands force is almost ready, and I don't want to go with it beyond 3000pts, as I don't really like Apocalypse-sized games. I really like Raven Guard, and if not for the colour scheme, I'd probably go with RG. But since black is not an option, it has to be a different legion than RG and DA.


I was thinking Space Wolves - always loved the idea of Sagas, and the Legion overall, but I'd have to wait for the rules for them - don't know for how long.


Loyalist or Traitor - no matter. Any thoughts?

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Maybe some of you would be willing to help me with... choosing a second legion? smile.png

My Iron Hands force is almost ready, and I don't want to go with it beyond 3000pts, as I don't really like Apocalypse-sized games. I really like Raven Guard, and if not for the colour scheme, I'd probably go with RG. But since black is not an option, it has to be a different legion than RG and DA.

I was thinking Space Wolves - always loved the idea of Sagas, and the Legion overall, but I'd have to wait for the rules for them - don't know for how long.

Loyalist or Traitor - no matter. Any thoughts?

What about Emperor's Children? Can play as battle brothers for pre-Heresy fluff (although of limited actual utility in the game, it's still cool). Or you could potentially use the force vs the Iron Hands to demo Isstvan V and Heresy games to players who don't have 30k forces. Plus there's the cool Fulgrim/Manus locking base.

Otherwise, it sounds like Alan Bligh is pushing towards getting simple RoW/Legiones Astartes rules and Legion upgrade packs for every Legion by the end of the year so you may not actually have to wait long for those Wolves smile.png

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Maybe some of you would be willing to help me with... choosing a second legion? smile.png

My Iron Hands force is almost ready, and I don't want to go with it beyond 3000pts, as I don't really like Apocalypse-sized games. I really like Raven Guard, and if not for the colour scheme, I'd probably go with RG. But since black is not an option, it has to be a different legion than RG and DA.

I was thinking Space Wolves - always loved the idea of Sagas, and the Legion overall, but I'd have to wait for the rules for them - don't know for how long.

Loyalist or Traitor - no matter. Any thoughts?

What about Emperor's Children? Can play as battle brothers for pre-Heresy fluff (although of limited actual utility in the game, it's still cool). Or you could potentially use the force vs the Iron Hands to demo Isstvan V and Heresy games to players who don't have 30k forces. Plus there's the cool Fulgrim/Manus locking base.

Otherwise, it sounds like Alan Bligh is pushing towards getting simple RoW/Legiones Astartes rules and Legion upgrade packs for every Legion by the end of the year so you may not actually have to wait long for those Wolves smile.png

If it's really the end of the year, then no problem. That would give me time to save money and then buy a bundle or two of the stuff that I need.

EC... Now they ARE interesting, although I much more prefer the way they were before Heresy. I started 40k with a CSM force of Word Bearers, and remember the, forgive me, awful EC models with sonic weapons.

With Space Wolves the thing is, that FW is doing a great job reinventing colour schemes for the Legions. These might seem minor changes, but the devil is in the detail.

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Well, the III Legion models so far out are pretty light on the Chaosification side of things. You could very easily build them as a pre-Heresy force to ally your Iron Hands with, and still use them for Isstvan demos.
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You could also do some Shattered Legion sort of thing - mix some Iron Hands survivors with some loyalist ECs? Bound by anguish at the loss of their primarchs - one to madness, one to the perfidy of a brother, bound together by vengeance and loss if nothing else. Could be an interesting modelling experiment - muck up the ECs, weather them heavily, emphasize the on the run, no proper logistic train, worn down and exhausted aspect of them, which would also help identify them as loyalists. 

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Well, the III Legion models so far out are pretty light on the Chaosification side of things. You could very easily build them as a pre-Heresy force to ally your Iron Hands with, and still use them for Isstvan demos.

The thing is that FW will surely release new models and rules for tainted EC, like they do with Word Bearers, and doing a Loyalist force will limit my future choices. I really like pre-Heresy EC, not so much what they've become after.


Crunch-wise, I'm looking to do a list that's different from my slow, shooty Hands force. More close combat oriented (but not entirely), manouveralble. The Rout seems to fit the description, as well as Blood Angels and Scars, so I guess, I'd have to wait for a while. Do we know which of those three is the first in line to get a book from FW?

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Actually the Word Bearers haven't received any new rules or Chaos bits. So far they've just received rules for two new characters. So that eventually could be a very long way off.


And supposedly the Wolves will be first with the Battle of Prospero but the release schedule is anyone's guess since it is "release when complete" rather than "wait for the schedule".

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Actually the Word Bearers haven't received any new rules or Chaos bits. So far they've just received rules for two new characters. So that eventually could be a very long way off.

And supposedly the Wolves will be first with the Battle of Prospero but the release schedule is anyone's guess since it is "release when complete" rather than "wait for the schedule".

Well, the two characters are pretty chaosy, they also got the Mhara Gal which is a possessed dreadnought, and the Blade Slaves which are possessed so they have got new chaos stuff.

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Yeah, but the Blade Slaves will mostly be rolled up with the one character and the Mhara Gal and Hol Beloth are both extensions of the Gal Vorbak. And since all of the above roll back into the Gal Vorbak, it is more of an increased exposure to what is already there rather than something completely brand new.


In contrast, the Kakophoni are the introduction of something completely brand new in order to show the progression of Chaos within the Legion.

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Well, the III Legion models so far out are pretty light on the Chaosification side of things. You could very easily build them as a pre-Heresy force to ally your Iron Hands with, and still use them for Isstvan demos.

The thing is that FW will surely release new models and rules for tainted EC, like they do with Word Bearers, and doing a Loyalist force will limit my future choices. I really like pre-Heresy EC, not so much what they've become after.

Crunch-wise, I'm looking to do a list that's different from my slow, shooty Hands force. More close combat oriented (but not entirely), manouveralble. The Rout seems to fit the description, as well as Blood Angels and Scars, so I guess, I'd have to wait for a while. Do we know which of those three is the first in line to get a book from FW?

The Scars might be a good option - we've seen them fighting alongside the Iron Hands during the heresy, so there's already a precedent.

Plus having a colour-scheme of black & white tied together with a red spot colour would look censored.gif awesome, and if you deployed them together, the Head of the Gorgon RoW allowing your tanks to outflank would make the Xth just as mobile as the Scars, so they'd synergise pretty well as a force - rapid, light assault units from the Scars, and heavy endurance troops & firepower (all mechanised of course) from the IH's end.

I've long thought that the Xth and the Vth are a perfect match as allies - and looking totally rad together always helps :P

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Well, the III Legion models so far out are pretty light on the Chaosification side of things. You could very easily build them as a pre-Heresy force to ally your Iron Hands with, and still use them for Isstvan demos.

The thing is that FW will surely release new models and rules for tainted EC, like they do with Word Bearers, and doing a Loyalist force will limit my future choices. I really like pre-Heresy EC, not so much what they've become after.

Crunch-wise, I'm looking to do a list that's different from my slow, shooty Hands force. More close combat oriented (but not entirely), manouveralble. The Rout seems to fit the description, as well as Blood Angels and Scars, so I guess, I'd have to wait for a while. Do we know which of those three is the first in line to get a book from FW?

The Scars might be a good option - we've seen them fighting alongside the Iron Hands during the heresy, so there's already a precedent.

Plus having a colour-scheme of black & white tied together with a red spot colour would look censored.gif awesome, and if you deployed them together, the Head of the Gorgon RoW allowing your tanks to outflank would make the Xth just as mobile as the Scars, so they'd synergise pretty well as a force - rapid, light assault units from the Scars, and heavy endurance troops & firepower (all mechanised of course) from the IH's end.

I've long thought that the Xth and the Vth are a perfect match as allies - and looking totally rad together always helps tongue.png

Now that's something well worth considering - thanks!

Oh, and by the way, were Iron Hands (even if in insignificant numbers) present during the Siege of Terra?

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There hasn't been any official word about the IHs being present at Terra, but with a whole third of the Legion on separate deployment from the main fleet at Isstvan V, and with the fact Massacre says detachments of the Xth were used as heavy shock troops by other Imperial formations / Legions, you could easily justify the presence of a group of the Iron Tenth being at Terra by saying they were assigned to the Scars before the Heresy broke out. Or even that a group of shattered Legion IHs allied with a division of Scars during the Heresy & joined up with the Khan's fleet as he made a b-line for Terra.

You could even add the fact that the Scars' had quite a few internal conflicts during the Heresy to flesh out their relationship with their Iron Hands allies - maybe an Expeditionary fleet containing a White Scar's force with a division of Iron Hands got news of the Heresy - the WS commander sided with Horus, and launched an attack on the Hands, but one of his captains staged a coup, and slaughtered his commanding officers to save the Iron Hands?

You can do anything you want with them, so run with it thumbsup.gif

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I know this is gonna be totally cliche, but I really dig the Ultramarines. I think the way they're potrayed in Unremembered Empire is pretty rad and mark of calth was a great read. 


That said, my favorite characters are all traitors so I don't know how that is going to play out :P

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I'm running my Legion Centurion as someone else suggested (see below), however I'm not sold on the Thunder Hammer. Are there any alternatives which will prove to be just as/more effective?



Legion Centurion


[Artificer Armour, Bolter with only Banestrike Rounds, Refractor Field, Thunder Hammer]
---- Consul
------------ Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]

---------------- Rite of War: Pride of the Legion


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Nope - there were worries for a while because while the Iron Warriors and Imperial Army were getting a load of coverage, the Iron Tenth had seemingly dissapeared, but there were some Iron Hands in Tallarn: Ironclad, and Alan Bligh has confirmed an Iron Hands presence at the battle of Tallarn (as well as Dark Angels), as the scale of the conflict acted like a sinkhole, drawing in massive and myriad forces from both the Loyalist and Traitor sides.


So I'm still hopeful for a massive IH vs IW 'Tank Off' :P

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Ah don't worry Hyenidae, just wait till FW cover it - if there's anything that we've learnt from FW's handling of the Heresy's fluff so far, it's that we can pretty much trust them with anything

Tallarn will be real big (apparently they're holding back a number of Legion tank designs with Tallarn specifically in mind drool.gif )

The Iron Warriors'll be shelling stuff, the Iron Hands'll be zapping stuff (all in metal bawkses)


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